Sakurai quite literally designed Ultimate for melee players in mind. He worked so hard round-the-clock making the best smash game every, hoping this would be the game to unify the smash community. But the ungrateful melee fucks still refuse to move on. There is no reason to play the glitchy garbage abomination that is Melee anymore, but they cling to it because they can't handle the larger competition, learning more than 4 relevant matchups, and they want to gatekeep people for years with their autistic muscle memory glitch jank they call "tech skill". Melee needs to be fucking outlawed already, I hope Nintendo shuts them down in the Smash circuit.
Melee obsession
Who do you main?
The shower
take your meds, schizo
Faggot retard.
Every character in melee can be fun and interesting with very little in terms of clone characters.
Meanwhile ultimate only has 4 characters on rotation for top tier and every single character has at least one clone if not 2.
thanks doc
Young Link in Ultimate because he is better, more technical and more fun to play than he is in melee.
>wojakshitter plays melee
it doesnt really matter how a game was designed or what it was for, people can choose to play whatever they want. Why do people have to buy and play a product they don't want?
Melee has better single player content than Ultimate
Even though Melee is one of my favorite games ever, it is kinda dying, finally. Top players have retired and it's not at EVO anymore. I play Ultimate more these days.
>implying we'll even have EVO this year
Oh really, tell me about his hookshot recovery mixups, how about his bomb jumping? Boomerang jumps?
Fuck outta here
>Why do you like wavedashing?
>"Because it lets me immediately use attacks out of a regular dash"
>Ok so in Ultimate you can do that without having to wavedash. So why don't you play it?
>*surprised pikachu face*
looks like the only one obsessed here is you. why care this much about what other people are enjoying?
>Hookshot mixups
Not really technical but okay
>Bomb jumping
Still a thing in Ultimate. Of course I wouldn't expect a melee obsessed fag to know that
>Boomerang jumps
That was literally removed in Melee 1.02 which is the version smelees play on 99% of the time so idk what you're getting at here.
I'm not even a melee player, I mostly play ulitmate and rivals of aether, but that's not the only use for wavedashing. It's simply using for a level of microspacing not available in Ultimate. Even just being able to wavedash back is a godsend, also wavelanding, OOS wavedash. Honestly I like wavedashing just because its makes the game fun to move around with.
t. smeleefag
>Sakurai tried really hard to make something as competitive melee
>Failed at it
Boo hoo, melee is still faster paced and isn't a float fest. When will developers realize that polishing a game doesn't equal funner gameplay
But it is a better and more popular game.
Oh fuck off you entitled little punk. It is a way better game, you just want to glitch walk because your autism thinks it looks cool.
No, it's slower and boring
Yes, when a new game is released, it's more popular
Nah it's going to keep beating Melee until the next game comes out.
dream on, loser
>until the next game comes out.
Yeah, the next game is always an improvement. There's no reason to autistically cling to the last entry.
Melee is better
There will be no next game, if that wasn't obvious enough
>There will be no next game
Says who?
Please tell me what you think a new smash game will bring, better graphics?
I never said it would be good, it's just definitely happening
"next game is always an improvement" Well in that case, you agree that Ultimate isn't good then>
I'm done
ok, I'm gonna go play some melee.
>He worked so hard
why do sak cocksuckers always say this
There is no reason to pointlessly divide the fanbase anymore.
Be sure to drink bleach and kys while you're at it. I heard it's super meta right now to beat jigglypuff.
>Sakurai quite literally designed Ultimate for melee players in mind
Then it's a shame he missed everything that made Melee great. The single-player experience was better, trophies were a joy to unlock, multiplayer was perfect.
Why is Smash the only fanbase that shits on people who play the older games? What kind of social conditioning is this?
Meleechads and Hunterchads are the two most based and intelligent fanbases in existence.
I don’t give a flying fuck about Smash or the unwashed incels that play it but why the hell would you play a game from 2001 with less content when the game from 2018 has all that content plus? Are you guys just braindead?
>no argument
>Yeah, the next game is always an improvement.
At this point I don’t think it’s smash fans doing it, it seems like it’s traditional fighting game purists that are mad that a game made by a company they don’t like is sharing space at their tournaments. They’re not threatened by Ultimate because like Brawl and Sm4sh, it will only be there until the next game comes out.
>Sakurai quite literally designed Ultimate for melee players in mind
Then he must be pretty fucking retarded if he specifically wanted to make a game that would appeal to Melee player and wound up shitting out Ultimate eh. Really shinks the ol thinker.
