Why did Overwatch die?

Why did Overwatch die?
It was so simple to make it successful. Just make it an FPS MOBA with proper balance.

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your garbage "go thank your healer" tranny bait thread got deleted already, go get a job you faggot

it had way too little content and the main game mode got really boring really fast. It also fucked up balance as it added more characters making for extremely frustrating and boring meta shit.

is the game actually dead or is this where people burnt out the game have just naturally congregated? im not trying to be snarky. i too wonder if the game is dead

Too much faggot pandering, not enough game balance.

It is a shadow of it's peak popularity for sure.
People don't really care about new characters/cinematic etc. anymore.

>"go thank your healer" tranny bait thread
What about "i want to assfuck Mercy till her asshole bleeds" non-bait thread?

diabotical killed it

Too little content update, no way for the community to make any content, bad core design made worse by the updates, extremely garbage map design.
At least Hammond is fun to play.

Because the fucking retards handling this game thought a characters sexual preference was more important than tweaking shit
Instead of simply nerfing/buffing heroes, they would absolutely fuck with them completely.
Roadhog should always be able to one-shot 200 health heroes
Mercy's rez ability was fine, get good
Sombra shouldn't even fucking exist, she literally stops you from playing the game
Hanzo only needed his scatter arrow changed to be less cancer but instead he can rapid fire multiple arrows and dash ij the air
Moira requires no fucking skill
Symmetra is fucking AIDS in KOTH with her most recent rework
Torbjorn is still useless beyond platinum
Reinhardt never got buffed and is still fucking useless without Ana
There's more but I can't be fucked
Overwatch had potential to be something good but of course it didn't amount to anything but a big fucking payday to the jews and Activision

>Sombra shouldn't even fucking exist, she literally stops you from playing the game
lmao just fucking kill her you mung

Yeah fun to play when you're not getting hacked, frozen, sleep darted, stunned by mccree, stunned by Bridget, stunned by Sigma, stunned by doomfist, hooked by roadhog, slowed down by symmetras turrets
Other than that, he's fun

No shit you fucking retard
Try killing her as a hacked doomfist, dipshit.
Fucking idiot
Suck Blizzard's dick more virgin

Cute armpit for fat and hot cumshots

And character favoritism. I know I'll get shot down for bringing her up, but she's not the only example, but there are some characters they were happy with being on top, all the time, and others, where the second they got slightly nearer to the top, they'd bring out the nerfs. Yeah, I'm gonna mention Symmetra, but not because she's special, she's not the only example, she's just a repeated example. It's not just a balance issue, it's an issue with Blizzard doing something they've done in games ever since Vanilla WoW. They have clear favorite classes there, they have clear favorites in D3, and they have clear favorites in Overwatch. No amount of balancing will ever be possible until they stop doing the preference thing.

>sexual preferences
I never paid any attention to the cringe comics they put out IDK why you would read that garbage.
I came in real late but basically I think the tank meta fucking sucks and the dive meta was way more fun.

Mercy is prime female design honestly and the best thing that came out of Overwatch.

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Only hack's hard to avoid, you can work around all the others by not being a retard.

>IDK why you would read that garbage
I didn't, retard.
How does me pointing out Blizzard's priorities mean I was engaged in their sub-stories and lore? Are you fucking stupid?

Proper balance.

go play other game then
People always think grass is greener on other side.

she was designed to appeal towards gamers with no girlfriend and mommy issues to increase brand loyalty

>play Doomfist
>against Sombra

>get mei walled
>gun slows you down
>not getting hooked relies on enemy being shit at roadhog
>contesting at point
>not getting sleep darted relies on enemy ana being trash
>not getting stunned by sigma requires a enemy to be shit with sigma
>same with doomfist
>implying every encounter is going to be a 1v1
Silver retard. Quit acting like you're hot shit. Everything I mentioned counters Wrecking Ball.

Favoritism is fine
Shit/niche class should't be meta period

imagine bastion become meta, it shit for both team

>having heroes be hard counters to other heroes
Glad you're defending that just to goof on me, kid. Suck their dick more, seriously.

asshole tryhard community
ok dude the only reason you're 4k is because your teammates suck

their priorities were in putting out shitty comics?
they released new shit for the game constantly, it just wasn't fun

Holy based, Batman.

