Tokyo Mirage Sessions censored

>Tokyo Mirage Sessions censored
>Resident Evil 3's Jill Valentine looks like an utter goblina, Capcom strikes again
>Final Fantasy VII Remake heavily downsizes Tifa's tifas
>Cyberpunk 2077 is about black, latino and trans hackers
>Don't even get me started on The Last of Us 2
Have you taken the black pill yet? This industry has been taken over and there's nothing we can do to get it back.

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I joined the right side of history a long time ago. ResetEra always wins, bay bay.

Of course you can't take it back because you're a mindless consumer drone instead of one of the creators. You didn't take the black pill, you took the retard pill.

Reminder all this could have been avoided if you didn't rouse our ire with your faGGot movement.

>Final Fantasy VII Remake heavily downsizes Tifa's tifas
You didn't play the demo did you

...why not just go to the pub and find a real woman you're attracted to with the right proportions?


Attached: Tifas.png (705x415, 580.58K)

oh no he cherry picked a screen shot with a bad angle, that'll show me

fuck you retard

The longer we keep coping like ResetEra hasn't taken over Square Enix, the more ground we give them to keep pozzing the industry. I'm not interested in your delusions.

>Resident Evil 3's Jill Valentine looks like an utter goblina, Capcom strikes again
You people are mentally ill. Reminder if this image were being revealed for the first time this year instead Yas Forums would still complain because edgy herd contrarianism is the new cool. But at least they can say they aren't (insert meme buzzword enemy website/group) to everyone.

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different races buy games. queers buy games. capitalism can make money by catering to them. wheres your 3 white children to save "muh master race"

>different races buy games. queers buy games

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This is literally her fucking model, you clown. You can't spin this as anything other than SJW win.

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You mean this woman? Tell you what user, let's play a game, you cherry pick more images and i will post good ones and we will see who runs out first, you fucking actual gay.

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>Resident Evil 3's Jill Valentine looks like an utter goblina
You are a fucking virgin. Stop watching anime and go take a shower. Disgusting incel.

>queers buy games.

They certainly post a lot itt judging by OP

>Tokyo Mirage Sessions censored
Nobody gives a shit about that junk, right?

No tits

You think Voth had massive tits when she was chosen as Jill? She wasn't even 16 in fact.

>make your own games industry
Die, grandpa.

>Waaaaaah, why do the developers cater to them trannies and not me?
>I believe in free speech btw
based Yas Forumsniggers

il monstra! dios mio!

Dude, the character model is gross. Are you her dad? Stop coping so hard.

Actual faggot

>here are two unrelated points

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>"they're actually pretty bi-"

It's gonna sell gangbusters and you can't do anything to stop it. Keep your impotent wailing up, it's fun to watch.

What a bizarre thing to say. Do you own Capcom stock? Do you just enjoy sucking corporate dick?

explain how these are unrelated.

just dont buy the games with trannies if it bothers you that much, simple

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Okay OP, but are the games fun?
I think you may have lost sight of what's important.

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>just dont buy the games with trannies
So... just buy nohing in 2020?

They are smaller than Tifa's in the original game's CGI.

>It's gonna sell gangbusters and you can't do anything to stop it
That's the fucking problem. So is Cybertranny: Haitian Hackers. So is The Pozzed of Us 2. So is Final Tits 7: Reduction. The industry is literally ResetEra's now.

She's not even in the demo

>Tokyo mirage
never heard of it
looks fine to me. Claire in RE2 was super cute
tifa looks great. her new outfit suits her well and the gameplay in the demo was surprisingly fun
was never interested in a game with "cyberpunk" in the name

>Resident Evil 3's Jill Valentine looks like an utter goblina
shit taste

t. ranny

You see OP, there's something called "Appealing to the latest trend" all of the products you mentioned are AAA products, these are products that have heavy amounts of market research and which will always try to appeal to the mass media, this results in these products following current trends to gain more appeal, such as appealing to current social sensibilities, etc...
On the other hand you have indie games, indie games don't have market research and usually aim towards a specific niche, thus avoiding appealing to modern trends and by consequence avoid appealing to current social sensibilities.
Just play indie games bro (And Pathologic 2 too).

