Confirmed in the Remake

Confirmed in the Remake

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Did she really say this?

When did retard become a slur?

What was her problem?


Stairs confirmed in with different lines of dialogue depending on how far Cloud is from Barret & Tifa, but I highly doubt they'll voice the word retard. They'll probably replace it with something like spaz.

Why is retard suddenly tabboo?

she should just tell Barret to retard his steps so cloud can catch up


>”Would you stop acting like a dumbass and climb!?”
They’ll translate it to this and you know it.

because with the advent of smart phones, retards can access the internet

What was the original japanese line?



advent children

It's slowly become more of one for years. Demeaning to retards, you know. People forget that if you can't use one word for an insult another one will be used for the same effect.


Dilly dally shilly shally

It would still be a mistranslation.
ちょっと!エンギでもないこと言わないの!= "Chotto! Engidemonai koto iwanai no!" =
"Hey! Don't say something so ill-omened!" = "Hey! Don't jinx it!"
There isn't even any insult in the sentence.

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You weren't alive for ff7, quit the cringe and go back to your "he's in " smash threads

Would you stop acting like a nigger and climb!?


What's the previous sentence?

Get help.


Barret says he can't take it anymore and that he wishes he could have seen Marlene once more.

Who the hell took the stairs? The front door is where the action is

In the english version of the game, yes. I can't remember what she says in the Japanese one though.

>Stairs confirmed in with different lines of dialogue depending on how far Cloud is from Barret & Tifa

fucking nice


>tfw you want to like AC because you know what it wanted to do but the execution turned out retarded because the concept can't work for an action based movie

curowno warudo

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isn't Tifa supposed to be super fit and athletic? she isn't griping here, right?

Her "retard" comment towards Barret is because she's taking the stairs like a pro and doesn't even sweat, while Barret IMMEDIATELY starts huffing and puffing and BITCHING LOUD after the second or third floor.

Maybe if he stopped binging on fried chicken and watermelon he wouldn't get winded so quickly.

is there a fan translation more accurate to the source material? Preferably not written by some sex obsessed dangerhair tranny.
I hate 90's half assed dubbing.

Both Tifa and Barrett are winded by the end. The only one who's not is Cloud. Tifa freaks out because Barrett complains the ENTIRE CLIMB

stop crying

spaz has the exact same connotation though

>is there a fan translation more accurate to the source material
Translating community has a very retarded rule it imposes/enforces everywhere, including - if there's already an official """""localization""""" port existing NO ONE is allowed to release a re-translation. Yes, I'm shitting you not. If you try to translate the game properly and release the patch, you'll be ostracized heavily and banned if you try to upload it on RHDT or anywhere else major. Either "enjoy" the """""localized"""""/censored garbage, or wait for "fans" to translate games which never got official localization outside of Japan. For example, I'm jurrently playing through Secret of The Stars, a game known as Aqutallion in Japan, this game has ABHORRENTLY BADBAD """""localization""""" for the US version, almost making it two completely different games when comparing Japanese original and US port, but fan translating commune will NEVER tackle it, because "official port already exists, so that's that". Fucking retards.


no- it is different. Word choice is important
Gay and faggot can have the same connotation
so can ass pirate, cock-sucker, homo, flaming aids carrier, sissy, trap, and onions boy
depending on the connotation is not acceptable
retard is retard
spaz is spaz

I think tifa would talk like that since she's uneducated and works in a fucking bar.

when single old hags started using the internet to funny banter

You forgot poor.

gatekeep* funny banter

>I think tifa would talk like that since she's uneducated and works in a fucking bar.
Oh god I can smell how full of yourself you are from here.

You but in a slightly more aggressive way.

>is there a fan translation more accurate to the source material?

>Secret of the Stars
>bitching about people who not only put in the effort to fluently learn a second language but also translating games for free
>Fucking retards
>Secret of the Stars

Holy fuck I hope this economic crash causes neetbux to dry up so you autistic, entitled, pieces of shit all starve to death in the streets

She'll just call him an idiot instead

stick a coliflower up your ass

you forgot big tiffies

>retard his steps
Retard his ascent

No you retard! They're trying to climb faster!

Adding flavour would be what it is.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper is carried entirely by Soul. The special attacks are even called Soul Breaks because they break the limit of what should be possible with sprites.
Seriously some of the attacks are on par with Mystic Artes from 2D tales games.

Better question is why anything is tabboo. It's not like there's not a single person in the world calling someone a retard this very moment. If they change stuff like this it rewrites or even censor the original character. It's part of their personality, part of the art. We're censoring retard because todays society is filled with snowflakes, but guess what. It's 2020 and global warming is slowly killing our planet, barely had any snow this year. So i say if we're gonna kill it, we better do it right.

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>wahhh why is this mistranslation not in the remake!?
You might have a shot with a "this guy are sick" easter egg, but you can forget this one.

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Bitch Secret of The Stars' "localization" is LITERAL abhorrent garbage, in comparison to the Aqutallion original. The ENTIRE game is in fucking CAPS (which is fucking ironical and disgusting at the same time, considering you can name/rename your ENTIRE fucking cast at ANY point during the ENTIRE fucking game and you CAN input lower casing letters, but NO ONE IN THE FUCKING GAME uses lower casing, so if you DARE to actually write your characters' name PROPERLY it WILL look out of place and BADBAD, because EVERYTHING in THAT FUCKING GARBAGE-INSTEAD-OF-TRANSLATION IS IN CAPS!), there's heavy censorship on words and content, AND the """""translation""""" itself is UTTER shit. Like, for example, the main BADBAD/BOSS is called "HOMNCRUSE", fucking LITERALLY. And main cast has "names" such as "Ted", "Steve" and etc., which does NOT correlate the original AT ALL (this is not like "Ted" in Suikoden).