Have you ever felt bad about killing an enemy in a video game?

Have you ever felt bad about killing an enemy in a video game?
The Houndeyes from Half-Life always seemed like a bunch of frightened space doggos who are trying to keep their pack safe. I'm glad Black Mesa lets you sneak past the sleeping ones.

The bullsquids can go fuck themselves though.

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i feel this everytime i play a WWII game on the allies side

Haha edgy 4chain man xD

No I have not

Blasting GI's in RS2 is so much fun.

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How is feeling bad about killing people edgy?

When I was a child, I used to enjoy killing all the humans regardless of innocence, but refused to kill dogs ever. Now I do the opposite when possible.

You were very specific about which side you were on you turbo fag

>feel bad about shootin pixels
well, I'm not some autistic retard, so hell no.

>t. seething jew

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why dont you like nazis are you a jew? or do you still believe everything brainwashed into you as an impressionable underdeveloped child was true

Only killing them on the inside

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except the vc were unironically the good guys

Isn't that what's implied though? Are you retarded?

it's okay, i understand its getting a little meta and that can be hard to keep up. first guy says he feels bad killing nazis in a ww2 game (obvious bait, of course, there are no actual people left who seriously believe nazis deserve anything but a bullet to the scrote) and the ironic meta response is, of course, shooting americans in the vietnam war

Yeah, Nazis aren't human

Punch a Nazi today!

A shame we never got domesticated houndeyes in 2

safer to shoot them from a distance and pick off anyone that tries to help them, tb h

>wars have sides

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>implying americans deserve anything but a bullet to the scrote
wew lad


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I agree.

>space doggos
btw all the aliens in the first game got thrown into gordon's world unwillingly and are panicking and fighting to survive
but no, it's just le doggos that don't deserve to die

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Imagine getting sucked off by a bullsquid.

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s-stop triggering my childhood faps user pls

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i felt terrible for slaughtering vortigaunts, knowing they were enslaved and doing the nihilanth's bidding against their will.


So were the National socialists

Holy shitn I didn't think that getting called out for edgy Yas Forums humor triggered the shit out of people this hard except on Yas Forums. I mean holy shit the didn't even try, he just pointed it out

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nice meme

What the fuck is that thing?

fuck barnacles though
all the other xen creatures are ok in my book

The real redpill is that there were no bad guys in WWII. Except the Jews.
When the continuous demonization propaganda dies out (it's already much less effectiv ethan even 25 years ago), it will be regarded as a 'cool' conflict to display military bravado with little care for self righteous masturbation about big bad enemies.

>holy shit
>holy shit
I hate the youtube reaction channels that spawned this kind of discourse


cope schlomo

>always seemed
you reek of a bandwagonning zoomer who recently played it to fit in, drop the shitty act

I couldn't get over genociding the bug race in Mass Effect 1 even though I was trying to play a Renegade game.


Fuckin VC

Fucking Reddit nigger

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This is too fuckin easy

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>The vc were the good guys they were just defending their country
>Nazis bad amiright guys
Seriously fuck off, how disingenuous/dishonest you gotta be ?

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>mass reply: u mad bro?
epic troll

Where do i download black mesa?

>were no bad guys in WWII
Commies. Commies were the bad guys


>i feel this everytime i play a WWII game on the allies side

i dont feel bad over video games


Bullsquids are cute and just want to defend theirselves
The houndeyes are ugly as shit dumb fucking retards that will get into your face as soon as you get into their visual range, their little ones even suicide, how the fuck is this shit species not extinct?

steam for 20 dollars

Every time cops/military/guards literally just doing their job die. If i'm sure they are "the bad guys" they can die, otherwise I just stealth them/unlethal knockdown

That "dog" is an illegal alien and you have a duty to shoot it.

you also carried on calling out (looking for beef basically) & followed up with "turbo fag". and you're the one acting defensive / fake fair now, wuss. you're one twisted mutt; hope you get injected with kerosene, moron

wipe your screen, bruh. i can sense the steam you output from your raging delusional brains through your dragon nostrils.

leave him. he's so insecure he still needs to make sure everyone agrees with him that HE HIMSELF WON WW2

Everytime i play monster hunter world i feel terrible for killing the monsters

>t. got stuck in the first 5 seconds of Questionable Ethics