PC always win.
Enjoy our years old scraps.
>pc will NEVER play Persona 5 Royale
now we just need bloodborne
Inb4 denuvo
Can you imagine bro? In a single day on PC that shit would get more than the lifetime sales on PS4.
>port first party
>horizon zero dawn
why tho? Just give me Bloodborne so I can replay at 60fps. Even God of War or Days Gone would have been better than this, and I absolutely despise both Atreus and bikers
HZD is literally who that was forgotten in a month and its DLC was forgotten in half that time and released to no fanfare, Bloodborne is a system seller that continues to get widespread acclaim and its DLC is considered one of the best DLCs to grace a game, ever
You are NOT
I repeat
- NOT -
getting Bloodborne. It's not happening. Stop begging for it, You will never get it on PC. And no, PSNow streaming with no DLC doesn't count.
Buy a PS4 already or wait for PS5 and get that.
I might pick it up on sale. When the game refuses to have different settings for camera control and aiming, this fucks up my routine on consoles. Horizon was sure guilty of this.
Fucking hell, Sony
Is the game even any good, though? Looks like a Ubisoft sandbox collect the same shit, do the same thing kinda game.
Prime cope. BB is irrelevant and HZD did at least sell like what, 13 million units?
It's a digital product, not food, its age literally doesn't matter.
With a little patience, literally everything comes to PC eventually. We have so many games to play it really doesn't matter that we have to wait a few years for you console cucks to beta test a shittier version :^) thank you for your service, frogposter
psdrone cope
HZD has over three times the sales of BB.
PC will win when they have bloodborne.
the only ones coping are you, grapsing at every straw you can to justify why BB HAS to come to PC because HZD is
which is never. PC never wins. HZD is not a win, it is being thrown scraps which hold no value to Sony any longer
it might be a better game on pc because of framerates and fuck the controller
Is it worth a pirate? Looks like all the other playstation Uncharted clones.
Because it uses Decima, same engine as Death Stranding and it's a first-party exclusive, not third-party like Bloodborne.
I am PCfag but who give a shit about this.
Give me Fatal Frame and Siren games.
Sony being the inventor of DRM schemes. You wont be able to pirate it until 2021.
It's actually pretty fun when you setup fights with weapons.
The plot/setting is wamen and minorities as fuck though.
>can't wait to pick up TLOU2 on PC SONYBRO
Denuvo is developed by Denuvo Software Solutions GmbH, a software company based in Salzburg, Austria.[1] The company was formed through a management buyout of DigitalWorks, the arm of the Sony Digital Audio Disc Corporation that developed the SecuROM DRM technology.
I was sort of right.
>just a parody account bro!
yea just like we were never going to play Horizon Zero Dawn, the Master Chief Collection, Gears of War, etc
it's cute how you just ignore the comment pointing out the actual sales, lol
>getting a 4 year old PS4 exclusive on the launch PS5 year
Wow he sure got us
Calm down, you will play the remastered version in 1080p 60FPS next year or 2022 when the Corona virus is cured.
>Days gone better than this
You clearly don't know what you are speaking about
If Rage 2 has taught me anything it's that good gameplay doesn't make up for awful characters and writing. I'll pass.
the game was scraps before it released on ps4 chumbo
at least it has value on pc for creating snoy tears
I will pirate this.
>Generic open world title made by suits
Can't see anything of value here, not even worth pirating. This shit would have received most mediocre reception ever if not for it being marketed to snoytards as exclusive.
We've already had it
does it work well? i have google fiber
Fuck no, you're just streaming the game from a PS4 onto your computer. It isn't running from your hardware.
might be better than playing on my tired old PS4 tho, shit's noisier than any jet engine
who cares about that shit I want the Conker remaster on PC or Crash racing
Just clean it out bro
Ehh hope Dreams is in the pipes somewhere down the line.
Shit looks quite interesting and would do far better on an unrestricted platform free of snoy's content policing.
So this is how pkuks cope with the fact that their irrelevant, obsolete hardware is a dumping ground for decade old console sloppy seconds?
Royale isn't even out on ps4 yet retard, it's gonna get ported to switch and PC a year later
It is out on PS4.
enjoy your sjw translation 6 months later
>unrestricted platform free of snoy's content policing
imagine with lewd mods...
>sjw translation
Anybody else ever think they've outgrown this place sometimes
Thanks for beta testing the game so it is less buggy, cheaper, and has all the DLC ready to go.
The smart gamer never plays a game until all DLC is out, then marathons it all in one go.
and i still don't want to play it. sony niggers only care about heavily marketed shit in general. i know a black guy and he just has to have his nikes, his iphones, and he's always just gotta stop my at mcdonald's on the way home since they advertise it to blacks so well here. these niggers didn't even care when an actually good sony-funded game like helldivers already got ported to PC years ago
Nice, another game not even worth playing coming to PC
oh great, now I can have no interest to play it on pc too.
no, sales on pc are always slower, even if they are higher in the end.
we have so many games that there are few people in a hurry to get shit day one.
Would rather have days gone desu.
So, why did you waste money on irrelevant hardware?
Any mods to make the bitch not ugly yet?
tbf, what do they have in their entire library worth even playing in the background? Bloodborne and gravity rush maybe
Even if it won't release on PC, in a few years will get a Persona 5: Bloodborne emulator
I wish they would release the specs already so I can see if I should wait or just play the PS4 version I've had for a year
>Console exclusives
Shitposting aside, who gives a actual shit about them? you can Shitpost, argue, cry, and say what you want but no matter what you do everything will get ported eventually. hell not even a official port and people will make emulations or fanremakes
Why do people care so much about exclusives anyway? don't you want the game to be ported to other consoles so you can talk about it more and have a reason to play it again, if it has multi-plat of course
good lord, i wanted bloodborne on the pc so i could, you know, play it. but seeing the inevitable shit flinging from playstation fags that will immediately follow that announcement would be the best dessert ever