When and why did this become such a prevalent opinion?

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Because normies equate size with quality.

Bigger map = better game
More pixels = better game

>why do I have shit taste?

gee I dunno OP.

It's about being able to choose your own path ya sheep

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Publishers brainwashed the masses and also some of Yas Forums into thinking bigger map = better game

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>carefully constructed single path
>10 paths but all shit and weak in content

For some reason, everyone misinterpreted linearity for being completely open-world and not just having a game not be so heavily on rails. GTA games are linear as fuck since they rarely allow you to approach missions or the story in your own way, but normalfags and journalist rarely call those games out for it because they're retarded.

Just because some games poorly execute an idea doesn't make it a bad one

It all ends up the same. You have shit taste.

somewhere between the release of FFX and FFXIII

linear is only good if the gameplay and level design is so fun that you don't mind going through the same shit on repeat playthroughs
non linear is better when it feels like there was actual thought put into the environment and how you go through it and it's not just boring open world monotony

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key aspect of games that differentiates them from other media is interactivity; it is only natural for people to want that to be expressed through branching stories/impactful choices/non linear level design. i dont think these aspects inherently will make a better game, but i see why people would generally prefer them

So go watch a video of someone else playing. It's about making your own journey

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Outside of a few open world games like Deus Ex and Fallout, you don't make your own journey.

That IS true though.
Tall > short
DD breasts > B breasts
8x6 dick > 5x5 dick

Bigger is better.

>what is metroidvania



G+ Breasts

It's all about content.

>DD breasts > B breasts
Imagine having this much shit taste

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For a pump amd dump, not a quality woman in the long term unless you wish to stain your lineage with manlets.
You probably have a small dick.

Some time ago basically all games were linear to the point that it got annoying, but as we all know it's old news already.
My guess is that it's just retards parroting something someone else said now.

>quantity over quality

>rockstar fanboys literally desperate enough to defend their shitty mission design

Tall people live shorter lives. So surely having average height or shorter height women is worth the risk of average height or shorter height men?

mid to late 00s and thanks to Halo and FFXIII, basically

The liberal type of sub-human is cursed to pathologically seek emancipation from all things. The libertines at least, did so for hedonistic ends, but the liberal simply has a compulsive desire too have some illusion of choice in all things, especially those parts of their identity that are naturally fixed (their gender, their family, their age etc etc) the actual game design and structure is meaningless to them, games that are "non-linear" are comforting to their psyche in themselves. Understand, that what the choices are do not matter, it's being able to choose (and freely change your whims) that they neurotically value. Of course, only the game only has to present itself as part of their zeitgeist, it does not actually need to even offer choices.

Those imbued with a spirit of rebellion need to create new enemies to keep themselves in an eternal state of revolution.

It's also just an easy marketing hook for consoomers. "bigger world, 400 endings" etc etc. They will buy whatever they are expected to buy, it's hard to advertise products with depth in a way that tells people to "buy me" instead of "experience me"

Both have their ups and downs.

Good bait, you really got me there

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Wives tale for coddled manlets to feel better about their inferior Gene's, theres no statistics about it. Like baldness being caused by "too much" test when every soiboy is bald or has thinned hair.

spoken like a true dicklet

Spoken like a true Elliot Roger.

OK, zoomer.

>Tall people live shorter lives

Players want to think they don't do things in the same general order as everyone else regardless of what the options are. Developers like the ease of being able to shit out a big map they can cover in waypoints for 100 hours of generic enemy killing and call it a game. Suits like it because GTA5 continues to print gorillions of dollars years later and they want a piece of it.

>women want short men with little dicks

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As a general rule it's rule. Linear means fewer options, a game where you make zero decisions is not a game at all.

Stop projecting.

When games cost 60 bucks I like them to have a semblance of replay value

A game full of pointless land and side quests does not mean replay value

>DD breasts > B breasts

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user where is the quality in your lack of height and minuscule genitala. Clearly it's not in your genes

nice strawman. nonlinear doesn't instantly mean generic ubisoft open world.

>weeb pedo

>b cup = pedo

Google human height + longevity and there's a lot of sources. Also, paradoxical with other beings.

Can you name the last tall person (at their peak, of course) to live to 120? Notice how women live longer on average?

This isn't cope by the way, just fits into the argument - bigger is better, right?

they think all "linear" games are just 2D walking simulators and as for when, after like 2013 probably because GTA V was really popular and really big for the time

dios mio....
El consumidor de propaganda y mcdonalds.

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Cope, manlet

If you have AAA budgets you don't have any excuses to not make an open world game.

DD tits are not that common user, porn has ruined you.

This, my tits are only B, sadly im a dude

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Ironically more fucking linear than a classicvania.

I hate open worlds, more accurately, i hate overworlds because there is usually nothing to fucking do in them

It's doubly surprising because I've to play a single game that was good because it was non-linear. Like who gives a shit? It's like people who eat their burger upside down. I mean, you CAN, but it's still the same fucking burger.

is this just Yas Forumstards coping with the fact that they have no freedom? like being a puppet is somehow a better alternative?

bigger boobers better. its science retard

Better chance of dying of cancer, maybe.

DD maybe not but C and up are a lot more common these days due to obesity. DD is a dumb fucking meme, don't even look good. Huge and flat all the fucking way.

Games like Megaman shows you can have your own set of paths that also have the strengths of more handcrafted experiences.

DD tits are actually really fucking common and they aren't even that big, either.
Much of Asia and Africa have A and B cup averages, but otherwise C and D is the average for a lot of countries.
Some countries have DD as the average, and not because of landwhales (ie not just the US).

>Some countries have DD as the average, and not because of landwhales (ie not just the US).
Name them.

yes. and?