Joe rogan: ...and the game will be available for PC, xbox, everywhere?

>joe rogan: ...and the game will be available for PC, xbox, everywhere?
>u-uhhm y-yeah, everything, y-you know, a-absolutely
What the fuck was Hugoˈs problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>imagine if you just bought up a whole warehouse district and outfitted warehouses with barrels and rails and shit, would you guys ever think about doing that?
What the fuck was Joe talking about?

Perfect audience crossover for the zoomer adhd market they're trying to go far.

the whole podcast was a fucking disaster

Who the fuck is it

better question is what the fuck was Joe's problem.

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I've seen one or two interviews with this guy and I'm already sick of his fucking soi'd out face. Guy is a cunt.

>Yo, you ever smoked Argent energy?

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Does Doomguy do DMT?


The weird thing for me is how Joe could have been THAT obsessed wit Id software games and Quake and stuff but knows so fucking little about video games. Like he talks about video games like he didn't obsessively play them himself, like somehow Quake is this entirely different subject matter/genre of entertainment that isn't video games.

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no, i've heard him say multiple times that he considered it an addiction because of the amount he played, but he's gotten off that shit

dude didn't even know what a cacodemon was
Joe reminds me of my dad, he tries to show an interest in games and stuff that we played back in the day like 'Tormented Souls' as he calls it (PS:T), but it's clear his interest is elsewhere and a long gone memory

That's what normalfags do, they play one game.

There's people right now who play exclusively one game every single day. FIFA, League of Legends, Fortnite and the likes.
They don't like video games, they like one video game.

There's a lot of people out there that obsessively play only one or two games and absolutely nothing else and they know fuck all about other video games or the industry in general.

He didn't even know what Dota was in the podcast with Carmack.

You faggots actually listen to Joe Rogan?

The man himself admits he's a moron who has no idea what he's talking about, and the guests he has on with very rare exceptions are just bumblefuck retards and PR spokespersons pretending to be experts. Shit, even when he has an expert on he derails them into areas they know nothing about. What kind of fucking moron asks a particle physicist if ghosts are real?

There are too many dipshits in this world already, and right now there's a clear escalator for them as they age between getting fed retarded shit by Pewdiepie as kids, Logan Paul as tweens, and Joe Rogan as teens/adults.

The internet was a mistake

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>You keep saying glory kills but glory kill reminds me too much of glory hole
>Cacodemon sounds like cacademon aka poop demon
Peak comedy from Joe. The whole podcast was very uncomfortable in tone. One could think they have some beef since Joe was being so hostile towards Hugo.

woah user, at least you aren't a sheeple

Who brought Dota up? I can't see why would Carmack do it.

They were talking about eSports.

Nobody watches interviews for the interviewer, retard. But a good interviewer can force interesting topics and questions for the intrwviewee instead of asking the same "where do you get your ideas from?"-type of questions. Rogan is a moron, but he's a decent interviewer and his celebrity nature allows him to get high profile people on his show.

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Joe has such a disdain for videogames I hate listening to him talk about it

He called the music annoying. He told the guy to his face he makes games for 13 year olds. Constantly said he's wasting people's lives. Like why even have the fucking guy on if yours just going to shit on the medium so much.

He does the exact thing on gaming as he hates that people do with weed. The stereotype that it's just degenerates and wasters that use it.

He just didn't take enough weed that day. He's admitted he is a natural psychopath when hes not inebriated.

You don't watch Rogan for Rogan.

>spent half an hour talking about his diet and fitness routine
I had to turn it off. What the fuck was that garbage.

I have literally never laughed once at anything Joe Rogan has ever said. And I like him. I like his commentary and if he has a good guest on I'll watch his podcast. He's entertaining as a podcast/interview. But I literally don't and can't see him as a comedian. He straight up isn't funny.

The only time I've ever laughed at him was indirectly when he fell of his seat laughing at Alex Jones. That made me laugh. But he's never said anything that's made me even mutter a tiny "heh"

Rogan isn't getting high profile guests because of his celebrity nature because he doesn't have one. He's a guy that was on two crappy TV shows a long time ago and is a not very well know or successful stand up. That's it. He's getting them because his podcast has a big audience now. There's a lot of internet shows out there that get high profile people whose hosts have never had anything to do with movies, tv or music. Almost everyone who appears on these shows is doing it because they are selling something and these shows have the reach to make them worth going on. That's all.

