What will be the last game you will play before being sent to the hospital to die?

What will be the last game you will play before being sent to the hospital to die?

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I've turned off damage and fines on Euro Truck Simulator and am running every civilian off the road.
You fucking yuropoors have doomed the world.
Why couldn't you just do like Trump

It's only UK and sweden acting like retards.

>Even in the most civilized countries people with Corona virus is put into units with hardcore infected patients
>The doctors from those hospitals then visit family doctor's offices
Trying to tell my elderly father to just stop going to the doctor's altogether.

I'm hoping to make it to Bannerlord.
Just playing The Long Game.
Whilst you niggers are dying from Corona, we'll have purged our boomers and have herd immunity to Tier 2 and 3 Corona which will destroy most of humanity.
Afterwards, all that will be left is Anglos and Sweds, who we'll promptly enslave.

You're not going to die, you and every other Britbong are just gonna be sterilized because that's one of the side effects after you recover. I'm gonna laugh when the Anglo race literally vanishes because they all went out and caught Chinese AIDS WILLINGLY.

Every country in Europe is fucking doomed. If herd Immunity is the only way to save us from this shit, then fucking cross your fingers that our zoom zooms do a good job at getting resistance to this. Anyone above 20 is fucked.

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King Winnie The Pooh: Make a population control virus
Chinese bought American scientists: Say no more

herd immunity is a meme

>herd immunity
based retard

>university closed so enjoying the neet life
>boomers dying and freeing up properties
>normies out getting infected because they're incapable of being anti-social for a whole 2 weeks
>I'm just sitting playing videogames
it's a good time to be a gamer

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>just do like Trump
What, pretend nothing's happening? The US is already fucked beyond anything we're seeing in Europe, it just hasn't hit yet.

>tfw bong
>everyone here is so fucking retarded that supermarkets have been emailing people asking them to leave enough supplies for everyone else

Of course the carriers are young. You aren't going to see 80 year olds cooped up in a factory, breathing recycled air for eight hours.

What did the bongs do? I heard about questionable measures against the virus but nothing more than that

lmao america could have the most cases after china. They just delibarately not been testing to keep numbers low.

The reason they're most of the carriers is probably because they're the most socially active to being with innit

>boomers dying and freeing up properties
You stupid college-aged fucks don't understand how plagues work. If your mommy and daddy get sick from the virus, there will be nobody to support your dumb ass.

>Just playing The Long Game.
like you did in the world cup?

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that's the thing, they didn't do shit

America will be #1. There's no regulation and health insurance is too greedy to cover nationwide testing.

>trying to blame young people for killing boomers
The media is shameless

you’re missing the point, they’re not being tested because they don’t experience the symptoms, meaning Italy likely has like 50k infected if the spread matches Korea’s

Basically Bojo said
>people have to die so we can get immunity
>deal with it lol

Daily reminder that coronavirus first popped up in the US and the US already had the most coronavirus types and pneumonia cases even before the COVID-19 outbreak.

Yeah, just like Koch's postulates. The virus can just teleport right inside you.

Even though only about 1000 people are confirmed infected Boris has decided we cannot close any borders or enforce any isolation and he wants to let 80% of the country get infected. God bless the GDP

>cruiser filled with mutts quarantined in san francisco
>trump says he doesn’t want them on land because it would make the numbers higher

That was the chinks plan all along

What in the name of fuck
How are bongs okay with this?

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Daily reminder USA is the only “first world” country that still experiences periodic outbreaks of the fucking plague

you cunts are acting like you're gonna stay away from grocery stores, public transit and work for 6 months just because the influenza is here

>Daily reminder that coronavirus first popped up in the US
Wuhan isn't in the US user.


I live by myself but I am renting a shitty apartment.
I actually hope the market crashes.
Maybe then I could buy a house for less than 500k.
I wouldn't mind putting 60-70k towards a 20% down payment but any more than that is ridiculous.

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But Hawaii is, uninformed mutt.

They aren't. They're all flipping the fuck out about how retarded he is.

Go back to your fucking battlestation threads

We aren't. Pretty much the whole country is angry besides the most partisan of conservacucks

I'm 26 so the virus isn't going to kill me, so to answer your question OP I don't know what games are going to be out in 50 years, sorry you're like 80

i guarantee that some granola yuppies who think vaccination is a corporate plot will reintroduce coronavirus every five-ten years for the rest of our leaves, resulting in america having to close and reopen its borders on a semiregular basis

Ah, yes hawaii I do love their vast Chinese culture.

