Why can't this entire continent make a single good game?
Why can't this entire continent make a single good game?
they’re not Japan
damn, that bait is the weakest I have seen in Months. Great job user!
Endless Legend
Total War: Warhammer II
The Talos Principle
Serious Sam
Victoria 2
Hotline Miami
you two retards really took the bait. very nice!
none of those games are good though?
OP said good.
Hmmm... maybe one of these will do.
Because 7th gen was the last good gen.
name a more kino continent
>those games
Because you have disgusting Jian taste, and a pretty moronic, wearable face.
only stalker and hotline miami are good on this list
Where are the games of quality equel to Final Fantasy 7, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Resident Evil 4, Dark Souls, Half-Life 2, Halo: Combat Evolved, The Last of Us, ect
Lets just face it no one can compete with the USA or Japan when it comes to game development. The best games of all time all come from USA or Japan.
You obviously haven't played mick-vidya kino
>playing gookshit
Shiggy diggy
>FF7, Last of Us
>Serious Sam
Big mistake including the eastern part.
Gothic II
Space Rangers
King's Bounty The Legend
Heroes of Might and Magic V
Pathfinder Kingmaker and upcoming Wrath of Righteous
>Final Fantasy 7, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Resident Evil 4, Dark Souls, Half-Life 2, Halo: Combat Evolved, The Last of Us
all shit
get some taste pleb
>euros make such shitty games they literally made a subgenre of it to satirize their shittiness
Best selling games of all times
1. Minecraft(European)
2. Tetris(European)
3. Grand Theft Auto 5(European)
>two of them are normalfag garbage
except none of those are any good?
Latin America [s]before the Spaniards came[/s]
Do you have a list of non shit games too?
>best selling
>normalfag garbage
wonder how that could be the case
Honestly I wish we could. Getting tired of American culture.
Even CDPro makes a game set in California.
The old dkc games
>Gothic 2s in your path
>Fallout 3
Divinity: Original Sin.
Best game of its decade.
You're not joining the EU Mehmet
OP here, I only realized now that I posted the wrong image, here is the image I wanted to post
Shit, OP here again, I accidentally posted the wrong picture again.
Now this is the real one.
Damn. Why is everyone so inferior to the Japanese?
>Making any good games
2/10 for effort, 8/10 for effectiveness of your bait, OP - congrats
Majority of those are total shit.
>makes best games in the world
How can Amerimutts even compete?
>Max Payne
>LIERO, triplane turmoil, Tapa Kaikki, We Got Explosives 2
>my summer car
>Pro Pilkki
Why is Finland so great at making games?
>Hotline Miami
>Severence: Blade of Darkness
>Grezzo Due
>Operation Flashpoint and Arma 1-2 (Arma 3 is shit)
>Gothic 1-2
>GTASA (if you count UK)
>7,62 High Calibre
>Splinter Cell
>Kingdom Come Deliverance
That's not on OP's map, sadly.
Oh and I forgot Max Payne and the original Prince of Persia as well.
And 7,62 High Calibre/Tetris only counts if Russia counts as Europe.
>le turkey isnt europe meme
I don't know user, World of Horror is pretty good
I was referring to OP's map, user. Turkey isn't in the green area, just like Russia isn't. That's why I made another post saying that the Russian games I listed only counts if Russia counts based on OP's question and image
Soon it officially will be, fellow roachposter.
Good enough to outsell all that cancer that your shithole produces combined
Unlike shit like persona or dark souls which are super sekrit club only.
>Asia Minor
Based retard
The bigger brain buster is why can't China make anything but cheap knock-off shitty mobile games?
It's culturally european just like north africa.
They can make a good game from time to time but the fact that just one small island country completely destroys the entire continent and 3rd most populous at that when it comes to making games is embarrassing to say the least.
GTA 5 is not european. Rockstar games are made by thousands of people from Rockstar studios around the world. So calling it European game is false. That is the reason why they dropped the name of the studious making it in RDR 2 because it wouldn't be fair to credit just one studiou for the production. Not to mention how Rockstar is owned by American company Take Two.
Because the Roman Empire is no more
>still caring about what country a game comes from when globalist corporatism has completely erroded all national cultures across the entire western world and is halfway done doing the same with all developed asian countries
simp thread.
Let's be real here, the only 3 countries that matters when it comes to making games are Japan, US and Canada, they made like 90% of the gaming most popular franchises.
Japan (Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts, Tekken, Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid etc)
US (Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Diablo, Starcraft, Warcraft, Call of Duty, Halo, Gears, The Last of Us, Uncharted, God of War, TOmb Raider Civilization etc.)
Canada ( Assassins Creed, Far Cry, Tom Clancy's, Tomb Raider, Thief, Deus Ex, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Prince of Persia, all EA sports games etc.)
Literally no other country can't compete. Some European country maybe made some game like Poland Witcher, Swedden Micecraft, Netherlands Horizon but that is just 1-2 games compared to entire franchises of games spanning decades.