>missing the point this hard
either underage or mentally handicapped

>dude just turn off your brain lmao
>it's shit on purpose

To your point look at that show where you eat chicken with spicy sauce. They get AAA list celebrities on that shit to promote the latest movies and music.

Daily reminder that Joe Rogan is a closeted homosexual who raised his Jewish wife's black children.

>The cringe when Joe asks him about multiplayer

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Joe's an out-of-touch boomer who thinks every game is Quake still and gets upset when it isn't. Watch the Noclip podcast episode with Hugo, much better.

>it's another 'quake no textures' segment

are you hoping for ww3?

never seen a conman more exposed in my life
joe smelled blood the instant he started dodging multiplayer, and lost all respect for the conartist when he refused to 1v1 him at quake and tried to use muh controller as an excuse

Becuase rogans an autist boomer who only wants arena multiplayer. It's literally all he knows.

Everyone knows Doom Eternals MP is taking a different approach and doing a 2v1 mode becuase everyone collectively said "meh" to 2016's multiplayer.

Joe had to be told this twice if not three times that they weren't focusing on traditional multiplayer becuase it's been done to death and not original. And he literally just kept asking for it. Probably because his head is swollen to 5x normal size due to steroids and test

>He called the music annoying. He told the guy to his face he makes games for 13 year olds. Constantly said he's wasting people's lives.
these are all true tho

Then leave.

So, how much did they talk about DMT and super strong monkeys?

>joe rogan

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>That's what normalfags do, they play one game.
This always sticks out as bizarre to me. I've always tried to keep my tastes varied because there are just so many cool genres and ideas out there I cant imagine just playing one or only a few types of games. I have my favorites for sure but I could probably have fun with 80% of what exists.
>Meet someone new that's the same age as me
>they have a le gamer shirt on (Cod, FIFA, Fortnite, CS:GO, LoL, SC2)
>ask what else they play
>.....its the only game they play
>they seem almost insulted and want to end the conversation about games
>see them at parties later
>friends playing smash, watch a movie after, play some board games, have a few drinks ECT.
>Dude is not social, any attempt and communication is met with a silent nod, a smile and a sip.
>notice their FB profile some time later
>6 posts, 3 pictures total
>the most bland and lifeless human being on the planet
>engaged to another average lifeless human with no interests

Truly the pinnacle of normalcy. Nothing against these kinds of people but damn, variety is the spice of life.

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Its not that bad if the game is good though. You get real fucking good at it.


I hate how on the nose you are. Those types of people aren't gamers, they're just mindless consumers, no different then a guy wearing a sports team shirt or an Avengers T-shirt.

But iff you try to talk to them about football or film, they won't know jack shit.

I also know a few people that are unusually proficient with a few specific games but generally don't play games at all. Most of the time it was due to being poor white trash and owning only a small selection of games so its understandable they would master them eventually.
>one bro could no damage most MMX stages without even trying as a party trick.

Let me tell you something Joe Rogan...when I was strungout on blow and stealing Chinese delivery baskets from the back of scooters on 188th street, I meet this half Cuban, half black, half Puerto Rican Filipino who begged for cock like a demon if you gave her even a dusting of blow. Her voodoo monkey was tighter than a clogged quarter slot in an old phone booth. I’m telling you Joe Rogan, her little orangutan tasted like menthol’s, baby barbecue ribs, and cheap glade air fresheners. She died giving me a monsoon of a hummer on the bronx Expressway. Poor thing tried to swallow. Joe Rogan, I swear to god, she spit that filthy guck out so fast she flew right out the fucking window like a witch on Halloween. She hit a tonka yellow Chevy Monte Carlo straight on the fucking radiator and her guts flew around like 15 gallons of red slurpee juice in a fucking wind tunnel.

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Doesn't that mean you're more of a consumer than they are? If you're consumer more sports and film than the person you're calling a consoomer. You retard.

