It's time to discuss Earthen Peak to Iron Keep

It's time to discuss Earthen Peak to Iron Keep

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>you're a das3fag if you hate on das2
Both games are fucking abortions, the only good souls games are des, das and bloodborne

it's a warp in space and time

lazy as "a wizard did it", but the game explains that shit with the first person you talk to

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Why didn't they just simply change the elevator to a train/minecart ride or something.

>lazy as "a wizard did it"
Just what I wanted after the effort they put into Ds1’s world: Lazy shit
>but the game explains that shit with the first person you talk to
It’s better to think “it was all a dream lol”, easier to imagine neither sequels existing

Or teleport. Or actually have a mountain near EP. Or put the elevator inside a mountain just a minute away from EP.
My favorite: Have the elevator go DOWN. There’s a million different things they could’ve done making it unforgivable.

Yeah, now image it's a sequel to a game that became loved due to it's world design.

DaS1 gave you a half open world with a perfect structure, constantly giving you a nice view of the valley you just crossed or the tower that lies ahead. They even made sure the world didn't collide with eachother, so it would appear just like a real traversable world:;ShareData=AR;lCUS*RT9m&m39s:-8V@b7o5[]wWUmn/Z9z@UD=QG7wUX+4zT+LVdUB1JY+^

I can halfway appreciate how many different areas and bosses you can start with due to DS2’s structure, but we had already seen this happen with Demon’s Souls.
This trend sadly continued with DS3, where it’s now no longer interconnected on top of being real linear.

>Game clearly states the world geography is fucked.
>"Man this world geography is fucked"

where does it say that you'll find floating castles in the sky?

It represents the hollowing of your character and how fragments of your memory are being lost.

The elevator goes down,then to the side,then after going underground to its destination it goes up again retard

The character in DaS II is established to be suffering from a form of dementia. The characters you do talk to about your quest either tell you what you're doing as if you should know already or outright tell you that you're a forgetful fuck. If you look at Heide and Majula, they should be miles away, but you get to Heide in seconds.

Going up an elevator to get to somewhere is your character being demented.

If you want to look at the other games as well:
Dark Souls 1, Solaire says time is convoluted. Space/Time is the same thing, so the two are convoluted together. Also, not everything in DaS lines up. In Izalith, you should see a giant hole that looks up to the Tomb of giants, but that hole doesn't exist, for example.

DaSIII shows distant kingdoms shoving together as they approach Lothric, and one of the few returning areas from DaSII is Earthen Peak, specifically to show the fucked up timespace.

That seems likely in a world with fucked up geography and physics

lol sure

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the castle isn't floating in the sky, it is sinking in a lava mountain because some dumbfuck built his castle out of iron.

In the intro you retard

a good idea. Let's not discount that illusion magic exists. Maybe Mythra the Baleful Queen didn't want an eyesore of a giant fuckoff castle that looked better than her shitpile of a tower making her kingdom look bad by comparison, so she got some wizards to paint a fake backdrop behind her building?

perfectly sums up dark souls 2

if you look at the map in the mansion, there's no way you should be getting to places that the map represents as fast as you do.

DS2 should have used demons souls archstones
half the complaints would be gone and it would have been less work, which they could have spent fixing other shit

Your dude is obviously a man who had a family at some point
The old firekeepers give you an effigy and tell you "what do you see"
You can say you're big tittied girl if you so choose.

Yes, I'm thinking your character is an unreliable narrator.

I literally can not comprehend or understand how this argument is even presented any more.

It happens all throughout the game, in every region, in every zone, and place. You are traveling long distances in short stretches represented in the game by things like elevators or stairs or whatever the fuck. It isn't always a great way to do it, like taking the elevator to earthan peek but just come the fuck on and think about it for a single inkling of a second.

You kill the boss, walk down some halls, take the elevator, and you're there. In the background of the level you see the mountains. Use less than .1% of your brain power and extrapolate "oh so I walked a long distance and took the elevator to the top of the mountain". Wow, it's so fucking hard to do. It happens everywhere in the game. From Majula to Hiede's Tower. From the Tower to the Wharf. The castle to dragon peek. And so on and so on.

