*commits patricide*

*commits patricide*

Attached: 1572297383532.png (512x512, 133.01K)

*being cute in your way*

Attached: annetto2.jpg (980x1184, 101.85K)

*sucks my penis*

*S-Supports you*

Attached: 1575512191014.png (512x512, 154.4K)

I will barge into this thread to say the post time skip designs for the Ashen Wolves are absolute dogshit and should have been something like image.
Balthus not showing his abs is a crime. Yuri no longer having his heels but fucking clown shoes is also a crime. And my beautiful Constance deserved better.

Attached: file.png (1551x929, 1.33M)

>tfw no professor wife
>ywn experience unbridled passionate sex on your honeymoon with her

Annette fucking sucks, post better girls.

I can't because she's the best already

Attached: annette03.jpg (256x301, 82.41K)

I can't.

Attached: 1583386686794.jpg (1289x2989, 321.88K)

Attached: bylethcry.png (1271x694, 670.66K)

>Why has no one posted me yet? Oh...I truly am cursed.

Attached: 1579025374487.gif (509x620, 1.86M)

If you weren't such a sad bitch!

>le fake depression
Sent this bitch into the jaws of a demonic beast first thing after timeskip since she wanted to die that much.

Marianne is the best girl in the game by such a wide margin it's crazy.

Who is the worst girl and why is it entirely objectively Dorethea?

Attached: 1576897117253.jpg (407x397, 23.37K)

there isn't any its leonie

Attached: 1579076339093.jpg (517x446, 67.3K)

Never in my life had I had the pleasure of dealing with someone with such shit tastes

Attached: 1566879354257.jpg (2079x2992, 790.08K)

I want to cave Marianne's skull in for being such a weak willed bitch! She'll probably be glad to be getting brutalized and murdered because of how mentally ill she is!

If she doesn't kill herself first, which she does in every route unless recruited.

Is there anyone who likes Leonie unironically? Her design is nice but her personality and all her scenes are Edelgard pants on head retarded

*commits patricide together*
*S-Supports you*

Attached: 088.g1t.00.png (512x512, 128.28K)

>shit tastes
>posts Leonie image

Attached: 25oz63uzvvg31.png (1041x786, 800.04K)

When did Leonie even work with Jeralt to develop such an admirationboner for him? I played through AM and CF so I never recruited her on time to get even C-support with her.

Attached: lysitheashock.png (342x343, 148.45K)

I like her design.

Attached: mariannebow.gif (268x293, 2.82M)

>Works Hard for her Village
>has gams for days
What's not to like?

Attached: 1566401311524.png (614x819, 257.52K)

*Gets pregnant at 41*

Attached: sample_42b722d7046fff35fe972aac96a8804e.jpg (850x850, 150.57K)

froggy ;)

Attached: file.png (1910x921, 3.92M)

Attached: 157551219135.png (512x512, 136.43K)

Leonie is great. Just too obsessed with Jeralt but she's a fucking fox post timeskip

Cope frog. You can't S support her. She is only available to superior Byleth

Only gays and trannies use frogleth. If you want to get the girls you only use chadleth.

Sure, you can choose frogleth if you like yuri. But sadly you can only get a dumbo, a bimbo and a nun.

>ywn push Marianne down a flight of stairs
>ywn punch her in the gut for trying to get up from the floor
>ywn slam her head against the stone wall, leaving blood stains from her nose and mouth
>ywn see her bruised body on the floor twitching in pain for being the useless bitch that she is

Attached: 147.g1t.00.png (512x512, 153.24K)

>not self-inserting as one of the boys and playing F!Byleth as someone that falls in love with him to take her for yourself

Attached: claude.webm (1280x720, 715.94K)

That's one too many layers of mental gymnastics for me. Tell me schizoanon, how did you come to be like this?

I want to kick this depressing bitch's teeth in. I want to dislocate her jaw by viciously curbstomping her over and over. I want her to see me kill all of her animal friends and force her to eat their remains. I want to give her a long and protracted demise by flaying her alive painfully enough for her to regret ever wanting to die in the first place.

Just say you want to be a girl. I assure you Yas Forums is lgbt friendly.

I didn't, I'm just shitposting.
I don't want to be a girl but I definitely want to get fucked by most of the boys in the game along with wanting to fuck most of the girls.

Attached: 1577414790514.jpg (1000x1476, 284.71K)

Attached: 118577191317789.jpg (750x736, 41.3K)

This artist draws the best Corrin art

Attached: sick dragon girl.jpg (800x946, 151.8K)


Attached: JPEG_20191030_175130.jpg (162x189, 7.77K)

That IS pretty good

Is dumbo supposed to be Edelgard?

Attached: f1342c_7578528.jpg (680x1162, 258.28K)

Calm down dorte

*commits filicide*

Attached: 11-09-10-1584160477554.png (852x439, 545.05K)

That only works if you're Joe Zieja and you literally are Claude

Attached: joe.jpg (400x400, 22.07K)

*modifies the game to *S-Supports you**

Attached: 1579252325352.jpg (1024x724, 110.58K)

Attached: marry.jpg (1280x720, 191.25K)


Why are you so mean to her she only needs lovey-dovey sex

>Ribbit Ribbit

If only she was that pretty in the game

Attached: 21-42-47-1584112350150.png (377x408, 166.54K)

Her timeskip design is really nice, but has some lackluster supports here and there.

Attached: IMG_20200313_132011.jpg (282x356, 25.53K)



best girl

It was actually Edelgard who killed Rhea. He was just an accomplice.

>yfw you can't get the gatekeeper approved girl because you wanted to stare frogleth's boobs

Imagine choosing a frog over this

Attached: congrats.jpg (1280x720, 247.9K)

Attached: bylethshock.jpg (1280x720, 91.82K)

This looks like the gay bad guy from berserk

I think it's called 'cute aggression'