Post the most edgy video game/character of all time

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>Kill la kill

Attached: feen1.jpg (960x540, 50.9K)

He's the top contender for edginess

Attached: I CUT MYSELF TODAY.jpg (914x806, 294.78K)

>I see no, hear no evil
Black writing on the wall
Unleashed a million faces
And one by one they fall
Black-hearted evil
Brave-hearted hero
I am all, I am all, I am
I... I... I... I am!
Here we go, buddy
Here we go, buddy
Here we go
Here we go, buddy
Here we go
Go ahead and try to see through me
Do it if you dare (dare!)
One step forward, two steps back
I'm here (One step forward, two steps back)
Do it... do it... do it... DO IT!
Used to love this game back as a kid, now this is my guilt pleasure

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If an incel says some incel shit about it or if it was made by some Yas Forums fag or election tourist its edgy garbage

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>Thread about being edgy a v tradition for more than a decade
>Rentfreefaggot jumps into the thread and tries to shit allover it with polbait
What drives a man to do this shit

I was saying what usually makes an edgy game you fucking retarded incel

Would it kill you to talk normally without slapping a buzzword in it you motherfucker

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Shadow Humana

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Who's the character between Kirby and Shadow?

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Notem Portant.

Lack of socialization in his own life, being a baitposter requires you to be very lonely and strived of attention. It’s a sad life full of anger.

What a fucking Hedgelet.

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not important

Don't fuck with me

>Would iT KILl You TO tAlK nORMALlY wITHOuT SlappInG A BUZzWOrD iN It you mOTHeRfUCkeR
Not my fault you have no reading comprehension

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fuck you

Ok, ok. Knot M. Portant.

Hatredman I think

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Nice spongebob twitter meme you absolute retard.

You're in Yas Forumseddit, good luck finding a thread that doesn't use buzzwords like 4channel's upvote aka based

Yikes bro, that's pretty cringe. Hurry up and dilate.

>Power is reality warping
>Theme song is some straight Lincoln Park shit

Attached: Infinite edge.png (360x360, 121.95K)

....Can we count edgelords that actually come across as badass/likable?

Attached: blood___caleb_by_decepticoin_ddaqwcl-fullview.jpg (1024x1621, 87.27K)

*blocks your path*

Attached: Xenoblade 2 jinsteel.jpg (680x671, 134.59K)

>People forgot to check their exo-skelo-teens

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Constantly edgy characters are actually less edgy than characters who are only super edgy sometimes


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mc from Hatred

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That's not Niggito is it?

>the character named "Caim" is making the coomer face
Why is that funny to me?

Nathan Explosion

Caim is actually a funny name for that face, but if what's making you laugh is the coomer meme, then your humor is so shit you actually like forced "jokes".


Shadow is the edgiest and could kick your favorite characters ass.
Prove me wrong.

Attached: good_night_amy_rose_by_idalyaoisonic1344_d82dbi5-fullview.jpg (1024x874, 80K)

Is he a mysterious space ninja who will break into your home and eat your breakfast?

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What if shadow is my favorite character

One of the most influential intellectual of the 21st century
Nadeem Portant

Attached: Nadeemgettingreadyforcoronapillagers.jpg (1200x800, 59.09K)

>Edge (WWE)
Edge literally isn't even edgy

and you think you know him?

is ruby edgy

Attached: rwby eat pudding.webm (380x396, 1.98M)

I like how she has several edgelord signs

>Giant scythe
>Red and black
>Dark past

Yet she's a fucking cinnamon roll in reality

It's amazing how DMC survived from this.

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>not posting the king of edge

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Edgeworth is edgy?

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Well, he's no Edge Master.

>Edgy is wearing black and red, dying your hair and talking about death and pain all the time

Attached: 371-3710521_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-nu-wojak-soyboy-wojak.png (572x693, 9.67K)

the joke

your head

The fate/go dude by the DR artist. I thought that was a different character but the artist just only has one style.

>Edge Master
How laughable.

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Your meme died years ago.

>He doesn't know about the second kickstarter

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