Why I always see people shitting on western games? Is a one-side thing, because I never saw nobody shitting on japanese games besides obvious bait like “weeb shit”. Can’t we enjoy both?
Why I always see people shitting on western games? Is a one-side thing...
>a whole hemisphere vs 1 country
>Can’t we enjoy both?
No. The binary world view of "us vs them" present in 99% of Yas Forumstards mindsets dictates everything must be turned into a dick measuring contest because Yas Forumstards just don't play what they want and move on, they instead "pick a side" and then bad-mouth anyone who isn't on their side on the internet.
more like USA vs 1 country because Europe is still producing good games, but for some reason noone acknowledges Europe for the own industry it really is.
Besides indies and CD Project, what are others yurop games?
Fuck off westcuck.
Why do japanese rpg characters look like faggots and women so often? Did the ones with facial hair and stern necks all die off during World War 2?
I enjoy both.
But not many good wrpgs have been coming out.
Also wrpgs are way more sparse
rockstar, crytek, stalker, arkane studios, ubisoft montpellier, larian studios, 4Agames, paradox interactive, wargaming
>generic bald marine
Lol imagine thinking being in the army doesn't make you a loser
found the retard
because nips are weirdos
Not rpg characters lmao you goal post moving retard lol.
What are the games on the left? I recognize skyrim and risen.
as a kid and in my early teens I was pretty much obsessed with Final Fantasy 4-6, Earthbound, and Chrono Trigger.
Nowadays I guess I play more wrpg's, but I'd totally play an official PC port of Persona 5 if it came out, for example.
I find that consuming a wider range of media does better for the imagination than limiting oneself to the same things over and over again anyway. There just aren't that many JRPG's made for PC, though.
but i constantly shit on those VNs with turnbased games that call themselves J"""RPG"""s
Kill yourself election tourist
Japanese RPGs have often weak stories but interesting gameplay mechanics.
I hope we will see a great story like in planscape torment, fallout 1 or older bioware games (BG, Dragon age origins, mass effect 1 and 2, star wars Old republic 1)
>white testosterone straight men
I miss those days, bro
>Elder Ring is a JRPG with a western writer
Fromsoft is actually kinda clever
Hi newfags!
I can only recognize Skyrim on the Western RPGs. Can someone name the others? Meanwhile, on the JRPGs, first one looks like Resonance of Fate, second one is probably a Tales game, Xenoblade Chronicles and Ni No Kuni. Did I get it right?
What makes you think i am one?
Risen 1
Kingdoms of Amalur
Demonica (?)
>Can't we enjoy both?
Fraid not, user. It's a battle to the death.
no one cares about your military designations you faggot
>new IP
you obviously do, retard
>keeping track of IP counts on a Yas Forums post
The Dark Eye: Demonicon
>being a newfag
It’s because the vast majority of Yas Forums lacks both any significant struggle/conflict in their lives and friends/family to tackle said struggle with so they surrogate both of those things in the most pathetic ways possible
Did I get the JRPGs right?
>because I never saw nobody shitting on japanese games
Oh come on. You genuinely never saw a Beepzorz thread before?
lrn3english retard
fuck do i know i dont play those trash, with shitty turnbased combat and walls of text
Dragons Dogma and Nioh are super based though
Why don't Western devs copy the live-action battle system of JRPGs?
Looks about right. If you are that interested; just copy the picture, crop out the game and use image search that's what I did for that demonicon game.
because its dated shit i think apart from NNK and FFXV all your trash JRPG games is the same shitty random encounter, wait 10 sec loading, 10 sec battle into, 5 minutes to beat 4 wolves, 10 second battle outro, 10 seconds loading
its dated shit that only weebs can enjoy
Based antiweeb.
probably because the military requires short hair, mate.
So perhaps you can call it a...
World War Yas Forums?
Perhaps the two nukes were too much
This game had a much better story, unique setting with better choices than a lot of BioWare games.
> because I never saw nobody shitting on japanese games
because anyone that knows just how garbage jrpgs are also knows that there is no point in arguing with autistic weeb idiots
Marcus Fenix is neither bald nor a marine. He does not specialize in amphibious combat and the ending of Gears of War 3 shows his hair is longer than a shaved or crew-cut look.
I would buy more WRPGs if they didn't dumb down the gameplay and choices like most of them do, not all thankfully
at least with JRPGs I know what to expect and that i'll enjoy it
>Why I always see people shitting on western games?
because they're bad.
Now that's cheating user.
at least it isn't the prince from Suikoden 5
The better question, why West can make better TRPG\SRPG than japs ?
husbando bait for f*males.
Well, Japan's strategy in ww2 was literally kill ourselves and occasionally rape the Chinese. They are clearly not military masterminds
enjoy both nobody but faggots on this board will care. and even then they dont care they are just that lonely and worthless that they will bug you for playing a fun game you enjoy
Wow, I didn't know that Original Sin, Tides of Numenera, Wizardry, and all Gold Box games are JRPGs.
>live-action battle system
What do you mean by this? Are they using real actors?
Not this shit again.