It even happens in Dark Souls 1 for fucks sake, but you all conviently forget about that and jerk that game off. Happens in Dark Souls 3 too. The only one that is different is BloodBorne because it actually seems logical, most of the time, that all of those places connecting together would make sense in real space. Clustered close to cities and towns nearby, forrests nearby and so on. Otherwise in every single fucking DS game you travel long distances in short spaces to get to new areas. Happens every single fucking area you go to, with proof, in every game. Demon's Souls is different since each area is self contained as one specific area.

When will you people shut the fuck up and stop being such fucking whiner baby pussy faggots?

>In Izalith, you should see a giant hole that looks up to the Tomb of giants
Never seen that before

>It even happens in Dark Souls 1 for fucks sake
No it doesn't, see

And you know what else?
Drangleic Castle is one of the farthest areas in the country yet can be seen from Majula perfectly fine.
Once atop the castle nothing else is visible, not even the aqueduct you just passed, and instead you are essentially in a completely different dimension.

Yes it does you ignorant cunt retard fuck head.

How do you get from Blighttown, DOWN a tree, to Ash Lake which is expanding infinitely in all directions with a sky when Blighttown/etc is above you? Where is it you little bitch? How do you get from Firelink Shrine to the burg? You walk on a single castle bridgeway to a town, if you look around you literally can not see Firelike anywhere. And you also can't see the Burg from the Parish. You also never go to or see the town on the rightside from Firelink. And so on.

Just shut the fuck up, you're literally too retarded to think or remember anything. Maybe you should be the next MC of a Dark Souls game. Just as useless and stupid as them.

I'm not sure what video I saw that in, but I've been watching some videos. People place the level geometries together or kill themselves and look off ot the distance to see where their bloodstains appear. The game does have buildings appear further away or different in size than where they actually exist in the geometry.

But if you place Tomb of the Giants and Izalith together, you can see what part of Izalith TotG is looking at, and if you go there, you won't see the hole when you look up. There's just a rock wall there.

Dark Souls is not perfect. There are subtle incongruities if you look hard enough.
Dark Souls II, you start to wonder "how the hell does this work.
Dark Souls III. World geometry is fucked and part of the story.

What was probably programming shortcuts in the first game became a story of the world crunching in on itself over the course of millenia.

>How do you get from Blighttown, DOWN a tree, to Ash Lake which is expanding infinitely in all directions with a sky when Blighttown/etc is above you?
The world is built atop of the trees as stated in the intro.
>How do you get from Firelink Shrine to the burg? You walk on a single castle bridgeway to a town, if you look around you literally can not see Firelike anywhere. And you also can't see the Burg from the Parish. You also never go to or see the town on the rightside from Firelink.
You CAN see the burg from Parisch almost CONSTANTLY. I dunno how you missed that? Same goes for the Firelink Shrine connections. If you look at the collision map you'll notice Firelink shrine is perfectly visible from the parts where it shoudl be, but not for areas that don't have a view on it, like the castle bridgeway you mentioned.

Which item/NPC mentions this again?

The elevator is obviously supposed to go up to a connecting area that takes you behind the mountains and into the volcano area. But they probably run out of time to make said connecting area

>When will you people shut the fuck up and stop being such fucking whiner baby pussy faggots?
When people like you stop posting or accept the game was rushed as fuck so that’s why the EP elevator is as it is.

>The world is built atop of the trees as stated in the intro.

It's okay when Dark Souls 1 does it :^)

Okay user

>one of the few returning areas from DaSII is Earthen Peak, specifically to show the fucked up timespace

Now this is interesting. They really probably chose it because that elevator ride was such a big talk.

>if you look around you literally can not see Firelike anywhere

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Probably Cale

>Now this is interesting. They really probably chose it because that elevator ride was such a big talk.
I'm sure that was the only reason

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I'll never understand, the setting clearly states that all of reality is cascading into itself and undoing.

So yeah, there's gonna be floating sky castles and time travel and shit

It really wasn't until DaSIII where they made it part of the lore.

DaSII was partly crunched development, partly your character being demented. DaSII was the most character-driven of the three.

