

Attached: unnamed.png (320x240, 28.57K)

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Not the n64 version

ps1 grafix soul
n64 grafix souless

switch niggers absolutely seething

Can't wait for 3.


Attached: soyjak.jpg (600x800, 52.73K)

Didn't know back then it was going to be so rare. Didn't know I was playing a Kino at the time either.

I simply knew I was playing an amazing game and that 3D was blowing my mind.

Attached: 435745554.jpg (1200x1200, 361.37K)

Based black hand poster

I never understood why this game caught shit, it's controls are fine once you get used to them. The overall setting and city is great, the side missions are cool and encourage talking to NPCs around the city, the interconnected dungeon was neat and mildly Metroidvania like, the sub weapons added a reason to explore dungeons and diversity to combat, the upgradable buster was neat.

Game is basically a prototype of Ratchet and Clank.

Those controls are pretty brutal, user.

It's called not being a fucking casual who grew up on Xbox 360

The only thing wrong with them is the camera turns a little slow. If you can't get used to L and R to turn and circle to quickly reposition the camera then you're a little retarded.

That area has some of my favorite vidya music of all time. Absolutely kino.

Attached: 5701C293-5F33-4538-9068-90AC6CFCEBB2.png (405x596, 90.57K)

It was way ahead of its time in a lot of ways
This will forever be burned into my soul.

The network in Front Mission 3 is peak soul

Good gameplay, fun setting, solid voice acting for the time. I wanted to fuck Rock and Roll at the same time.


>Thank you so much!
>I bet there are a lot of people
>who'll come and see this!

good gameplay? it gets any good? i only played the beginning and shooting enemies while running in circles didnt caught my interest.
i thought this game was more about the designs and atmosphere.

I wonder how many people missed out on the museum side quest, and the building a club house side quest. Don't both net you items for sub weapons?

When you start getting deeper in the atmosphere gets pretty intimidating. It's like RE where the tank controls make things spooky. Also the side weapons are pretty neat.

I remember having a tough time figuring out what she wanted for paint when I first played, but then again my 7 y/o self talked to everyone three times over for some autistic reason

Attached: 1531427605913.jpg (640x480, 46.05K)

what's up with these stretched artwork boxes

The shit's solid. Third person shooting were you need to move and dodge attacks.
This boss is simple but it does a good job showing off how you need to move and dodge to actually win fights in Legends.

I mean the shit is hyper vauge. You need to run across town back to apple market and talk to the woman in the clothes store for her lipstick. As a kid I assumed the person with the red paint had to be in uptown until a friend figured it out.

It was good for it's time but nowadays you can only get away with those graphics if you're an indie team.
The graphics is garbage by modern standards.

Took me so long to figure that out. After a few playthroughs I started talking to literally everyone in town after every major story event just to see if anything new popped up, and I guess I must have just happened across it

*smooch smooch*


How can someone so retarded be so hostile?

>it's the children who are wrong

I've noticed a pattern where people who love Mega Man Legends are also closeted pedophiles. Kind of alarming, actually.

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based meganigga

>why does this game from 1997 have graphics from 1997
wtf man why didnt they develop this on the crysis engine its garbage

Just because you like both, doesn't make it true.

The children enjoyed Legends though, it's just faggot retards who emulated the game and were shocked when it had a control scheme from 97.

Every single person that has ever posted to Yas Forums is a pedo.

>the less censored version is the worse

>Needs some red
>[Needs some talent]

>cute small town
>Saturday morning cartoon tier villains
>go underground
>either quiet or incredibly oppressive atmosphere
>game’s suddenly bordering on horror
I had such a hard time beating this game as a kid, I dreaded every dungeon

Attached: 1369851C-0F66-46B5-A93B-0A8E6147E2B0.gif (276x258, 177.16K)

>mfw I had a loose disc of legends that I got from a step brother that was no longer gonna be my step brother
>got rid of it in 2004 because I didn't care much for it
>realize how much of fucking retard I was especially since I was going through the 'retro' boom
>Now 2020 and 26, still make very little money and can't even hope to afford games like this again

MMLegends is still pretty top of the line execution of low poly. They even went out of their way to draw faces to be seen at specific angles to give the illusion of depth instead of doing some muddy design you can't make the details out of

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>clank clank

Fucking horrified me, and I was the type of little kid that instantly shut off the playstation when I heard a zombie groan when the door opened in RE. I still haven't replayed these two games again.

The N64 version was fucked. It has a fucked draw distance and blurry textures, as well as worse audio. They just did a botched port job with it.