>partisan of conservacucks
Who are most likely going to get hit the hardest, you know, because most of them are incredibly old.

I can’t even tell what your mutt brain tried to communicate here, let alone how it relates to my post

If the market crashes a lot of people are going to be out of a job, probably including you, and you'll have to fight tooth and nail to get a job flipping burgers for less than minimum wage.

We don't close our borders during the flu outbreak, why would we for something that will have similar casualty rates after immunities are built up?

>voted into office by retarded spherical morris dancer electorate
>immediately turns around and writes them off to die to papa nurgle's gift
fucking.... dare i say..... baste???

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Thanks to China, Wuhan AIDS is almost certain to be a seasonal bug.

>Greatly expanding Chinese population over the past decade
I totally trust this information. Someone from America just happened to go to Wuhan China, because it's the coolest place on Earth.

Sadly herd immunity is our only option. You can't hide forever. Best to get it over with, though not all at once.

i'm sorry you don't speak english with any degree of proficiency
>still going with 'its just a flu bro'
the stock market is crashing anyway man, you dont have to keep pretending


>”vaping related” respiratory illness
>her condition was not released to the public

And additionally every time you read about COVID-19 cases in Hawaii they always mention the March one but all their wording make sure to say “second confirmed case” but they won’t say what the first one in Hawaii was (it’s what I linked).

Spotted the seething Labour cucks

Yes I’m sure your mutt news networks like CNN are much more impartial...

Historically speaking, social and financial mobility is always highest after a large population die off.

Looks like we might have to restructure our entire society and economy then. President Xi, you did it, I'm sorry for ever doubting you.

>please stop voting to die of plague
>fuck you labour cucks *dies*

The overall death rate for REPORTED cases of people under 50 is 0.1%
This does not account for mild / no symptom individuals who do not report in, and we have reason to believe most cases of the virus have mild or no symptoms.
This does however factor in the fact that the only young people at risk are
>Cancer patients
>Those with respiratory illness
>Those with cardiovascular illness
Of the young people dying, they all fall in those categories. If you do not, then yea, it is just the fucking sniffles

>Boris is keeping the borders open and letting us die. Just what I wanted when I voted brexit and conservative, based!
image this being you

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They elected a moron out of spite, which seems quite usual these days. But instead of taking responsibility and admitting their mistake, most people will just post-hoc rationalize every dumb decision he makes from now on.

But on a serious note, the containment measures of most European countries are severly crippling their economies. Assuming his policy doesn't turn out to be a disaster, they'll be ahead of everyone else once the crisis is over. Maybe.

>all that will be left is Anglos and Sweds, who we'll promptly enslave

Let's not forget who raped who here.

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I see the tobacco industry still has their fingers in news corps.

It sure is a good thing we don't have anyone older than the age of 50 in our society, user.

Reminder that COVID-19 needed a specific set of pre-existing coronavirus types to mutate from. China only had one type of coronavirus in their entire nation before COVID-19 and that type is not currently seen as the jumping off point for COVID-19 based on its genome. However the US already had 5 types of coronaviruses which were already prevalent in their nation. Two of these coronavirus types have been identified as the initial branch from which COVID-19 could’ve mutated from. Just by genetic analysis alone, it is very unlikely COVID-19 started in China and more likely it was the US.

Most Americans don't bother with the news, since it's Democrats vs Republicans, and both those groups are trash.

To be fair, you don't really need to close your borders after everyone else does.

>"Shitty" apartment
>Literally nothing wrong with it
Unless the roof is collapsing out of view, there's no reason to call what you have "shitty."

>Media jerk off over a letter signed by "scientists" whining about strategy
>Turns out they're all fucking students, most of whom aren't even virologists

>most Americans don’t bother with news
Lmao who the fuck are you kidding?

My grandparents are already dead so why should I take precautions?
I'm not missing St. Patty's and my Bday celebrations because some panicking schizoids and CNN try to incite mass hysteria

Spotted the CCP shill. Friendly reminder that this is all your fault.


OK Thomas Aquino

the average american is more worried about whether the reptilian overlords that are constantly beaming child pornography onto their son's laptop will ever let up, than trying to keep informed on any serious issues

Yeah well it's pretty much a bet. But who in their right mind would bet over an entire nation on wether or not the virus blows over or kills a couple million people in the long run?

lol go do some research instead of listening to MSNBC’s fearmongering

Danes and Norwegians raped England? Yes, you are correct!