Yeah it's okay when the prequel makes a clear and connecting worlddesign that's also coherent with the lore and it's not okay when the sequel fucks that up.. Thanks for stating the obvious facts.

That's not what it's refering to, it's refering to the world being in ruins you fucking retard, like with every souls game
The only game that fucking has fucked geometry as lore is bloodborne with the nightmares being layered, like the hamlet being under the nightmare frontier and the frontier being under the nightmare of mensis

>It's okay when Dark Souls 1 does it :^)

This but unironically. DS2 could’ve had the elevator go down and have the ceiling be cavelike and no one would be complaining.

Well, yeah... there's that.

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>And you also can't see the Burg from the Parish

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>and one of the few returning areas from DaSII is Earthen Peak, specifically to show the fucked up timespace.
I think it’s more to take the piss out of DS2. There’s the big middle finger at the end where Drangleic castle is missing and the Drang description set ignoring what the SotFS ending established.

>How do you get from Blighttown, DOWN a tree, to Ash Lake which is expanding infinitely in all directions with a sky when Blighttown/etc is above you?

Try jumping down from the Tomb of Giants.

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Might as well discuss SotN, then. Go explain Entrance with a bridge and forest on ground level outside... and then Royal Chapel, located high above the Entrance with YET ANOTHER huge ass forest but on Royal Chapel's ground level.
Sometimes devs go retarded with level design. Just deal with it.

The volcano is way behind the windmill. If you paid attention to the game you would have noticed that this particular part, and many others, show memory gaps. Just like how it's sunny, you go through a tunnel and suddenly it's raining and you're in front of a castle.
The first fucking cinematic tell you that everyone forget things. that's why you come to Drangleic, to find a cure. After mytha you walk for a long time until you reach the volcano. But why on earth would they make you walk for ages, when they can directly give you the elevator? If you're not retarded you'll understand that your character just forgets parts of his journey. Just like you see only a tiny sunken part of Heide's tower of flame from majula, and it seems extremely distant, while it's just after a small tunnel. Or even how you can meet an NPC, meet him again after a tunnel or a bridge, and he'll act like it's been days since he last saw you, while it's been 2 minutes.
Jesus, do shitposters even play the fucking games they shitpost about? Of all the things you could have complained about in DaS2, you chose the one thing that's clearly explained in the game, from the very first cinematic. Want something that makes no sense geographically speaking? Ash lake

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He just talks about the map, I just went through his dialog. The guy I initially quoted said it was stated “clearly”, so it’s gotta be somewhere right?

>take an elevator straight up from a windmill
>end up in a castle surrounded by lava
fuck off shill

>The only game that fucking has fucked geometry as lore is bloodborne with the nightmares being layered, like the hamlet being under the nightmare frontier and the frontier being under the nightmare of mensis
Mensis is just in the Frontier, and only the Hunter’s Nightmare is “layered” as such because it’s one big fat ‘cursed’ nightmare.


>original game tries, has its quirks but they aren't necessarily through laziness and the game design mostly makes up for it
>gets critical acclaim in the west due to "muh difficulty" marketing, things that were unintended get handwaved with "it adds to the difficulty/weirdness of the setting and enhances the experience", "anyway they can fix it in a patch or sequel"
>sequels gets more slapdash with maintaining suspension of disbelief, doing nothing to fix issues that increasingly become more pronounced in their being left alone, like camera control
>the stories and level design now adopt meta elements, "it's supposed to seem slapdash, the world is collapsing in on itself, the character has dementia, that's why the assets are reused and a floating lava dungeon connects to a valley of dragons"
it gets harder to handwave the series' problems as more games come out and more issues don't seem to be acknowledged like enemy tracking, whereas others seem to be fixed and then thrown out like the healing system

shut up retard

A lot of reaching in this thread

Why can I still hear the waterfall from the Skeleton Lord building in Earthen Peak despite both areas being apparently so far apart that the time of day changes?
How do I walk a few meters into a cliff, take an elevator and walk back in the same direction I came from and end up in an entirely different part of a tiny remote island that only houses one building?
Why does the ship I take to that island suddenly have different sails and other details?

memory gaps

Based imbecile. Remove yourself from the Earth.