will it be based or cringe?
Will it be based or cringe?
Other urls found in this thread:
cringe yet based
Daily reminder that there is literally only one person online who ever talks about dingdong and it's a seething ex-fan who dingdong mocked during a stream. For over 3 years I have tracked him through /trash/ and Yas Forums. If you see someone talking shit about dingdong, say HI OP because he makes all these threads in order to say bad things about dingdong. I have dedicated the past 3 years of my life to making sure nobody talks negatively about dingdong here. Check the archives. You won't say anything bad about him while I'm here.
dingdong can suck my fucking asshole
isnt it weird how this is never a new ip...
it was though
I'm dying for a Tomba clone. Always loved Oney's brand of humor and animation, so I'm cautiously optimistic.
So how much of this is Chris? I read that he hired some people to do it for him.
I wonder what it's like to be hired to work on an "ironically bad" pet project which is nothing more than a throwaway ego trip for someone who really isn't all that talented but has money to spare because there's an army of autistic fanboys who throw cash at you for making silly sounds while you play videogames.
And that person is you, right?
>So how much of this is Chris?
My guess is Chris did the art, animation and music while the people he hired do programming
Everytime I see that pink faced character I think of this guy...
As long as Chris doesn't say anything left-leaning between now and release, it'll be a day one buy from me
that depends, are you an autistic fanboy of his 'work', or are you a regular person who finds his humor and artstyle cringe as absolute fuck?
that is highly unlikely. he's /ourguy/ and there's no reason to think he would betray us.
>based or cringe
Bowlbo needs a patreon. I have already spent over 300 dollars supporting WanWan Games and Tough Bippy still doesn't have a release date. I wonder how much I'll have spent on it before it finally releases?
I want to support Bowlbo in a similar way. I don't even pledge that much but over time it all adds up and I was surprised at how much I'd spent already. And that doesn't include when I've thrown them a few dollars during streams.
Why did they model a floppy dick on the minotaur in the trailer?
>that filename
Fuck you, OP. That was a good movie, and an inspiration for Fallout and Mad Max.
What? It's better than supporting them by buying tshirts you're too embarrassed to wear outside anyway
Movement looks genuinely good for a sort of meme game that I'm actually kind of impressed, but it's just a first impression going from that trailer.
what kind of retard signs up to pay someone money every month for a project with no set release date? you could literally be paying every month for 6 years just to get a basic 2D platformer you'd only pay 5 dollars for in the end.
fuhnee screeam
It’s a goofy game not meant to be taken all that seriously, and everyone ya to start somewhere, and it’s good to just make something anything and just getting it out there. Then just improve as you go along. A problem a lot of people suffer from is they are too perfectionist or too ambitious so it causes their project to either take way too long to release or it doesn’t release at all or the product is clearly outside of the skill range of those who made it. Your first few projects will always be rough but it’s a start and again just make something and get it out there and learn from it.
at least Chris made a game and finished it unlike dingus
Most likely this.
Ok fag. How bout you suck off dingdong in a different thread, mkay?
but other people are making the game for him
all chris is doing is making ugly as fuck models for the actual programmers to use
I'm pretty sure he learned to use blender specifically so he could make games.
So to give him credit where its due he pushed himself to learn something outside of his comfort zone pretty quickly. He's taking the idea of making games very seriously even if his game is goofy.
It would be easier for him to collab with the behemoth to make 2D games. He could just come up with ideas and send them drawings and get them to sort out the rest of he was lazy enough.
Chris comes across as a guy who genuinely wants the best out of himself and his friends.
Also, he is not animating these 3D models. He specifically put out a call on twitter for 3D riggers and animators.
Nice try OP
or he could be using blender because modeling shitty blobs is far, far easier than animating frame by frame.
>hey guys, anybody want to do all the actual work and heavy lifting for me while I get the credit?
just look at dicklickers like who see something as shit as bowlbo and think "wow chris is really amazing"
it still hurts...
