What difficulty does Yas Forums usually play their games on?

What difficulty does Yas Forums usually play their games on?

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sometimes harder difficulties for replays if i liked the game enough.

(Second) highest for most shooters, medium for genres I'm not too familiar with, at least for first playthroughs. I'll adjust if it's too easy or hard in a way that's unenjoyable (enemies becoming bulletsponges, 1-2 hit kills)

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Whatever it defaults to. I only increase the difficulty when I replay games and I rarely replay games.

Didn't this game get attacked by SJWs because two of the devs were based and redpilled?

Depends on the game. Anything from the PS3 era til now I automatically play on the highest difficulty, older games I'll usually play on the second highest.

Normal most of the time.

yeah but no one really gave a shit

Hard usually.

Usually Normal. If I'm mass clearing the backlog then I play on Easy or just watch it on youtube.
Hard and above is for games I replay and absolutely love, which are not many these days since I like to pick unplayed games.

When you have a gigantic almost impossible to finish backlog you want to do everything quick and easy.

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They got mad because a string of gibberish that was not viewable unless you got outside of the map had "fagbag" in it and a small bottle had OGAY on it.

>1st time
Always the normal/default difficulty. Even in a series I'm familiar with. Too many higher difficulties are botched by just slapping multipliers on enemies for me to do otherwise until I've beaten the game once.

Ultra Viscera, almost always.
I like being challenged bordering on unfairness by games. It's pretty hard to find a proper, strong, but fair challenge these days though.

Anything else is either
>le gamer
>pic related tryhard trying way too hard to be cool because I'm pro at games

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Used to play on hard but I got bored of lazdy devs just making everything a bullet-sponge and calling it "hard", more like tedious lmao

If you're not reloading constantly or slamming your head against the wall the difficulty is too low.

Usually I pick something harder than the mid-tier difficulty but not the hardest there is. If the game only has 3 difficulty levels like Easy/Normal/Hard I will probably go with Normal though. That being said Normal, especially in new games, is often very easy and lacks challenge which makes the game less fun.

Almost always the hard difficulty or second highest. I find most games are well balanced around this

If you're an adult, you strike off medium and easy without question.
Hard mode is always the best way to play, while the hardest mode comes off as too autistic to be any fun

Normal or higher if it makes the enemies smarter not just bullet sponges.

Normal for the first run and then hard for every other run

If it's easy/normal/hard I will generally go hard. If there are multiple "hard" difficulties I usually pick the one above normal or 2nd highest depending on the options.

God Ion Fury would be my favorite FPS if the shotgun viewmodel were better indicative of its length.
This. Especially
>while the hardest mode comes off as too autistic to be any fun

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The older I get the more I find myself gravitating towards the Easy difficulty.

That's some lame ass furniture

Which one, Yas Forums?

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>2 or 3 options
>4+ options
Second hardest
Prove that this isn't objectively the best way to play. Protip: you can't

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ultra-violence is fun, nightmare is not fun don't do that.

Nightmare has respawning enemies and everyone's fast

Hard. Only pussies play on normal and below.

I've just been wimping out on shooters lately and playing medium. I don't know why, it's not very fun.
Normally second-highest if there's more than three, or just highest. Not afraid to drop down if it becomes plainly obvious it's a "you need to know the game first" situation, that's what multiple playthroughs are for.

didnt the devs bend the knee and remove it?

the default
difficulties are an archaic remnant of the past, design your game properly and you won't need a difficulty setting

Hardest difficulty every time, except for a few games such as nier automata since very hard was simply a 1HKO mode



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UV. I was surprised to know that many people in the /vr/ Doom thread play on HMP.

>start with hard
>if it's severely hard then just adjust to next difficulty
Persona 3 was the most recent time I had to switch because I just wasn't having fun on hard

Normal, but if I like the game I play on hard.


>maximum fury
More like maximum cute!

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doesn't really matter as long as you have fun

pretty much always hard if it's available, lowering it if the difficulty balance is shit/not fun

More like maximum breedability.

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One below the hardest difficulty if the game isn't balanced around rpg like stats. I think a game should ideally have between four and five difficulty levels.

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usually normal on first playthroughs
I used to do hard but found normal to be better for the first time you play
there are exceptions, if it's a sequel and very similar in play to the previous then it's likely you'll want to set it to the highest you beat the previous game on, maybe minus one
sometimes with western AAA garbage I get the chance to play for free I set it to it's highest to see how it decides to try and do "difficulty" and I find the result to always be worth ragging on the game for, seriously holy shit why are they so bad at it god damn

Ultra Violence.

There is no reason to play Nightmare unless you're playing a speedster faggot rushing to the end of the level and like the occasional obstacle in the way.

Is this game worth 19 bucks? GoG has the game on sale right now.

It's a 10-hour campaign and it was probably the best of the "new boomer-shooter" games that came out recently

For damn sure. It's fantastic riffage on 90s video games and FPS. It was never destined to be phenomenal BECAUSE it's riffing, but it does it so well and so competently that it earns its spot among the best.

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Second Hardest. Too many times the hardest diffuculty just seems to be some shitty bullet sponge mode.

not him but is it more like doom or quake in terms of movement and aim?

If you've never played it, faster Doom movement. It doesn't really move or shoot like Quake.

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Whatever "the intended experience" is for a first playthrough. Hard on subsequent playthroughs. If I really liked the game enough to want to experience everything, I'll do one run of whatever the "extreme" difficulty is.

I played Amid Evil on medium and kind of regretted it, it was a little too easy.
Now i cant decide if i can be bothered to play it again on hard.

Iktf. Worst feeling.

For one, I don't play awful games like Ion Maiden

I love the aesthetic of blood, but all the hitscan enemies and weak bosses turn me off.

The hardest. Nothing else will satisfy my "Gamer's Pride".

second hardest if there's 4 or more difficulties, otherwise I usually go with hardest but depending on the game sometimes just normal.

I felt the same when I first played. In fact when I'm not playing Blood, I dread booting it up because of hitscan cultist fucks. But once I'm in? It hits a groove no other shooter can match. Swift momentum, that lovely TNT explosion sound, and corpses flying.

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