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you too

painfully slow movement once lucio left meta

Dense retard
It wasn't just the comics moron

CSGO and Fortnite are the most popular shooters right now. And they both have something in common:
>no cooldown abilities/ults
>no infinite ammo

Sometimes you just wanna shoot shit without additional bullshit.

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D.va is better because she's basically "naked"

>game was designed from the get-go with counters in mind
>it's why they allow free-switching between heroes
>but you're too retarded to understand that
stay mad stay bad

Focused on esports instead of makign a fun game for the masses.
First step was removing hero duplicates.

>No customization to encourage discovering new play styles
>Boring characters, too much focus on image rather than the content itself
>Snail paced updates
>Too much ulti reliant

>ban people for "toxic comments" such as "gg ez"
>ban people for not being a team player
>ban people for picking the wrong character
>ban people for something they didn't even do in the game, but for something they wrote on twitter

then why quake fail

>Just make it an FPS MOBA with proper balance.
yeah just do it there isn't anything more to it.

They took champions like Torb, reworked them so people would stop getting mad when people picked him for offence yet people still got pissed, it fixed nothing.
They made draws count as nothing, to waste more peoples time climbing the ladder.
Made CP matches worth jack shit when they used to be better than payload.
They started to ban people for typing in chat. This fixed nothing. Then they started to ban people just based on your picks, even without typing a single word. This fixed nothing and caused people to quit because they did nothing wrong.
They change the entire fucking selection mechanic so you have to wait in a longer queue to DPS. This still fixed nothing as people cant talk in chat anymore, they cant pick what they want anymore, and you have banned 3 of their off picks.
Game is fucking dead.

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>hero duplicates
glad it gone, people would play 6 moira now

>glad it gone
glad the game is dead
should have kept duplicates and it'd still be thriving

because it had abilities

Combination of factors:
-They tried to force competitive play too hard while also trying to appeal to casual players in a way that ultimately appealed to neither
-The game's design philosophy somewhat ironically, created its own toxic community that turns away casuals from wanting to play it. Every game that wants to be successful needs something a person can blame when they lose that isn't themselves, for overwatch, this just happens to be a player's teammates due to the heavily team based nature of its gameplay, this causes people to bitch at their own teammates a lot (while this isn't unique to overwatch, other games of this nature tend to be games like mobas, which by default have a less casual playerbase). Add to it that this is a game that has some form of reward for winning, even if it is just a bit more progress to your next loot box, which makes this problem much worse.
-The game incentivizes (despite what blizzard actually wants to happen) learning to play one or two characters really, really well, because of how different characters tend to play making it hard to be really good at everybody, it is more reasonable to be good at a select few. This isn't a problem in itself, until the classic blizzard method of balancing hits and causes characters you have invested time (and for many casual players there is a certain amount of emotional investment into the characters themselves) into, and makes those characters absolutely fucking terrible. This will cause any player, casual or not, to be become frustrated.
-Frankly, it just isn't that good a game to begin with. It was riding a marketing high during a time when blizzard was absurdly successful. The game design is all over the place, and moba-like ultimates in this kind of game just become super frustrating. It never feels good to just die out of nowhere because somebody pressed q, with basically nothing you can do about it.

It's not dead dead. I just did this weeks event for the Symmetra's skin. I had no problem in finding games.

Maybe something like Competetive is dead but Arcade is doing fine.

Ultimates need to be just that. Rare an unique. 'Once a match' abilities. When people ult, and then in mere minutes have their ults again, ready to go. It makes it really frustrating. And this is post nerf.

It's a well polished, but boring game.
The gameplay loop isn't closed. There's no reason for the player to keep playing matches after the initial interest fades.

should've fucking allowed you to keep a fraction of ult after switching heroes, but then Blizzard would need to spend time balancing everyone instead of just 6-8 heroes.

Overwatch been dead on Yas Forums since day 1, with daily it dead thread.

The SECOND the game died was when they decided to balance the game around Reinhardt.

In the CB they saw that Reinhardt was a 100% lock, but instead of nerfing Reinhardt, they tried to buff every other tank. It's like they didn't understand WHY he was meta. They did tons of retarded shit like adding Sigma and Orisa to try to shake things up regarding Reinhardt. The issue is that the idea of Reinhardt-style shields in a competitive FPS is fucking retarded, but they decided to have them define Overwatch.

Here, let's look at every other role-based shooter on earth when it comes to Reinhardt-style shields:

>TF2: Nonexistent
>Paladins: Kind of, but smaller and much weaker.
>Dirty Bomb: One deployable shield, much weaker and smaller.