>Sakurai makes brawl 3
>Melee players don't like it again
Why do people acknowledge that the new games aren't made towards melee players, yet also try to tell them to move on? What's with this obsession with telling people to move on, plenty of communities have people who stay back because they don't like the series direction. Street Fighter, Tekken, Guilty Gear, and so many more, yet it's only meleefags who get shit on for not just playing the newest game, which sakurai clearly left fans of the old games out in the dust by making Brawl and it's 2 additional versions.
>another thread for bullying Ultishitters
We have these multiple times a day, and it never gets old.
I hope Sakurai dies to corona so the next smash will have a chance to not suck so hard
Ultimate panders to the melee spaz way too much. Smash needs to be slower and more casual without losing depth. It's the reaction time demanded that's too fast and for that matter, the precision demanded is too high.
I also want randomized outcomes for every action so you're always at the edge of your seat having to see and react to what's happening because you could whiff, you could clobber them, you could trip and fall on your ass... any of these outcomes from just one kick attempt.
Also every action affects other actions in relevant ways, like if you run a lot, you wont jump as fast or as high because you're wearing your legs out... but if you're Mario, you can jump a lot more without weakening your kicks and running because he's frickin Mario.
I also want the movement to be slower but to also have jump momentum. This will help allow the camera to zoom in closer so you can see facial expressions.
Bring back the audience with a vengeance. They should be like 64 smash's audience, getting pissed at shit and even being able to toss a tomato or a boot at someone they don't like, which could trip them or disrupt anything they do, even ko them.
It'd be so surreal to see the melee minion's reaction to such a smash being made. A smash of humor over tryhard tourney faggotry. Smash the way it should have been.
One day the core FGC will accept Melee's teachings go back and play with the 3S and Marvel 2 players. I look forward to the day those games see revival that rivals that of Melee's.
I could have sworn I heard about it getting cancelled
It might have a little something to do with the constant barrage of harassment from melee players saying ultimate is trash and all.
Can you see how that works? One group says something bad about a game then the other says something bad back... Do you even have the self-awareness to comprehend this at all?
fuck off melee shitter
>It's harassment to say a game is bad
You can't make someone like a game user. this all started with brawl, and it has gone on for 11 years now. Brawl players trying to shit on melee players for not liking Brawl, and that moved to 4, and now it moved to ult. It's like everyone knows the games are bad and only choose to defend it because it's the newest and more flashy game. Ult will become the next bad smash game once the new one comes out, just like brawl, and just like 4.
Brawl was kino.
>designed Ultimate for melee players in mind
Weird then that it doesnt play at all like melee and is worse in every way.
Brawl was alright, it shit all over what the previous games established. BUT at least it had it's own thing, it had it's own niche and depth in a way.
4 and Ultimate are literally brawl but faster and with less mechanics.
So... Fox and who else? The one Pikachu player in the world doesn't mean shit when there's never any new blood to the scene because it's a dead game for autists with no prize pool money.
I played a ton of melee growing up but it's time to move on
It’s literally the opposite though. Nu-Smash fans start 95% of these threads, like this one.
>you can only enjoy the game if you’re in the top 1% of smash players
You can play Melee casually user, it’s a lot of fun.
>you can't make someone like a game
Then try taking your own advice and stop telling me melee is better, you ironic retard
You can literally wavedash in ultimate, basically no one does it because it's literally not needed because ultimate isnt clunky garbage. You're legit deluding yourself into thinking "this smooth movement is fun" because movement in melee in general is fucking trash. All movement in ultimate is smooth so I guess you think that game is more fun. Doesn't really matter because smash is trash and will never be more than a party game with the few special retards taking it to a competitive level for no reason. Even the flash game brawlhalla has a more successful pro scene
not the percent I'm seeing, lying shitstain
You or some other Ultumate fan started the argument though.
But I'm not telling you to like it. I'm telling you that melee is the better game. You can like and play worse games if you want to user lol.
I knew this: was right
Are meleefags excited to see hbox win yet another tournament today?
One day you'll realize melee sucks cock and the only reason it has a player base is because it has the same pro players shilling it because they know the only reason they have any relevancy is because no one with any real talent wants to waste time learning how to play garbage that feels like garbage to play
>but muh wavedash!
Point proven melee fag btfo
>He worked so hard round-the-clock
And he still intends to charge money for all that hard work. I'm not even a competitive player but all the cocksucking that you people give Sakurai is obnoxious. Any other developer would get crucified if they dumbed down their games. I like Ultimate but I hate how every Smash title from Brawl onward took away jump momentum, in a platformer, you NEED physics if you're jumping around constantly. Super Mario Bros. in 1985 has something a 2018 game with thirty years of advancement and progress does not.