>Yas Forums tells you game is shit
>play it
>it's amazing
Why did you lie to me Yas Forumsbros....
>Yas Forums tells you game is shit
>play it
>it's amazing
Why did you lie to me Yas Forumsbros....
It's good. Not shit nor amazing.
It's not that it's shit, more heavily overhyped for what it is
Remember that games being praised does not indicate good or bad quality
>Yas Forums is one person
Its very amazing though.
You didn't get the memo?
>Yas Forums tells you game is shit
>its actually a movie
It has good combat but the level design and puzzles are mediocre. Stealth is annoying too because of Ellie's magically invisible AI.
It's a good game overall, not amazing though. Uncharted games are definitely mediocre outside of good characters and banter, though.
>Gaming media tells me game is a perfect 10/10 masterpiece made of solid gold delivered directly from Heaven and it's better than a chocolate covered blowjob from OP's mom
>It's okay
Why did they lie to me, Yas Forumsbros....
>it's amazing
why are you lying about playing this
because they need to get review copies to make gamer bucks.
you know how libtards never admit Trump does anything right and constantly lie about him? Yas Forums does the same thing to Sony.
Because it’s the videogame equivalent of oscarbait movies. Well done, yet also somewhat emotionally manipulative experience, that manages to have a huge mass appeal. Personally, I think that it’s still good, but yes, it is one of the most overhyped games of the decade.
Yas Forums’s hateboner for it is retarded, though, as gameplay can get pretty intense when you play it at higher difficulty levels, and while the story isn’t exactly groundbreaking or innovative, it’s still told exceptionally well for a videogame.
Mediocre third person shooting with heavy focus on a poorly written story full of plotholes
>people behaving like camera sway during gunplay was revolutionary
Yas Forums hates every great game.
Probably because of immaturity and jealousy. Even when you take console-war faggotry out of the equation, you're left with a hostile group of pleb 14 year olds who think their pathetic pre-pubescent opinions hold any weight at all.
They see themselves as some kind 'uber elite gamer'. They baulk and snarl at anything which achieves mass-market appeal or universal acclaim - almost like a kind of teenage rebellion.
Every single classic or recent release is derided and shat on but you bet you bottom dollar that *their* favourite game is something which is nowhere as good.
Nice pasta bro
it's a pretty well made game. i dont think it's a 10/10 perfect game but still it wasn't that bad, i have played worse. i understand that how it is so overrated can make some people seethe
Loved it in 2013, but I'm never going back. The beginning of politicized cringe in AAA gaming.
>end of civilization
>nearly everyone dead
>literally every other survivor is a token
>ps - main character is a lesbian
>While talking about a game that holds your hand more than any game made for literal children does
Which e-celeb did you steal that pasta from?
Name a more overrated video game
You posted a movie though.
you get the same experience watching it jewtube
it's not a video game
Hot opinion bro. Big if true.
didn't like it. Unlikable characters, repetitive gameplay (oh shit a chest high wall! Guess some dudes are gonna show up! oo get the stick/ladder!!), and this type of zombie story has been done to death.
This. How can you even call it a video game, when you literally can’t even die in it?
that game is good not fucking 10/10 godlike - stop being a sensitive bitch
>How can you even call it a video game, when you literally can’t even die in it?
Wat? The fuck are you talking about?
Literally can't think of one
>Yas Forums does the same thing to Sony.
But libs don't defend trump.
>IGN was quoted in a video review, saying MGS4 is "one of the best games ever made." Edge and Eurogamer both gave the game 8/10. GameSpot gave it a 10/10 saying "Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is the most technically stunning video game ever made"
I played it. It was boring as fuck. You know how in most games, they start you off with a dialogue heavy tutorial mission?
It was like that, but it never ended.
Its definitely a 10/10. A game which elevated an entire genre and other devs have spent a decade trying to copy.
Quality is subjective.
Hey user, Did you know that ladders are used to reach higher areas and the blatantly marked out higher area needs a ladder to be accessed?
Because if you didn't the characters told you a good 2-3 times per ladder.
It’s a movie ”game” where you can’t actually die even if you tried, it panders to liberals and lefties by presenting ”dangerous” scenarios without actually requiring any skill or risk-taking.
You can't, but tied with TLOU is Bioshock Infinite.
>Bioshock Infinite
It doesn't have the Capcom bonus that's why. This piece of shit is more of a movie game than TLoU and Yas Forums still praises it. You can't even skip the cutscenes in this.
I don't recall this ever happening. Sounds like youmaking stuff up to pretend you have a point.
Are you suggesting that the game should reset back to the title screen and have you replay the entire fucking game just because you died? What planet are you living on?
Even Nintendo removed 'dying' from Mario Odyssey because they understand that this kind of dated thinking is as antiquated and redundant as the High Score table. There are other ways in which play is gamified.
Copy what?
Yas Forums is only good at providing jerk off material
Lmao, take a break from huffing your own farts to think about the shit you're typing.
You asked for overrated. I'd say I got that part right based on your reaction.
God damn piece of shit made by a mentally retarded idiot that doesn't undestand the science part of science fiction.
> Are you suggesting that the game should reset back to the title screen and have you replay the entire fucking game just because you died? What planet are you living on?
No, I’m suggesting that you should actually have any risk of dying in the game instead of being literally immortal. I fucking hate movie games that pander to liberals by giving them ”oo scary” moments without requiring any agency or skill from them, they should go watch fucking movies.
>gets BTFO
>resorts to insults and fart jokes
Thanks for proving my opinion that Yas Forums is full of mentally unstable 14 year olds. Please continue to be irrelevant and remain baffled as the world of educated adults put games like TLoU and BotW on a pedestal.
You are a pathetic soicuck and I wish that someone would sneak in and slit your throat while you sleep. Kill yourself.
>Yas Forums tells you game is the worst game ever
>you play it
>it's actually okay
I'll admit it isn't a great DMC game but otherwise I'm disappointed that it's not complete cancer. I was hoping for something I could loathe forever, instead I got a game that's forgettable at it's worst
I'm not even the same guy, you retard. I'm just some guy who saw something so retarded he had to stop jerking off to bara furry porn for 30 seconds and point out how much of a utter twat you sound.
>I’m suggesting that you should actually have any risk of dying in the game instead of being literally immortal.
And how would you do that Mr Game Designer?
>defending a movie game that requires the equal amount of skill no matter if you ”play” it yourself or if you just watch it through Youtube
What the fuck are you doing here if you don’t like games that you actually have to play?
Like any other game. You can fall down a pit in Mario Odyssey, you can be shot dead in a FPS game, but nothing will ever stop you in TLOU no matter how hard you suck, there’s no risk of failure. It’s a pathetic ”cinematic experience” for liberals who don’t want to challenge themselves.
>Nintendo making games for literal 5 year olds doesn't have difficulty so nor should this movie game.
I wish that everyone who unironically praises this shit would have their heads cut off.
>nothing will ever stop you in TLOU
Clickers literally insta-kill you.
You can’t die in TLOU, it’s a coddling movie experience for liberals. There’s no fail state, only the illusion of threats.
>games need to fit into my tight rigid shallow definition or else they're automatically classed is irredeemable trash.
>There’s no fail state, only the illusion of threats.
Its a video game bro, its not The Matrix.
I agree with you
Games having a fail state which prevents progression is a pretty wide definition.
It's one of the things which defines a game, actually.