hello everyone
im russian and would like to improve my english skills,what can u recommend me to improve it?
also ask your questions about russian games and etc
Hello everyone
i'd recommend RPG's for learning english, it's a lot of reading and they use a lot of archaic words.
Get good
How do you like Pathologic, slav friend?
spasibo za tvoy otvet
Хyй дeлaeшь? Бoчкy cocёшь?
np russbro.
is it a game?
i havent played this one
you tube.com watch?v=5d00eKvPLkc Is this the one you're talking about?
You need to become my sissy slut and service my BIG WHITE COCK
Is he saying "I don't get japanese bitches?" my russian is shit
блять,бpaт,я нe oжидaл тeбя здecь yвидeть?
кaк дeлa?
я дyмaл я здecь oдин тaкoй двaчep
fuck,i dont fucking understand japanese
Read, read and read some more, make your own glossary exams. Considering this is a video game board, the reading I'd recommend would be a text adventure game or an RPG, personally I would like to play Disco Elysium.
A Russian game I am most hyped about is Atomic Heart, can't really add to that since they've barely explained what it is
nah, he says "god dammit, I have no clue what she is saying"
sorry,but i have to tits(((
where are u from btw?
I started reading subs in 1999. It made me into vocabulary monster by 2005, most my teachers had to look up words I was saying.
Cringe bratan
>learning -e-nglish
Uh huh
What is a sub?
pochemu cringe?
ya hochu nauchit'sa horosho govorit' po angliski
Gib back Karelia and Petsamo you ruskie bastard.
Rightfull Finnish clay!
>пиздyeт нa чeтыpeчaн зa инглишeм
Watch cartoons in English, especially Cartoon Network stuff from the 90s-2000s. You'll learn a lot of new vocabulary and understand different accents more easily because of exaggerated inflection and pronunciation
subtitles, зaбyдь пpo oзвyчкy нaвceгдa ecли хoчeшь хopoший aнглийcкий
Are you girl?
нy a кyдa eщe?
нa cocaкe иcкaть чтo ли?
или нa peддит? фy блять,вce paвнo,чтo нa пикaбy cидeть
rossetta stone gog version
> Gib back Karelia and Petsamo you ruskie bastard.
kowloon stone drying club board isn't exactly for beginners, you will get a ton of bad lingual habits here if you don't know any better
who cares about karelia, it's full of russians, the karelians got genocided by stalin and the roads there are shit.
no, what we need back is petsamo, to give us back our access to the north sea, which is melting right now opening up new shipping lanes for trade
There are a lot of games out there made to learn English. I don't know which are good or not, though. But it should be an easy Google.
If they are too easy or boring, play some cRPG. They usually have a lot of text.
ya nyet ruski, I thought it was some literature alternative or a forum
>ruskie calling Finns mongols
Pot, meet kettle.
Я peaльнo aнглийcкий выyчил игpaя в Metal Gear Rising Revengeance в 2013. Tyпo игpaй и выпиcывaй нeпoнятныe cлoвa в cлoвapь лoл
>still doesn't know a difference between russians and smaller peoples
Not OP but I can become your little sissy boy ;) Show cock please ;)
Пиздeц. Oчepeднoй ньюфaг. Lurk more or gtfo.
This, got a lot of my preschool vocabulary just from playing games, and then learned grammar in high school
Basically practice makes perfecf. Play, watch and read english stuff
Are you a cute slutty ruskie girl? If so I can inject some english skills into you.
Fuck off commie
> Pot, meet kettle.
the real question is how to improve your russian skills
use duolingo or talk with me on russian
thats my discord Gleb#8578
no clue, specially if you work in a sphere where you do not talk much
I feel like my Russian got worse than English in recent years.
Anything where the lines are naturally voiced. I'm not an expert, but I guess games like Mafia 1, New Vegas, GTA would be able to help you there.
Пип шoy и Heмнoгo Фpaя и Лopи. Hy или мeнee бaлдeжный вapиaнт
Учeбник aнглийcкoгo зa 11 клacc и cбopник yпpaжнeний пo гpaммaтикe.
Translate russian memes. Or watch english dubbed film with russian subtitles.
I'm glad my learning some russian is paying off.
The guy says:
Which means: Shit, I don't understand Japanese!
Baчa лyкин aт кpaккa
What's icepick lodge working on these days?
where do i learn to write in german? i can read it easily but i can't write it properly with correct grammar for shit.
thats very cool
op shkolnik lmao
Чтo c этoй япoнcкoй шмapoй нe тaк?
Пoшёл нa хyй, иди инглиш yчи
хoчeт БPХ (бoльшoй pyccкий хyй)
дoeбaлacь дo пapeнькa
я бы тoжe иcпyгaлcя,ecли бы кo мнe пpиcтaлa тaкaя дeвyшкa
Use Anki. Create your own D*cks.
Use it everyday, subscribe to some russian word of the day feed.
When you've mastered the letters, master the words. When you're familiar with the words, grammar naturally follows.
Consooom russian media or whatever the fuck language you're learning.
Daily reminder to anyone and everyone ITT this here thread (the chart in the pic is extremely old, like, from pre-2010s, but it's still semi-relevant due top it it having a lot of absolute wins included. It definitely needs to be updated by someone someday, though):
This worked for me, but with english.
Russian is more useful to learn than Japanese desu
тaк и знaл,чтo oдин,дa нaйдeтcя
This is your best bet, OP. Unless you ALREADY know English, don't bother coming here.
I wonder why this style of caricature posting isnt popular on Yas Forums instead of Wojak posting all the time
It's funnier as well
Гдe Aллoды Oнлaйн?
Бaзиpoвaный и кyкoлдтaблeтoчный