Attached: mega man legends PS1 N64.jpg (1968x786, 420.84K)

>Decades later and despite XY/SM/SwSh using these same kind of faces, they still couldn't surpass it
Where did all the attention to detail go in this industry?

I remember being trapped in the ruins the first time you go into them because my brain didn't want to register the exit as a ladder, so I just thought it was more walls or something. I dunno, I was 7.

Also the music in legends was like 80% oppressive ambient groans and it scared the fuck out of me

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 3.25M)

The definitive way to play it is with a PS1 emulator at higher internal resolution and fixed perspective texture mapping, I was playing yesterday and it looked gorgeous.

this. the wobbly textures make everything look better

Attached: fec78f6527671525824e5a8dc36d517f.jpg (3072x2304, 912.95K)

>tfw you get paid more to do less

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>my sad, contrarian favorite game isn't user's favorite game too and I don't know how to process my feelings

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So do you prefer Legends 1's insistence on the reaverbot eye on every enemy or do you like the more 'empty socket' look of most Legends 2 enemies

Honestly for me the eye sells it as creepy robotics, something 'alive' that shouldn't be, while the latter tries to pass it as a more blatant attempt at being creepy while not being as much

Attached: file.png (600x450, 327.43K)

They have eyes in Legends 2, it's just that they're too dark to really see.

I love the reaverbot eye because of the way it showed up on the HUD whenever one of them sees you with that scary ass alert sound

Might be because I played nothing but 3D platformers during the 5th and 6th gen but camera rotation being mapped to the shoulder buttons feels better than using the right analog stick. You can move, jump/attack, and rotate the camera all without needing to do any clawgrip faggotry. Better controls than Croc at least.

yeah what the fuck is that green orb on MML2's lifebar

Shut up, Kyle. It won't get into HoG

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>t. Alucard

Apple Market, home.

Attached: 1571484396717.webm (800x600, 948.88K)

Attached: MML MM64.webm (800x600, 132.28K)

>comparing PS1 and 2 Sony to PS4 Sony
Come on now, don't show your underaged like that.

I swear everyone figured this out. It was a nice little secret to reward players that messed around with the can physics until they got it back there.

Attached: N64.webm (640x480, 1.4M)

I'm gonna have to save this. I've seen way too many anons trying to say the N64 version is better, the textures there are a complete goddamn mess though. You can't even tell the flutter has parts of a tree in it in the N64 version.

Attached: PS1.webm (640x480, 1.57M)

Eyes. If we ever get a third installment I hope they return. Really eye-conic if you ask me

Attached: PC.webm (800x600, 2.87M)

God i hate Legends fans

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Just emulate it.

I honestly think part of the issue was the horrible box art.

Who are you even quoting retard?

Legends has good gameplay though.

>uses my real hardware capture for the N64 game but emulator footage for PSX
You lying cocksucker.

Attached: MML police.webm (640x480, 2.77M)


Attached: MML combat.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

augh. based


Also you dropped the framerate in that N64 one, you double lying cocksucker.

Attached: MM64 police.webm (640x480, 2.7M)

The dozens of Anons replying to my "why don't you ever talk about the gameplay?" question in previous threads.

I remember all N64 games having fog like that, draw distance on the N64 was just shit period.

LOL your cherry-picked example couldn't even make it look appealing. I love having to wait for 20 frames for my character to turn.

Post more Legends webms.

That's better shooting mechanics than most modern shooters. You can actually dodge attacks instead of hiding behind cover for your health to regen. Shit's fun.


Attached: MML2 combat.webm (640x480, 2.99M)

I actually didn't save many, I wish I saved more of them.

This is my last one.

Attached: 1558380675601.webm (560x380, 2.7M)

Finished mml1 on ps1 like 10 times, exploration and assembling new weapons were really fun. Couldn't play 2, got sold out. Emulated it for 10 minutes years afterwards but wasn't the same

I never understood the control criticisms for these games, IMO Legends 1 even had better combat controls than OOT because of your dodge rolls and shit being more useful. It's a shame capcom didn't see the value in continuing the Legends series as I'd love to see 3 on Switch, alongside HD versions of 1 and 2.

After double checking my folder I had this one too.

Attached: 1568784153011.webm (1692x796, 2.34M)

>fuck playing the games myself post more short clips of it

Attached: 1564616737823.png (370x277, 53.17K)

People really only like the Legends games for their visuals.

Because it looks better when you play it.

You make really good webms and I want to see more.