AAA products didn't use to appeal to trannies from ResetEra, though. Normies were so much better than this. The industry has gone to shit.

Why are you dorks so obsessed with blacks? There's nothing wrong with putting nonwhites in games.

She looks like a crack whore there though. New Jill is fine, its just Voth and her fanboys throwing a tantrum that she didn't get the job again.

Video games were always progressive. You just were OK with it in 90s and early 00s because then the moralfags complaining were Christians and soccer moms.

>You just were OK with it in 90s and early 00s because they kept real work politics out of games

>every game ever made has trannies in it because it's 2020
except for the games that don't, you fucking retard

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Because Yas Forumsniggers are pathetic

>MGS has messages about war and society's values
>Final Fantasy 7 is about nature-themed terrorists
>Deus Ex, need I say more?
Why are Yas Forumsniggers so retarded? The only difference is that you turned into a radicalized brainlet so you hate sensible politics now and when they get """shoved down your throat""".

>real world
It's almost like you didn't read the post. Everything you listed pertains to FICTIONAL politics that help build the world of the game not remind you how retarded our reality is.

This just in gays, lesbians and trannies don't exist anymore. This user confirmed it.

>every MGS game is specifically about the US Military Industrial Complex
>Fallout literally puts you in a social experiment run by capitalists who have taken over after nationalism destroyed the world
>Deus Ex

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>Move aside kid, as a veteran coomer I’m the only one qualified enough to judge her looks
>EURGH! WTF, why is she all bumpy? Her eyes are so beady, they’re supposed to be colossal glistening anime saucers. Oh god, and she has a nose, I think I’m gonna vomit...
It’s incredible how far removed Yas Forums coomers are from having a normal heterosexual libido at this point.

I don't think you understand what real world mean. Please direct me to the real world vault-tec.

>queers buy games.


Why does that matter? No one on Yas Forums actually plays video games

user, they're still fucking fictional.

The trannies in the new games are fictional too and not real trannies, retards.

>implying black characters make the games better

You ever read a post that's so stupid, that the more you break it down the more it falls apart? That's this post

So what you're saying is that trannies don't exist now?
Because unless you can show me where the events of MGS, deus ex, Fallout and FF7 happened in our reality that's exactly what you're saying.

Technically, women will buy smut specifically directed at them just fine. There are some major video games like this.

As for trannies, gays, and general momma's boys, who the fuck knows, they're a mess. Since they do what women expect them to do, probably the same fucking thing.

>You want trannies and gays in video games? Make your own games!
>Trannies get in the industry and make their own games

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It doesn't make the game worse for me because I'm not mentally ill.

US military attempting to engineer soldiers
US military regularly disrespecting the sovereignty of foreign nations
Child slave warriors in Liberia
US reinforcement of Mujahadeen troops
Almost all the things Ocelot says in MGSV that's not directly related to the supernatural
United States Military Industrial Complex

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Oh so you can't?
Then it isn't comparable to the real world politics being forced into games today.

Yas Forumsniggers are beyond redemption

Son, you're supposed to post parallels.

>Trannies trannies trannies

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>explicit references to things that exist in real life are pure imagination as long as I know how to put up a wall of cognitive dissonance around it

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>explicit references to things that exist in real life
Not him but at best you're going to get made up shit using a real location like a super secret base in some third world country like Africa. Its not the same as forcing in real world movements that have nothing to do with the plot whatsoever.

That's because they're always the bad guys or are forgettable.

If you think games taking place in secret bases in Africa or the third world isn't relevant to current day politics you have a memory shorter than the lifespan of a mayfly.

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