They should've nerfed Reinhardt's shield to be a relatively tiny personal shield instead, like Brigitte.

If you look at the tank characters in literally every other role-based shooter, they're simply beefy characters that are better at pushing and holding points, not literal tanks that have the sole responsibility of defending their teams.


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literally every game is adding cute anime girls
overwatch is adding black people

its obvious what people want at this point

>fraction of ult after switching heroes
but some ult is better then other

>no balance
>every class cant 1v1
>push q
>push button all skill removed invulnerabilities
>dps health regens that make it astronomically impossible to win a 1v1 for various classes
>class > mechanical skill
>land double headshots on a dps as a healer but get 1shot by a dps = OUT FUCKING SKILLED

If I play paladins, I can fucking stomp everyone as a healer and even get quad kills if my positioning and mechanical aiming is better than the other players. If Im playing overwatch, If I can land 7 headshots in a row I might be able to kill someone while they land 1 on me and I die. And paladins is fucking awful at this balance too. Its hardly any better.

I cant imagine why nobody wants to play your game.

Additional gameplay problems:
The dps/healer/tank paradigm just did not transfer well to this kind of game. The average person is gonna like playing one kind of character much more than the others, and for the majority of players, it is gonna be the damage-dealers. But because Blizzard felt the need to make a meta more or less strictly dependent on having healers and tanks, there is literally always going to be people who have to play a role they don't want to play. This goes back to the toxic community problem, because there are always going to be people who force a role even if the team composition has no room for them, and likewise, there are always going to be people who are too polite to assert themselves over others, and get stuck playing roles they don't want to play. Both of these are going to cause strain within the team and cause tensions to rise, all while giving many players a good reason to not want to play: "Why should I play this game if 3/4th of the time I am going to be stuck playing a role I don't want to play"

but some normal abilities is better than other

The game is basically red dit incarnate. Constant pandering to faggots and libtards, lack of updates, all the good updates came way too fucking late and more problems arose from the fixes they tried

Blizzard simply don't know how to balance things. They constantly tried to reinvent the wheel in Overwatch due to minor issues, but at the end of the day the core problem from the start is that their goal of a rock-paper-scissors mechanic where you kept having to swap to adapt to the battle was always flawed because it works at complete odds against the Ultimate ability.

>mommy issues
Only for faggots with no self-worth. Seriously if you cannot imagine yourself be on equal terms relationship with someone like her you are pathetic cuck and need to work on yourself.

>in paladins you can reduce healing and shields arent nearly as effective
>gameplay actually flows better and its harder to move as a death ball

really makes me think

This is nonsense. You're just saying something bad should stay bad at the end of the day. Yet the only reason it's bad is that they refuse to fix it and make it properly viable and functional along with everything else. Don't pretend otherwise. You'd have an argument if they just hadn't put them in the game in the first place, but once they're in, they need to actually function in all levels of the game, since it is meant to be played pro, that's Blizzards view, so either they're in or they're not. If not, stop beating around the bush and delete them.

Instead of balancing the game, releasing new heroes, new maps and updates, they focused on esports

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>proper balance
Answered your own question.

>find character you enjoy playing as
>get nerfed to lose everything you liked about them
>the units they countered get buffed to remain cancerous

>they blocked access to characters entirely and screamed NEW META*

unless you're playing at weird times or at the very high end of the SR ladder comp is alive just as well.

user i want you to know that you're based and correct.

shit no skill low effort hero should stay shit, yes

There are plenty of shooters that aren't popular, and that failed, that don't have abilities/cooldowns/ults/infinite ammo.

Also Symmetra doesn't have infinite ammo, she regenerates ammo when firing on a shield because that's her mechanic. Why that would even be a mechanic of relevance given she's was meta once, for five seconds, before she was nerfed into the ground, is of some curiosity. Why focus on symmetra and her ammo when she's been non-meta, or straight up trash tier, for 99% of her existence and for 1% she was briefly viable before a swift nerf, one of the fastest in the game's history.

I think you're just confused. Overwatch is not CSGO. CSGO is a twitch shooter based on hyper accuracy and team work.

Overwatch is an ability based game, that has some characters who shoot, and others who do not. In truth Overwatch's only real mistake is including accurate shooter characters in an otherwise ability based game.