I skip that guy every time. His voice sounds like a turtle choking on aquarium gravel.

truly a modern day bukowski

I literally laughed out loud, so spot on.

I would put money on it Bethesda paid Joe to have Hugo come on and thus the passive, disdainful attitude he had for Hugo. And desu, I'd be doing the same thing. Hugo sounded like he was at E3 selling a product all over again instead of having a normal conversation. Joe called him out and fucked with him as a result.

Does Joe Rogan always act like such a dickhead?
He was being so fucking passive aggressive, it seemed like he was trying to out macho Hugo or something even though he's usually pretty chill.

MINDLESS consumer, user. Pay attention before you shitpost

>retards watching a retard converse with a retard

Is it possible they just don't like sharing their interests? There's plenty of threads on here alone about people who hide their powerlevel, don't talk about the stuff they actually do or play for fear of angering the normalfags.

Yes. He always trys to alpha male the guests. It's so pathetic and not remotely subtle.

He's 5'7. It's hard for us. You don't understand.

this, 100%

>What the fuck was Hugoˈs problem?
Probably doesn't get along/have chemistry with the interviewer or w/e.
Often makes things awkward.

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when he had james hetfield on didnt he admit to getting the appeal of hunting, but would never be able to pull the trigger on an animal himself, seems like a bitch to me

I absolutely love thinking about this. I know he would win a fight against me 1000 out of 1000 times, obviously. But if I just met him, I could literally rest my nipples in his mouth with both of us standing up.

I thought Hugo was kidding when he said there are no swearwords in the game so his son can play it safely. Its the most retarded shit I've heard honestly

>Hugo sounded like he was at E3 selling a product all over again instead of having a normal conversation. Joe called him out and fucked with him as a result.
Hugo probably had 0 interest to be on there.

I know I couldn't even force myself to to try and have a conversation with that Joe guy.
Being forced to talk to someone that isn't even interested in your game sounds really exciting.

>living normal life bad
>spending what little freetime you have playing every video game good

>being this obsessed with some fortnite normie you stalk him in parties and facebook

Wew lad, just tell him you like him fagglet.

Why is that surprising? MOBAs are garbage

Not like Doom ever needed or focused on it. The closest you get is the BFG, which was always called the BFG.

very simple minded response, it's okay to put at least a little thought into what you post

If you don't even know what Dota is then you're beyond casual and shouldn't even be discussing videogames or esports.

It's like the old people that are fucking 98 and have been doing crosswords and Sudoku for 15 years straight.

Yes, normies are subhuman.

He can choose his own guests can't he? Either don't bring on someone who's clearly there to market shit, or don't be a bitch about it if you do decide to bring them on when you're getting a paycheck out of it.

>What kind of fucking moron asks a particle physicist if ghosts are real?
That's a good question though and you should question why before calling other people morons.

>take money
>shit all over guest
the true alpha move

>You faggots actually listen to Joe Rogan?
Believe it or not, most people on Yas Forums watch the most retarded streamers and youtubers on the internet.
This is because most of Yas Forums are retards that behave (and probably are) the like the twitter mob.

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What? Joe at least tried to branch out into different topics to make shit more interesting but it was clear Hugo's "le rip and tear badass dev" didn't know WTF to do. I understand selling a product but did Hugo have no fucking clue who he was going to be talking to?

More like unprofessional.

>normalfags only play 1 game
>maybe they have a life outside of games?
Try having an actual counter-argument before you post, retard.
Jealous and seething.

>notice their FB profile some time later
>6 posts, 3 pictures total
>pinnacle of normalcy
Pinnacle of normalcy is 1000+ posts on FB with updates and posts about inane personal shit no one cares about

>Joe at least tried to branch out into different topics
Such as?

>have no fucking clue who he was going to be talking to?
So, like Joe does all the time

>Hrrrrnnggh Seraphim, I'm trying to wipe out humanity but I'm dummy thicc and the clap from my ass cheeks keeps alerting the Doom Slayer

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Going on a podcast to shill harder than you do on a Mongolian Basket Weaving forum is pathetic. Has Bethesda seriously not spammed this fucking game around enough or are interest numbers that low?