Are you witty enough to do entertaining commentary while you ply video games?

Are you witty enough to do entertaining commentary while you ply video games?

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yes. the thing i never understood was that ninja does not have entertaining commentary. i honestly do not understand why he's so popular

I don't want to. I play games for myself. Not for the enjoyment of others. Fuck all attention-seeking Twitch streamers.

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sort of, i can pull off some nice jokes while alone or with friends but the moment i try to record it my mind goes blank

I can't even watch twitch I highly doubt I would be able to actually stream on it, listening to someone reading out donations every 10 seconds or stopping to make jokes about the chat is too annoying for me, I have scripted out actual videos that I want to make for a youtube channel and even recorded small bits of gameplay but I'm too afraid to record the voice parts, either I would get bullied for having a feminine voice or I someone would overhear me recording and I would be too scared to go on

He's good (at a single game) and once someone becomes big other people just watch them for that.

It's mostly idiots that watch streamers anyway.


they don't do it for others' enjoyment either, retard. they do it so they can make money by just playing video games and screaming like an autist, aka exactly what they'd normally be doing anyway.

The only time I watched Ninja was during that Fallout 76 stream that had Rick and Morty in it. Holy shit he is devoid of personality. Do you only need blue hair to become a rich streamer now?

>anime hair
That's it.

I bet your voice is cute.

Why the hell would you get bullied? It's fine, I sound like a bootleg of NFKRZ dammit

Same reason pewdiepie or any other streamer/youtuber is popular, in the end its all just pure luck and exposure, if enough people (in this case mainly children) start watching you, you get big enough to snowball off of yourself as more and more people check you out to find out why you're so popular and eventually you become number one continuing the cycle til you have some sort of massive fuck up and burn out in an instant. Being mediocre and not especially distinctive is actually helpful in this, you want to be entertaining enough that someone doesn't immediately turn you off the second they hear your voice but also not so distinctive that only one type of audience starts to follow you

I was until I worked retail and lost hope in humanity.

It's really not, it's just girly if I maybe had trap or meme potential then it might be okay but I'm just perfectly average and get mistaken for a girl over the phone and games all the time, people would either accuse me of faking it or get annoyed

>I sound like a bootleg of NFKRZ
doesn't he just sound like an average russian?

too bad he has ligma

Holy shit lmao, that's a Cartoon Network side character name


Yeah but I suck at games. And I'm already 30 so my reaction time is already off the cliff.

Life is suffering. I always think I should be streaming or shoutcasting, but instead I stick to standup and acting.

It was a mixture of playing the right game and luck. He is completely replaceable as shown by the fact that the majority of his viewership didn't follow him to Mixer.

it's a 100% pure Amerimutt name

Such a weak surname.

Even if it is american it sounds canadian honestly

this is 2020, half the world sounds like an effeminate gaylord

What i don't get is why he would pick a username as dumb and boring as "Ninja".

Commie mindset.

Pewdiepie is simply the best at what he does and if someone else had his looks and his ability to project the exact personality that ADHD children want in their substitute personality, then he wouldn't be the undisputed number 1.

Depite watching some steams every now as basically background noise, I find it quite odd how these people can talk at length for that long. That said, Ninja is fucking garbage at it, his personality is like a fucking NPC, he doesnt say anyhting interesting, or funny and has no real talking points besides "oh my god that guy is hacking for sure" and other things to that effect. Like I imagine if you spoke to him outside of the game he is one boring motherfucker.

If ever I did this Id do it with a friend or something, so you can have a conversation over hte game, maybe that just me though, I treat this shit as basically radio with visuals you can lift your head up to see whats happening at intervals.

You need some type of initial appeal or gimmick. In Ninja's case, it was because he's good at a popular video game so people watch him to see how good he is. After that, you have to just keep trying to come up with schemes to get more exposure whether it's shilling or gaming curation algorithms or paying indians on fiverr or whatever you can. You do that for as long as you can and pray that you'll be lucky enough to reach critical mass, at which point you'll finally have "made it" as a streamer.
As the number of successful streamers grows, the likelihood that you'll reach that critical mass dwindles severely. At this point you'd be lucky to just become some third rate ASMR streamer with 500 viewers a night.

this guy gets it

The more boring the name is, the more competition there is to be "the" Ninja.

yeah, i already did for years
i got a normal job now though and only stream like once a month
also met quite a few people off the twitch chat who turned out to be pretty normal and adjusted people

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I honestly think so (though that's probably delusion), but 1. I'd have to be EXTREMELY lucky and put in a shitload of work and I'm lazy, and 2. it wouldn't be sustainable unless I was in the top tier who make x hundred thousand each year.
Also I don't really want to try streaming because I'd kind of hate it if I did become popular, however unlikely that may be.

Is Ninja a psyop?

I'm not an idiot... I'm just incredibly l-lonely.

You know, I have the snarkiness to entertain like Dante and the skill to back it up like b4nny, but there is no way on this god's green earth that I am going to even get more than a couple viewers on my stream. The market's too saturated for this kinda shit. Even my videos on YouTube (which are quite early), don't show this quite well.

Even then... I wouldn't trust Yas Forums, but I will bite the bullet.

>standup and acting
Don't be this guy.

But he plays fucking Fortnite, a game with literally no ninja mechanics
Why not just call yourself "Sarge" or some shit

...This is not correct. Sure, 40-32=8 but the division is counted first due to priority in math, so the end result is actually 24. Who the fuck did this?

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This guy (((Ninja))) is a Kike
Its no wonder he climbed to the top on no time, kikes only look out for other kikes

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How's that any worse than being a streamer

dumb frogposter

based retard

It's jewish

No no no, hear me out. The division is carried out first, so the 32 becomes a 16, then the subtraction happens, so 40-16=24.

israeli jew

yes, and that makes the equation correct

then why... call me a... based retard, what?

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based retard

first, that wasn't me, and second, you said the equation isn't correct, when it is.

Why show gameplay when I can cover half of the screen with my tiddies and get $1k tip :^)

It's correct, you are just too low IQ to realise it.

Solve it then for me, ignoramus.

Yeah, I'm always laughing at my own jokes that I give in an internalized commentary while I'm playing.

Did that help?

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4! is 24

I would just play games I like and discuss the lore and what if scenarios I dont think people would be into it and I mumble too much anyway

he stays popular because he became popular, past a certain point its just rolling downhill
he became popular because the chinks viewbotted him and bought him a pet nog for a day to signal the normies to his existence
and that happened because he was a washed up halo pro streaming fortnite br after it just came out and pubg was still at its height, meaning he was the most popular stream naturally for the game and thus they picked him to use as a puppet to promote the game

He does a lot of drugs.

Fuck, thanks for making me feel retarded.

4!=24 retard

staring at this, despite knowing it's correct, makes me feel bad for what mathematics became

Hey alright.

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as long as you learn from your mistakes user

Can I make a career out of being bad at games?

>he's a white boy

>pewdiepie's audience grew up and now they worship minecraft and pewdiepie
>the same thing will happen with fortnite and ninja

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feeling lonely is what idiots do. geniuses, like myself, relish our time away from others. it allows us to focus and work uninterrupted.

I remember when he sexually harassed that chubby girl at that gay SxT reality show.

I remember when it was trying to get into that transexual's pants

Ninja look like a cringy deviant art autist obsessed with Sonic

>Watching another person play a video game.
>literally doing media that your suppose to actively partake in, without partaking in
This is as stupid as watching someone listen to music that you can't hear

that's a juggalo racial term and he do look like a clown so he can call himself that