>Be me
>Team mates start feeding
>I suggest we surrender immediately and quit wasting time
>"Don't worry bro, we can still pull it off :)"
>we lose
>can't even report them for making me waste my time
How do we address the toxic positivity issue in gaming?
Be me
Your time isn't valuable anyway
People posting shit like this only undermines what real toxicity is like.
What if he really believed your team could pull it off?
Poor guy, now he bears the weight of his loss and your fuming hatred on his hunchback. Please be nicer!
-Stop playing league
-Play ARAM if you can't quit your addiction
-Play games that don't punish you so much for leaving
-Play co-op multiplayer games like l4d
-Play 1v1 multiplayer games like card games or fighting games
-Enjoy single player games
-Stop playing vidya all togheter
it's not that hard
Uuhh, buddy, that comment is very toxic. As a toxicity survivor, I find your attempt to devalue my experience with toxic behavior very disturbing.
Can a @moderator please remove that comment?
>"Failure is not an option"
Who's crit quote is this?
>How do we address the toxic positivity issue in gaming?
No such thing.
Instead of being ass. Help or stop making the same mistakes.
Hell get a better group.
Please don't tell me this is real
is this the most overused term the last ten years?
>Failure is part of growth
Yeah don't worry that you failed to follow proper safety protocol and a falling brick caved your skull in, instantly ending your life. It's just part of growth!
I always turn voice off not because of how toxic peoples can get because that funny but because how some peoples are too nice
Claiming bantz is real toxicity also undermines what real toxicity is like.
This is the future you coddled faggots created.
>create uber sanitized feminine supportive environment to the exclusion of competitive masculinity even in video games
>wonder why kids are shooting up schools
"You'll get over it." sounds a lot more like somebody actually believes in me than it's non-toxic counterpart. Christ I hate it when these people assume normal people can't handle shit.
you have to be an absolute beta faggot to suggest a surrender instead of carrying your team
>making me waste my time
you're playing a videogame zoomer chill the fuck out
If those on the left are toxic then I'm zyklon b
someone post the microsoft one where they blanked out the insults
>you sure play like a
instead of saying anything, just say FUCK TRANNIES AND JANNIES
Fucking this, my best bro who i'd get into bants with now doesn't even recognize us as "rivals" in mutually enjoyed hobby games because its too "aggressive".
no way fag
I urironically mostly agree with op's image AMA.
NOOOOOO! If you don't act like a piece of shit parody of a human straight from a shitty slasher film, then you aren't a real man! Nooooo you have to tell everyone you hate and despise them! It's manly!
I thimk it's actually pretty useful. The phrases on the right do seem much more supportive to someone dealing with grief or depression orbother seriuus struggles than the ones on the left.
What does feeding even means? I don't play ASSFAGGOTS.
Bother columns are things you shouldn't really say out loud EVER.
Are we turning into 1984 in 2020?
You should read that book. It is clear you never have.
Bantz is the opposite of toxicity.
If the game is only fun when you win why do you play it?
Bantz is a meme word you use when you want to be toxic but pretend it is liked.
rent fucking free
There is literally nothing wrong with toxicity.
>having fun losing
The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice.
There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.
>says man who was fine going from biggest streamer to below a guy who calls Indian scammers for lulz
Getting killed intentionally so the opponent can get more gold and Exp, which can lead to a snowball.
Ive been dealing with depression my whole life and if someone told me some stuff like that it would make the opposite of helping me
>playing solo queue in Team-based games
You deliberately signed up for this shit
Rolled the dice and got shit team mates
It's so funny to me that people play a game where this is possible.
Only retards think this works. You tough love me and I will absolutely do everything in my power to grief you and throw the game. And trust me, it's not that hard to just feed.
Means you die to the enemy like a scrub instead of making a team push. Happens in other games that aren't mobas.
You're being forced to play against your will despite wanting to leave. It's almost like it's a kind of ... hostage... scenario.
>treat team like shit
>surprised they start fucking the team over
It's like you never studied Vietnam.
>Thematically, Nineteen Eighty-Four centres on the consequences of government over-reach, totalitarianism, mass surveillance, and repressive regimentation of all persons and behaviours within society
>failure is part of growth
>say this as Apollo 13 astronauts hurtle to their deaths in their directionless metal coffin in the vast cold emptiness of space
>play league
>50% of the time youre stuck with children for teammates
>"haha dont take the game so seriously" while we're in ranked
>losing really fucking hard, kids refuse to surrender at 15 minutes
>enemy refuses to end the game because they think its funny
>cant fucking get out and the kids still refuse to surrender
>literally being held hostage
>game finally ends 50 minutes later
>whole team reports me because "we're having fun and you want to surrender!!!!"
I really cant fucking stand the playerbase for this game.
>toxic positivity
stop, playing games, just fuck off and die
the world is a better place without you anyway
you suck balls
>retarded fuckface spamming chat gets ignored + full set of reports at the end of the game
Can you explain why the guy torturing the main character in the end explains the point is to dehumanize and make cruelty the norm?
>Team keeps sending me toxic positivity comments after I die once
>surprised I start fucking the team over
That will teach those positive extrovert normalfags
What you deserve for playing league.
>play a game
>teamate dies one time
>other teamate immediately starts crying in chat saying this game is a waste of time and blaming everybody
>try to talk him into keep trying because almost no game is decided in 10 minutes
>"let's surrender instead of playing and trying to win"
>player switches his efforts to bitching in chat instead of playing
>we eventually lose
>"told you guys it was a waste of time!!!"
Please stop playing whatever game you're talking about and don't ever play multiplayer games if you're too autistic to have a normal human interaction
>Literally "two minutes of hate" during the book
>Moving goalposts
I will answer you if you adress my point first.
>Unmanly and passive = OP
Are you okay?
You never ever ever say that things can't get worse, because it's inviting the universe to prove your dumb ass wrong.
Maybe you shouldn't have been such a toxic positive bitch? You realize you're the one at fault here for tilting your team mate when he was clearly vulnerable, right?
>Doesn't engage in repartee
>Can't appreciate friendly ribbing
>Gets upset by a well-worded diss
>Never joshes around
It must suck to be female and thus take shit personally.
Too passive to revolt against the state, yes. Unmanly? That is just you.
>that one adult guy making a tantrum after losing a friendly soccer game with his friends
Half that shit sounds worse
"yeah shits bad and there's nothing you can do to change it suck it up faggot"
It is real and actually designed for people with clinical depression. Just think of it as trying to get boomers to shut up about "get over it lol"
You seem upset at the concept of manliness. Why is that, user?
What? You have to be a complete moron not to agree with it.
Dude, just get over it