*filters summon babies so hard they come and cry in veee*
Other urls found in this thread:
>block as core mechanic in action game
Yeah it filters how boring the combat is lmao
>having trouble with sekiro
>he blocks
>fromdrone implies block=/parry
>asserting it isn't
Do I have to remind you the outcry this game caused on release?
Journalists are just fucking with us, they're not to be taken seriously.
I filter summon babies myself, as an Invader. Like this: gamerdvr.com
>Journalists are just fucking with us, they're not to be taken seriously.
pretty cool, what build were you using?
Generic STR build so I can use a varying degree of different weapons for any situation. I use the Flamberge mainly because it looks super sexy with my fashion but, every once in a while I will have to go "super sayian" and break out the Great Mace or Zweihander. Or Morningstar+Off hand Estoc
>fight you don't even need to win
>filtering anyone
Why do you have to be a faggot OP? We all know Chained Ogre is the real filter anyway
Come on user, that's just a bait thread making fun of journalists. It's like saying "Taking it a bit slow, but after my 24th hour, I finally managed to beat the asylum demon! Can't wait to see what's in store for next time!"
OP was clearly talking about the actual genichiro fight
just look at any previous sekiro thread.... Or any thread mentioning Sekiro and you'll see a million shitters complaining that they got filtered by X boss or Y boss and couldn't be bothered playing anymore
Genichiro is universally considered a jobber and none of his fights are ever rated as the hardest. Fucking headless ape is orders of magnitude harder than all Genichiro encounters combined
I wish there was a way to have another go at the first fight, I know I can do it.
You mean like in ninja gaiden black, the best action game ever made?
You're pathetic.
>and none of his fights are ever rated as the hardest
They aren't, beacuse by the end of the game he's a joke, but the moment you actually fight him he's a real problem for a shitton of people, as evidenced by Yas Forums threads, after that you far outskill him and the fight can be over in like a couple of minutes.
First time you meet him is completely irrelevant, as you don't need to beat him at all. Second time most people have less trouble with him than Chained Ogre, seriously. Final time he is like an unskippable cutscene.
you should try out a sl40 sorceress build with the murky longstaff and dark edge and pursuers (whatever it was called in ds3) with a crystal long sword +4
absolutely shreds everything
From has never made a game that didn't have shit combat.
It's all clunky shit that started getting praised with Demon Souls because it was "hard but fair" and succeeded when it was expected to fail for being just above average.
>cookieman game
>best action
Lmao at you huesos
if only sekiro ran as well as that 16 year old game
I've wanted to make a Crystal build for some time but I'm lazy and hate PvE. I also never have anyone to trade the stuff over. Never really had any desire to use sorcery but, not having to buff for damage is really good. That being said I think I put the stats in build calc once and Goth of Londor still had a lot more health so. I stuck with that cause high vigor is absolutely essential when you're fighting 3 shitters with FUGS
I know he's optional and everything but I feel like this bastard never got enough credit for the amount of buttbother he can cause, relative to the point in the game you encounter him.
People are just repressing memories of him
>I didn't play game lol
>le meme
Fucking pathetic, lmao.
What does that have to do with game mechanics? Also you deserve it for owning a console.
Works fine for me :^)
ok name some games with good combat
>What does that have to do with game mechanics?
what are sekiro's main mechanics again, parrying and countering?
sure would be nice if it had decent frame pacing and not hanging around 45fps then
>Also you deserve it for owning a console
consoles were never the problem, fromsoft just keep using the same shitty engine
again, if NGB could do, it 2 generations ago, it's not the console's problem
but you can't even beat this boss lol
he always cuts your arm off even if you fuck his ass
They never rate him high because the only ones who actually rate bosses are the ones that haven't been cockblocked by him and actually finished the game
New really, sekiro can run 60fps on some really weak shit on pc.
The ps4 a just absolute garbage, which makes me worried for Elden ring
*not really
I got filter'd at Genichiro.
I used this guy to calm me down between bouts because I could almost always kill him everytime on every other fight or so.
Here we already got one
>The ps4 a just absolute garbage
yes completely absolve FromSoft of their ability to optimize per platform
let's just ignore how well DMC5 looks and runs on base PS4
maybe all that money From are getting from Souls games should be put back into development
maybe it was common sense to include a lock 30 option for a game like this, instead of settling for having it waver all over the place
it's a mess, i like the game, but it's roll out was absolutely tragic
from hvae been reusing the same fucking engine for over a decade lmao of course the re engine will be superior in every way
just use oil + fire and dodge once or twice, wow so hard
haha yeah good thing this guy respawns or someone might think you're full of shit
Ay. Nagamasa Azai!
>what are sekiro's main mechanics again, parrying and countering?
And jumping, avoiding, dodging, stomping on swords, gadgeting, swimming, enchanting, leveling... I guess you can be a reductive piece of shit about pretty much anything. It doesn't mean you have something remotely resembling an argument.
And the shitty framepacing is entirely on your console, works fine here.
They only boss that gave me honest trouble was Owl(la forma padre)
I had to do breathing exercises irl to beat him
How dare you reply to me?
I forget that souls levels almost never have music
I was under the impression that the flamberge would be bad heavy infused because it gets such massive AR from elemental infusions.
>that edgy walk into the parry whiff
lel you tried
>Dark Souls bosses are hard, but also a little frustrating
>When the fight is over you think about finally getting past it and not having to fight it anymore
>Sekiro bosses are hard, but also fun as fuck
>After beating them you often think "Finally I beat them, but I almost want to fight them again right now"
What went so fucking right?
I want to go fight Owl, Emma and Old Ishhin but I don't feel like going through the game twice just for that
I think the way they balanced the health system. If it takes you 3 hours to drain a guy's health it's all your fault for not parrying. In dark souls if you can even parry a boss, it doesn't really do that much more damage, unless it's gwyn.
strawman after strawman
stomping on swords not an automatic animation after pressing the counter button?
avoiding and dodging, and you're calling me reductive?
swimming a main mechanic? ok
i'm sorry the game under-performs on consoles, maybe they should have done a better job
plenty of other games in the action or souls subgenre manage it just fine
Not any different to using i-frames to roll. Felt same energy, except you have 30 frames this time around.
don't worry mate we will be going back to dark souls with roll spam and gank squads :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
but that ending is super fast to get
You don't know what a straw man fallacy is, I suggest you google it.
>stomping on swords not an automatic animation after pressing the counter button?
You mean an action happens when you press a button? Is this video games?
I really feel sorry for you.
> B-b-but it sold millions and therefore go goty! It can't be this bad, right? Right??!
I just started new game plus and the only boss I've died to yet is the Headless Ape and his Brown Buddy. This game is even more fun the second time around
All the Sekiro babies are getting filtered in Nioh 2, a game which has summons btw
Just beat it yesterday. Did I miss a boss where you have to strip it's armour? I heard it in a eavesdrop and found the spear but I never found the boss. Also does the spear have any use? It feels like a lesser option compared to Axe,shurikin,flame vent, and umbrella.