Why am I seeing so much whining about game devs "crunch" lately? Are people so lazy these days that they have to complain about working a little overtime? You're sitting on a fucking computer all day, drink some coffee and do your fucking job you entitled faggot.
Why am I seeing so much whining about game devs "crunch" lately...
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You're seeing the power of media at play and a birth of a narrative. Games media is a lot less powerful than other forms of media but still a singificant force. They're trying to push union control into gamedev currently so you see many articles tslk about the same thing to subtley manipulate people into talking about the issue as well as leaving their intended impressions in the minds of people.
It's actually very interesting in an impartial academic sense, like watching cells divide or a deer give birth.
high IQ post
Toilberg won't reward your bootlicking
Imagine complaining about sitting in a comfy office all day
0.03 shekel(s) have been deposited into your account.
why would big media, who have nothing but to lose when it comes to unionizing, force the narrative of union good?
Keep licking those shoes clean wagie
unions for thee but not for me
>its not physically hard so that means its easy
I've been hearing devs complain about crunch time for over a decade. Honestly, anyone who'd get into such a versatile and in-demand field as software engineering and then use it to make video games for a living while complaining about being overworked, underpaid, and not unionized has got to be one of the biggest fucking morons on the planet. Just take all that knowledge and experience and work in a similar field that ISN'T widely known for being an exploitative nightmare that preys on young people's dreams. My biggest piece of advice to younger computer nerds is to avoid vidyadev as a career at all costs. Just don't do it.
Do they get paid for it is the real question
Its only resetera trannies seething
>Are people so lazy
The L-word is always the employer's favorite word, isn't it?
>stop being lazy! work more hours!
>stop being lazy! work weekends!
>stop being lazy! work without pay!
>stop being lazy! work when you get home!
In many ways, someone who works manual labour has it easier. You work your eight hours a day, and then you're done. You're free to go home.
But an office worker's work is never done. There are deadlines to stick to, tasks to juggle. And shitty management always means that if you want to finish your tasks on time, you WILL have to allow work to eat up your pesonal free time. Manual labourers don't understand how stressful office work is... if they had the brain capacity to, they wouldn't be manual labourers.
Let me put it this way. No construction worker has ever stayed past midnight to finish work on a building that's not being built fast enough.
Hush... As a manual labourer your opinion is worth less than nothing...
>h-hey d-don't talk to me like that y--
>w-what the? i can't feel my legs!
Johnson, take him to the dogfoodification factory... It's all he'll be good for I'm afraid.
Now... *sips coffee* where was I... ah yes, organizing my tasks on Azure... *sigh* office work is so stressful.
you need a crashcourse on union corruption
Twitter as usually
>friend links a bunch of retarded twitter posts mentioning crunch lately
>day later crunch is being spammed on Yas Forums
Really makes you think
so the plan is to force unionization on video games? and then people who work in movies won't be ready and inspired to unionize themself somehow? the big worry with unionizing is that it wont work because big business will snuff it out and fire organizers. by producing proof that it can work in a large media industry, this helps out the bigwigs in other media industries how exactly?
then why make it so hard to unionize? just let them organize, they'll think they're getting a good deal, then have the corrupt members do whatever spooky boogeyman shit you think they do
Retarded wagecuck, I'm glad delusional faggots like exist to waste your life not "being lazy" earning money for someone that would shit in your mouth given the option
>I've never actually had a job
We can tell.
Dumb retard
If you can't make your own game, or open your own gamedev studio, you deserve crunch. The only valuable people in the game industry are those who can come up with interesting mechanics, concepts, stories, etc.
90% of people who work in video games are worthless manual laborers like animators, riggers, 3D modelers, low level codemonkeys, etc., who do nothing but push pixels around all day, without having to do any creative decision making. They're the digital equivalent of bricklayers.
Hollywood actors are already unionized.
The people who don't matter, like VFX artists, set designers, etc., are not.
Crunch is not a problem. It's just a natural tell that the market has deemed you expendable.
If the games industry unionized almost every dev job would be done in other countries because it's cheaper. Look at the animation industry lol, major companies have subsidiary companies in places like South Korea so they don't have to pay union wages. Unionizing would destroy the American game industry
nice dodge. answer the question.
>Oy vey, goyim! Don't complain about being overworked for a pittance! Just be quiet and let the piss- er, I mean wealth, trickle down!
>Why am I seeing so much whining about game devs "crunch" lately? Are people so lazy these days that they have to complain about working a little overtime? You're sitting on a fucking computer all day, drink some coffee and do your fucking job you entitled faggot.
Developers aren't people. Crunch is good, because they have less time to air their retarded garbage on social media.
>Oy vey, goym! Pay fees to my organization so I can tell you how much money you're allowed to make! Don't you believe in mediocri- I mean equality?
Nice try schlomo, unions are just a way for bottom feeders to bring down actually skilled people to their level, by forcing them to be as unproductive as them.
Yes. It's such an insane mentality to have some field that is so utterly desirable to people that it is completely saturated, thus driving down wages, and then decide that unionizing fixes the problem.
Unions aren't a good thing necessarily, they just shift power to another organisation. Sometimes, that organisation is bigger than most of the businesses they deal with. Unions can't give a job to everyone so they protect the people who make it into the club.
>you really think people would do that? Just go out and try and gain power?
I don't get your point but it's probably stupid.