It blows my mind how oneyplays has managed to attract a fanbase which is convinced everyone who appears on it is a creative mastermind when pretty much everyone other than zack is a worthless turn who never finished anything of value.
chris is literally "famous" for making lol funneh face silleh voice """parodies""" of popular things so a million 12 year olds watched them
don't even get me started on the rest of the crew
does anyone find it ironic that Sleepycabin is a show made up of animators yet 90% of the content it's fans create is terrible awful looking shit
stamper > zach > jeff >>>>>>>> cory > chris >>>>>>>> niall >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mick
it isn't surprising that chris is doing a "it's bad ironically" game because that's been all he's ever done. oneyplays itself, and his parody cartoons, are all low effort but still have that big ego under them that suggests he's much hotter shit than his output is
you can't just keep putting out trash and keep making people think you're secretly incredibly good, you're just holding your "real talent" secret for some reason... and someday you'll unleash it. someday. someday. why not now? because sincerity and effort are cringe.
I guess it's easy to fool kids into thinking you're cool like this, but no adults fall for it. which is probably why adult swim weren't interested in him.
Not sure!
at least oneyplays does some chris/zach/cory videos
I don't think Chris is talentless. But he's best at music first and foremost.
His 2D animations were alright, but technically pretty uninspired and his drawing skill pretty much ends at wrinkly face with saggy mantits.
His 3D shit is mediocre and clearly not where he put any time or energy. Have any of these niglets actually watched his blender streams? This guy is not "self-taught". He watched the same fucking blender tutorials anyone trying to get into it does and that's it.
And I can't even speak for autistic fanboys who've deluded themselves into thinking he's single-handedly making this game.
It's primarily the Oney fanbase, who latch on to the "lolsillygoofything" humor from his LPs
angry joe was too scared to have the word faggot in his vid kek
What the fuck is Zach up to anyways? He used to have the Shmucks podcast but I guess that's dead, too
Hey op!
He's in most oneyplays vids now, automatically makes an episode 10/10 provided lyle isn't there
I kinda stopped liking Stamper after he started refusing help from his friends and acted like a retard. He's a funny guy though, but I like Zach and Cory the most. Cory because the things he says are totally unexpected.
Hopping between endless unrevealed projects for years and years that will never come out
Making anything decent at all is pretty hard or else everyone would be out there making stuff and sharing it.
I don't think its fair to discount someone's efforts to try to make anything to entertain others. Even a shitty game has a fragment of merit to it because it at least got made.
Even so. There's millions of people out there who don't know how to use blender and never took the time to learn how to use it to even a basic degree.
It annoys me that people on Yas Forums so readily shit on others when there's people out there who only spend their time sitting around watching TV like vegetables after a day of grind. These are the kind of people I hate. Boring people who do nothing and have nothing to say and don't care to learn anything new and dismiss everything.
I would like everyone on Yas Forums to grab something like game maker, learn the basic tutorials, and try to make a simple game for a week. Their own concept brainstormed up. Don't use any premade assets, or code. Just spend that week coming up with an idea and try to put it into something you can actually interact with. It should be easy with a babby-tier software right?
Some of you will succeed and thats good. But most of you will fail. You'll either get bored and give up, get distracted or realise its more effort than its worth to you.
You want to see pure trash Yas Forums go on the google play store and download one of those creepy pre-made android "free" open world games all made in the same engine with the same mechanics and maps and premade assets that are pallette swapped. Effortless trash literally anyone could do in a few clicks. Absolutely predatory. The worst of the worst.
But even then. Those at least exist. Some of you are even lower then that.
Stamper's "picked up a homeless hooker with ties to the mafia" saga was something else
Mkay, Chris. Go do funni scream and "make" your game now.
Dingdong is a gay furfag.
>I have already spent over 300 dollars supporting WanWan Games and Tough Bippy
I want to know the name of your mental illness.
Oney is an ideas man and is paying other people do make the game. Oney is not some poor struggling artist trying to make ends meet. Stop simping for for fucking well off e-celeb, dumb faggot.
You must be one of his Newgrounds buddies. No one is falling for the "hard working" and "down the earth" bullshit you are currently selling.
it's quite easy to send this much when you're paying monthly
I've given over 100 dollars in small amounts so far myself
Woah,you made a really long post just to say "I'm a faggot".
Pretty sure he designed the game, made the 3d models, animations and music. He hired someone to code it tho.