>walk into gamestop
>see this
wat do Yas Forums?
>walk into gamestop
>see this
wat do Yas Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
turn 360 degrees and walk away
take a picture and post it on a Chinese carpenter forum
Stop for a moment and try and figure out why I'm in a gamestop
>you can all stop staring now!
sniff her bum then walk past
who walks in on Gamestops nowadays?
I wouldn't even glance at the ps4 section
great now image is ruined thanks
plbbbplbb *PLOP* *thud*
I'm the black man recording
>>walk into a gamestop
Why would anyone look in that section in the first place? PS4 has no games
violently eat out her asshole until I suck the shit out her colon
I did for the first time in like 5 years on Friday to pick up the Animal Crossing Switch.
>mam you need to get the fuck out and get some clothes on
Fucking whore.
Nice photoshop. But yeah if I would grope.
Meh, i'd probably rape in front of the whole store the buy a game from the bargin bucket.
call the cops for public indecency
Say "nice ass" as I walk past to the switch section and pick up the newest animal crossing.
this chart is terrifying.
It is the distant future of 2020. We are dealing with a Pandemic through memes, toilet paper, whining, and fapping to a anime persona of the disease.
Donald Trump is the current President, and is worshipped by throngs of angry white men angry that women don't always put out, Followed by then being angry about them putting out in the first place.
We sent a car into space
Also everyone is Bisexual, even if no one wants to ever admit to being gay because they don't wanna be camp gay. Faggots
Do women really get away with this at Gamestop?
why do modern white women burn their skin instead of rocking the pale? it doesnt look pretty it just makes them look like burnt toast
brown and black people look fine but you can always spot the white person tanning their shame away
And its true
I have genital herpes now thanks to promiscious whores.
Isnt that a nigger girl?
board is too young to remember this vintage meme user
Tell her that the sewing machines are next door at the target.
>Copyright 2004 Why kNO Abstinence Education Program
"Ma'am, I'm sorry to bother you, but your dress is riding up." Seriously, women tend to be more appreciative than creeped out, at least in my experiences.
She has shit taste. Leave her be.
I'm Asian actually, mutt poster. I, just like all reasonable people, hate niggers is all.
Is that Riley Reid?
>she's looking at Just Dance
Ask her to get the fuck out of my way so I can get a used copy of Borderlands 3.
>Donnie T is president
Laser cheese will always be here.
Politely tell her to cover up, as there might be children present
reach down for that just cause 4 for that 1.23 seconds in heaven
then awkwardly go to the counter and buy the shitty game as to not arouse any suspicion
I doubt that white boi.
share braps
put on my mask and sanitizer
>meme day at school
Maybe she has one of those tragically brown buttholes and is trying to camo it.
Why do Hapas and Americanized Asian Incels have an obsession with black dicks?
It's so weird.
t. black guy
I can't fucking tell if those shoulderplates are real or an edit and I hate it
>embarrassing to participate in
>if you dont, you'll be labelled an outcast by normies
You just cant win
Unequip leg slot and Heroic Thrust
>t. black guy
t hapa
>claims to be asian
>now he claims to be black
white boi is seething hard
>make fun of Americans
>proceeds to post pics of Americans
oh no no no
>all suspended
Guess what they are doing while suspended. That's right, she's getting BLACKED.
Dodged that shit somehow. Was dating a girl who said she had hers under control and we raw dogged all damn day and id get drunk and eat her out. Never caught it and i quit drinking a fifth of vodka everyday. Those were dark days but damn was she fucking sexy 9/10
>ladies and gentlemen, we got 'em
>IP count went up
>stupid yuronigger doesnt understand the point of BLACKEDposting is to stop faggot coomer threads
Same here user. Same here
You can't really avoid getting a tan if you spend any decent amount of time outside during the day. Don't expect a loser that spend all day inside posting bait in bait threads instead of playing video games to understand that.
I imagine every life decision these guy makes is based in his desire to get his prostate punched.
So this is the power of American activism.
Do you also fight over the box office of superhero movies, mutt?
>stop porn threads by posting porn
Top tier logic, mutt
>da ya reel wan da start raceware whitey???
You can practically see the daddy issues, that or single mother household.
>we really live in a future where memes are now normal culture
hard to believe it happened in only a decade
>he unironically thinks he can prevent people from posting porn in Yas Forums
its an edit they are actually bigger in game
What the fuck am I looking at
Why do niggers see white women as such a status symbol?
Just a reminder that Blacked posters are either Kike Mutts or Asian / Hapa Mutts.
Judge this ho for having her ass hanging out at gamestop and buy whatever the fuck I was there for
everyone's getting blacked tonight
Do Americans really...?
would definitely freeuse
To think just over a decade ago all we had were shitty rage comics
>seething yuropoors mad they cant just post shitty naked women on a blue board because the second BBC is mentioned they throw a screaming shitfit
thanks for proving my point that any shitty coomerbait thread can be instantly ruined with the mere mention of a nigger
why are white countries obsessed with black men?
Looks like one of those dog food sausages.
wish there was a side by side of gifs of whitebois getting knocked out next to gifs of white girls getting fucked
Your bullshit ends HERE, faggots
>posting cuck porn is considered activism in America
oh no
a sex offender
>getting BLACKED
>gets up 3 times in a row. goes for it again
True chad
What I want to know is why Asian Incels are more obsessed with Black Dicks.
That's disturbing.
what does it smell like bros
Blacks like white things
>white bitches
>white watches
>white cars
>white coats
>white ps4
To be fair, that's slim by American standards.
american cops upgraded from shooting to thrusting
sony can't stop winning babyyy
fat bitch lmao
I walk up to her, tell the man to put the camera away, and the woman to cover herself.
I then scold her and demand she show some decency in this public place and call him an enabling loser. I remind them that children frequent this place and that behavior is unbecoming.
Hopefully some mom buying her brat something will see, applaud my fake maturity and sense of morality in a place frequented by children, and then I can keep the lie going long enough to plow said brat's mom and tell him about it later in the day while he's playing his new game.
>malnourished europoors being height mogged
arent both of those clips recorded in London?
Why do people insist on getting into fights with civvies when you can just buy a gun and shoot them?
Claim it as self defense and that's it.
>obsessing with black dicks to own yurop epic style
Now if this ain't the most American thing I've read all day
Spill the sauce lad
those are clearly british cops
american cops are either dressed all black like terminators or have the tan-brown pants like in san andreas
>majority of porn viewers are white males
>most popular interracial pairing is black male white female
really makes you think?
True, here's an example of American cops.
the real answer was that they hate their women and by extension, themselves
what kind of coping eurofat saves this filth
>typical nigger behavior
cope is the name of the game
unironically based
so who dis?
In fact, lets dwelve into that data.
user if it's summer and you go outside you're probably going to tan a bit.
Shit, I drive for a living and in the summer my left arm and my right arm are totally different shades.
That said any woman who uses a tanning bed is retarded.
california has a lot of mexicans
are you trying to demoralize me, euro? you realize where i live?
in commiefornia yeah but they basically are just another gang faction
funny picture since being her bf in this situation means your anxieties get confirmed and you get mad and hurt, but you chill the fuck out after since you know
Slap her ass and yell
>wearing shorts over your underwear and under your pants
Do Americans really... ?
>le 57% face
oh no no no
>immediately thinks that a gun is the best solution
white kids always wanting to shoot shit up
That girl at the front has worse posture than me, ha!