> waaaaaah we have to crunch and work overtime we're being exploited
> okay start a union, maybe stop working entirely. They can't replace an entire work staff they'll have to make your conditions better
> no I'll just start a hate mob on twitter that doesn't fix anything
are game devs retarted?
t. never worked a labour job
try cleaning gutters all day, then come back to me about coding a couple of extra lines
its because low physical effort doesn't immediately mean low mental effort
>muh unioniz r commis
>muh lazy millenials
God I hate amerimutts so fucking much. That nation of toilet paper scalping kikes deserves to get glassed.
Luckily when I work 6am to midnight as an electrician I get over time after 8 hours and double time after 12
Because I'm in a union.
> try cleaning gutters all day
No because i’m not a peasant.
how about you try coding for a whole day first if it's so easy
Wow, you people weren't joking about the neet life you live.
>do your fucking job you entitled faggot. \
yes and the job is 8 hours a day, not 9, not 10 or fucking 14. You demand more, you're the entitled piece of shit here.
Was this board always so childish?
>gutter cleaning
Easiest fucking job on the planet. Summer job -easy.
Sounds like something a retard would say
Do americans not get overtime pay?
Of course. Overtime bonus is literal socialism.
So is being a codemonkey.
Now back to your cubicle,it's crunch time.
spic here unions kill countrys if devs unionise vidya in the west ended as we know
worst are millenials they actually want someone else take charge over the situation
Unions themselves kill nothing. It’s your typical spic laziness that reduces unions into tools for avoiding work.
This isn't a problem just in game development but all of IT.
One thing I've realized is that in the modern era the IT worker is being turned into a labor commodity much like your proverbial burger flipper.
Quality of code, of individual talent doesn't matter. It's all about delivery on time.
Look into the modern software development paradigms and they will show you rather blatantly that they are being modeled after factory work. This is billed as someway to be better for developers and IT people but it is just a methodology to make management more comfortable with replacing people. After all, they're just points on an assembly line.
In all honesty, India is a big problem here as they are large suppliers of people as commodities in the IT field.
While there are some good and honest ones, there is a flood of people with 20 years of experience in every single thing your company does and uses and they will pass interview questions and then be damned retarded on the job.
Sometimes you get people that you didn't interview.
But even without that market flood, you still have a problem with the job positions being devalued due to technologies becoming far more user friendly and far easier for more people to access and develop.
You are in an era where the average developer has no idea how a computer actually works. Some of them barely know how to do anything beyond using their IDE and git and the stackoverflow site. They don't even bother learning and internalizing the languages and APIs they're developing with.
says the code monkey
Depends on state laws mostly.
In my state if you're hourly waged you're entitled to overtime. If you are salary then you're not... however there may be some other mechanisms that would give you benefit.
>Build nice union
>Everyone works hard
>Company owners make enough money to drive fancy cars, own multiple homes, send kids to private schools and universities
>Employees make fair wage and can afford a nice car and home in a decent neighborhood.
>Government forces union to take a quota of women and minorities
>Neither of these groups are motivated to be construction workers
>A few apply
>They stay and do jack shit because they know we can't fire them due to needing to make quotas and lack of applicants
>Now have to support dead weight on every job site
>Government also wants some of the companies to be run by women and minorities
>Now incompetence is at all levels.
What's truly concerning is that journalists are falling head over heels trying to advocate for less crunch, and are basically acting as white knights for the poor Tiny Tim developers. At the same time, they treat the actual consumer base with disdain and apathy, calling gamers "entitled" or "toxic"
We've been getting fleeced for years over shit like DLC and microtransactions, but the second devs start getting treated like cattle, it's the next great global tragedy.
It isn't an IT problem: it's a corporate problem. There's not a single industry where this isn't the case. Every single company is built around making the board the most money and that means minimum viable product. The only difference is what's minimally viable scales differently per industry.
>people being surprised at amerimutt greed and immorality
You’re an idiot.
>no muh women and minorities!!!
Get fucked racist scum.
Shut up and make your own studio if you're competent enough not to crunch. Complaining about laziness goes against every foundational belief of hard working.
Perhaps. Unfortunately you can't really legislate this for the better. It takes a social responsibility and cohesion that can only come culturally and must spring from each individual.
Of course social responsibility has been coopted and commoditized and monitized by the corporate world.
I'm a manager, very recently so. I've been put into the company wide educational work shops that center around "building trust" and communicating with employees and all of this shit that seems like it was made by and for sociopaths that maybe don't see their employees as actually people and need to trick and fake their way into being trusted and liked.
Instead of "how do I talk to a girl, Yas Forums"? It's "how do I talk to employee?"
Like no joke, exercises in looking like you're listening and paying attention to your employee.
It's almost like if these monkeys were more productive during the first 18 months of development or if publishers weren't afraid to delay the game a couple months then there would be 0 need for crunch.
And the tweet that triggered all this discussion yesterday, the retard fails to realize Animal Crossing didnt have crunch because they delayed it from last year.
Is the last of us 2 still not out? I feel like that game has been in development for like 10 years now.
This thread is fuckin retarded, you're all fucking stupid.
>muh union boogieman
There's plenty of countries that are prosperous and productive even though they have close ties with unions, such as Germany. Don't believe all the Amazon(tm) and Walmart(tm) brainwashing about UNIONS BAD, they are just fucking terrified that they'll have to stop being cruel, greedy cunts if their employees get unionized for fucks sake.