Falsus Rex & Final Fantasy XVI to be announced this E3

Falsus Rex, a game developed by Luminous Studios and Final Fantasy XVI “from the creators of XIV” will both be announced by Square Enix this coming June for next-gen consoles.

The news happened after Square Enix was exploring new opportunities after ESA announced the cancellation of E3, to present their press conference through expert digital media companies.

Both are coming to PS5 & Xbox Series X, but in the trailer, the PS5 logo was the only one showing. Some folks have already taken some screenshots after the sample videos were spread mistakenly and it only a matter of time before it spreads online.

Attached: Square-Enix-Logo.jpg (1280x720, 93.92K)

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>from the creators of XIV
So it's going to be shit then.

>t.never experienced ShB's story.

>this E3
Lmao newfag doesn't know

Op literally wrote about the E3 cancelation fucking coomer with a milisec attention span.

Anything about TWEWY?

>Creators of XIV
You mean a separate team on their business division team. The creators of XIV are already crunching on the next expansion+next gen ports.

think he just means Yoshi P heading the project, they were hiring for a new AAA game a bit ago so it's not based on nothing

>the man who saved Final Fantasy
>going to be shit
blizzdrone seethe harder

>Falsus Rex
Not going to fool me, KH faggot

Square is still bothering with that trash? Or did that team switch to Unreal too?


This. No part of that game was good. Looks like instead of more XV/KH clones in the mainline, we get an even worse stock of quality with the MMO niggers who haven't even made a good game infecting it too. Great.

At least employ the FFXI guys.

>Falsus Rex

Wasn't there some Rumor that it isn't even a Final Fantasy but some other thing?
Also YoshiP is less of a director and more a planer/producer. He is not much the idea guy, he just the guy that spearheads it all, gets everyone in line and gets shit done. XIV is a perfect example of a streamlined production, its mind boggleing thinking how they get all the shit done, just in time and roll it out on the servers just like that.

never said he was the director lol

Oh i was just jumping off your point. People just have the tendency to call YoshiP a director.


>its mind boggleing thinking how they get all the shit done, just in time and roll it out on the servers just like that.
yeah really makes you think doesn't it? it's really hard to just copy paste from the previous patch and change a few names here and there

How is he not a director? There is no co-director on the XIV team. He oversees the look and feel of the game and makes decisions on the schedule and budget. A lot of elements in XIV are there because he is the one who suggests and gets CEO approval like a director would do.

One of XIV strengths is its story and characters and he has nothing to do with them expect choosing what to focus on from the already established lore.

He is just lucky the XIV team is talented in the story department.

he's on the board of the directors for square enix. not calling him a director is dumb.

>for next-gen consoles.

Fake, thanks for not even trying.
Square already stated that they are not working, announcing, or releasing any next gen exclusive games for a few years.

Get your glasses grandpa

I prefer video games so no thank you

>falsus rex
So is it going to be tied to Kingdom Hearts and the Verum Rex bullshit?


The ps5 thing is probably Sony doing that stupid shit that all console pubs do
> parade a game as a exclusive
>5 mins later admit it's coming to other platforms

Attached: 1582673936378.jpg (600x600, 51K)

Though they WERE one of the first ones to announce that luminous team is working on a next gen project way back

Latin for "The False King".

>One of XIV strengths is its story and characters and he has nothing to do with them
and it wouldn't be as good without his producer and director skills. he's the one who pitched the idea of shadowbringers plot, negotiated the budget with the other board of the directors, and oversaw the development giving his own suggestions to the writers and lore team. all of this is public information through developer livestreams.

They announced KH3 & FFXV in 2013 and they came waaaay later. They even said they announced their highly anticipated games early so they can increase consoles sale

The secret boss mission in KH3 DLC is called Falsus Rex.

Coincidence? I think NOT!

Exclusive on Playstation for a whole year.

Nah they won't make any FF until all of 7R is out

>not ps5 exclusive
I'll just rent it, fuck SE

Why not?They can have different teams work on different projects at the same time.


This. Some guy who leaked that cloud would be in smash claimed that Squeenix is brewing up something with TWEWY. I believe that over anything else.


>nomura to be stretched between two projects yet again
How he hasn't coughed up blood and collapsed is beyond me.

>from the creators of XIV
Planters in 16k, just what I wanted.

you can tell a butthurt xifag wrote this post

>At least employ the FFXI guys.
The "FFXI guys" were basically a bit of every possible team from Squenix, just like FFXIV, in fact a lot of people from the FFXI dev team also worked on FFXIV.

Game genre?
Genre of the setting?

Yeah but people will get mad

Concept Art of Yoshi P's new game directly from Square Enix recruitment page.

Attached: ffxvi_screen.jpg (5000x2688, 982.61K)

>No part of that game was good
Objectively and factually incorrect. Both the music and the story were better than 90% of other Final Fantasy titles.

>music better than a Uematsu game
>MMO """story"""
No. Final Fantasy isn't notable for its dog shit JRPG stories. It's notable for its gameplay. You know, the battle systems? Both MMOs are among the worst in their genres.
>XI was a proto-console MMO with a mess of so many menus trying to piggyback off of EQ1's success
>XIV is still stuck in the PS3 era with its copy/paste design trying to piggyback off of WoW design

Soken already surpassed Uematsu, you are tone deaf.

Sounds like u mad

>Final Fantasy not known for it's stories
>Final Fantasy known for it's gameplay

Woooo boy, at least if you're going to troll, make it believable.

>uematsu makes better music than soken

Attached: 1567971957224.jpg (125x76, 1.54K)

It's the truth. JRPG stories are a dime a dozen where you build up to kill a god. The stories are interchangeable and generic throughout every game. What sets each Final Fantasy apart is its battle system and structure.

Sorry this is so hard for you to comprehend. You must be new to the series.
Yup, he does, Yoshidrone NPCs.

See: virtually every game between IV and X.
>le epic rock solo and engrish so cool guys I love Soken

>ask anyone off the street if they've heard of Final Fantasy
>ask those that do what they think the most distinctive thing is about the series

Look, if you want to say you hate the stories and that they're a dime a dozen cookie cutters, sure, go right ahead. You're a fucking retard though if you're going to argue the series is known far and wide for it's combat, NOT it's stories.


>source: my ass

Looks cool, their team will deliver.

>pulling fake shit out of your fake pussy

shut the fuck up xiv tranny

ffxiv story and characters are a jumbled mess outside a handful of good moments (completely absent from every other expansion)

>from the creators of XIV
so, another tranny simulator? no thanks

Attached: 3e7196f55937fc6066d326abf29be4bf-imagejpeg.jpg (685x516, 43.44K)

>The series is well known for its innovation, visuals, and music, such as the inclusion of full-motion videos (FMVs), photorealistic character models, and music by Nobuo Uematsu.
weird, I don't see story in there

>remixes decades worth of music