Why is Mexico such an underutilized setting for vidya?

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Most Americans only know about Northern Mexico, and it's uninteresting to them.

Waiting for a dark souls style game with an Aztec coat of paint

Because most people don't know enough about it to be interested. All they know is like machu picchu and lol human sacrifices

Mexico is such a bizarre country

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>machu picchu

Also Mexico City aka tnochtitlol is fucking disgusting

Either that or it's Cancun

It's the 3rd level of Mario Odyssey

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Think about their cultural mix. You have central, northern, and southern American cultures meeting in the middle to begin with. Then you have the Spanish coming over which is a blend of western European, northern African, and middle-eastern cultures. Then you throw all that in a blender and give it about 600 years.

fuck that boring shit.
Make a game about fighting drug war

Cartel of duty when.

bc from a gaming standpoint it's just Egyptian mixed with jungle, most people would rather have two distinct and different areas/levels than one mashed up

You would be surprised how many people don't know the difference between the Aztecs, Mayans, and Inca. Most people think they're all the same thing and in the same place.

Already exists. Call of Juarez: The Cartel.

Because all the best stuff from "mexico" is just aztec shit which might as well just be a separate setting entirely.

I need an Aztec deity warrior game

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Mexico has castles

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that shit is used in fate go

there's no mexico setting, just 2 characters

>that shit is used in fate go

Nobody cares about gacha games

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It would be amazing

I'd love a game centered around Pancho Villa. There's so much cool shit about Mexico besides "DUDE CARTELS LMAO" which have been pushed nonstop due to the success of Breaking Bad and Trump-era politics

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What happened here?

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what is your goal bro
why are you doing this

I fucking hate modern architecture.

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Maybe Mesoamerican user could help. Where are you Mesoamerican user?

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one part of mexico they never show is the bohemian part, mexico city was a hotbed for writers writing esoteric shit during the 1800s and again during the 1970s
no fear and loathing style andy warhol shit around mexico city full of girls and halucinagens and drugs

also, mexico culture is basically ruled by the youth
culturally compared to the US we throw adult concepts at kids as young as 12, you're basically an adult at 16
so all those moody dark and edgy teen shows meant for 16-18 get eaten up by the 12-14 year olds
death and sex and hardcore emotional shit is seen as passe and isn't as shocking as it is to a christian american audience

basically in mexico with kids is if you're smart enough to do it responsibly you're old enough to get away with it
basically the mindset is to educate kids with as many concepts as fast as possible, the american mindset that you should wait until 18 to learn about sex or alcohol or whatever is retarded, it's basically all about harm reduction

Art deco was the last good building style.

also, in regards to growing up, we're encouraged to seek our own lifestyle and goals in life, there isn't some expectation to go from college straight into a 9 to 5 and get married, really you're supposed to go after your life goal of being a rockstar or whatever in life and try to accomplish it while you keep a day job

I feel like the best time period for a game set in Mexico would be the Mexican Revolution, the Cristero War or modern times. I think the reason the Aztecs don't really work that well is because they're simply too unfamiliar to most people and they lose interest in it quickly

I'd play the shit out of an aztec game. Or even an incan or mayan one. It'd be nice to see something other than europe, asia, or america.

>Aztec shit
>He doesn't know that Aztecs were only relevant in the last indigenous period of Mexico while Mayans, Toltecs, Tarascans and other nations were also important

He got blown the fuck out on /his/ and everyone laughed at him.
He's never been seen again.

Ah yes, El Caracol in Chichen Itza, also known as the Observatory.
It was build by the mayans, it's use was to watch the movement of the planets and the stars, specially Venus, along with other events such as eclipses, equinoxes, solstices, etc.

The mayans were one, if not the most advanced civilization of the New World, is a shame they never made an unified state.

the yucatan down to colombia is basically all unified mayan states

>Someone who cites historical texts and sources of recent historic understanding of that region.
>Blown out by /his/.

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>The mayans were one, if not the most advanced civilization of the New World
top fucking kek. They were all just dumb satan worshipping baby killers...kinda like modern day dems lul.

Post comfy Mexican levels

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Games with this aesthetic?

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lizardmen in WH2

Is that Enji?

If I had to guess modern western devs are scared to associate with their setting something negative and I can already imagine the idiotic clickbait something like explore the mayan temples would generate. You can't really count on eastern europe or japan to make games centered out there either.

A Zorro game would be pretty sweet

This, but it has to be best Zorro though.

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Kotal Kahn is cool

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actually that's a palace

I’d love a RDR style game where either you as either a white or Mexican character help Pancho Villa in the revolutionary war. RDR kinda did it with Marston helping out the general who became a dictator after the story but most of Mexico was kinda boring in RDR.
I wish I wasn’t such a lazy piece of shit Chi and actually did something with my life. I have so many vague ideas about Mexican/Aztec settings that would seem cool in vidya but can never do. I won’t get mad a whipipo either for not making them cause they’re not obliged to cater to me but it does kind of annoy me that they cater to other minorities that don’t even play/buy the games.

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>Murderous retards with works are not cool because they were the last retards with rocks of their kind
>Instead they should focus on older murderous retards with rocks
Mexico is such a shithole.

Yeah. People realized he's just as delusional as the other -boos.

i think it's more a case of no one really caring about any of them because they were too stupid to even invent the wheel.

>Aztez will never be ported to Switch

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Play Serious Sam TSE


Mexico has a lot of cool placed

What kind of vidya would you make with pic related?

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nuclear war simulator.

Would be cool to have mesoamerica as a setting

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¿ya es hora?

Sure, but we first need someone to step in and establish something more than random derelict pyramids and human scrifice.

Did Corona-chan kill Mesoanon? I'd love to ask him to help me ID the pyramid or the whole culture in this picture.

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this would be super based, unironically

>All the latino chicano zoomers are old enough to post on Yas Forums
>Daily mexican threads
The USA is dead

one word: