Just what the fuck is going on with SONY?

Just what the fuck is going on with SONY?

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you mean the most based thing they've ever done

hahahahahahahahaha all your game are belong to us

Exclusives only exist so idiots can have something to brag about. Doesn't matter if it's good or not, so long as nobody else can have it, that exclusive becomes a talking point. Multiplats pave the way for gaming.

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Thanks for the future Bloodborne port

Exclusivity is racist.

why do they care so much? the game is not even good

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>all negros

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I'm happy about this. I'm going full pirate next gen. There was no reason to buy a ps4 for only like 5 games.

whats a wws game

I think Sony fans are angry, because they used to give xbots shit all the time about xbox games being on PC. Now it's happening to them so it's pissing them off. There's really no reason to be mad as PC is irrelevant when compared to the
large playerbase of consoles. PC is for a select few of shut-ins and port beggars with money to throw away. The majority of them don't even play games, and their online games are filled with hackers.
Halo is just as much of an exclusive as Horizon is.

So they bragged about this non-sexualised strong female character only to have pc gamers creating nude mods, lol.

this game looks like dogshit but hopefully this paves the way for Bloodborne getting a port

Oh oh

Passive aggressive cope, sad!

how is the world real if this isn't even real?

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>I think Sony fans are angry, because they used to give xbots shit all the time about xbox games being on PC. Now it's happening to them so it's pissing them off. There's really no reason to be mad as PC is irrelevant when compared to the
large playerbase of consoles. PC is for a select few of shut-ins and port beggars with money to throw away. The majority of them don't even play games, and their online games are filled with hackers.
>Halo is just as much of an exclusive as Horizon is.

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Are sony fanboys all just niggers? Is that why they get so angry all the time?

I'm Hawaiian.

>retweet corporate mouthpiece
Real or not this is very based

>dumbest thing sony has ever done
they've skirted bankruptcy and been publicly hacked multiple times, releasing an old game on a new platform is far from it

Like Microsoft, Sony has seen the writing on the wall. Only Nintendo is still holding out, and they won't last long.

It will start out small. Probably just ports of the Legend of Zelda Wind Waker and Twilight Princess remasters, because those are easy money and cannot possibly dig into Switch sales, but once the ice is broken there's no going back.

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both those things were fake news made by xbox fanboys

I own both consoles. I probably wouldn't have an Xbox if Halo didn't exist, but it's still a good console. Computers aren't meant for videogames. The main reason why CE in the MCC on Xbox sucks so much is because it's a shitty, botched PC port. You people ruin games.

Is anyone even excited for HZD on PC? It looks like ass cred style open world of the worst sort.

>you people
>Yas Forums is Microsoft
cry harder faggot

Beautiful world with robots? I'm in.

could workshop even salvage that turd?

The largest Siege population is on PS4, and every average to high level player is white.
It's fun and the story is actually pretty good. I cried at the ending. 8/10 easy.
Yas Forums is for videogames, not computers.

Lifelong sony fag here.

I found this game to be really generic gameplay-wise. The world is quite unique though but my god there is SO MUCH shite on screen in the way of icons, bars, hints and button prompts that it became really obxious.

I only played until after you get ambushed on the snowy mountain and then dropped it.

How's that hairline, James?

*sniff* uh.... *heavy panting* gah *loud slurping snoy-flavored latte* ahh ahh SONYYYY

First they attach their ego to a brand, then they somehow think that they know how to run a multibillion dollar, global corporation.

If exclusives sold consoles in any appreciable amount, we would have seen this born out in market research and the market. But that's not what's happening, console makers are now owners of some of the largest game developers and publishers in the world. and you can crunch the numbers, video games are extremely lucrative. Astronomically more lucrative than selling consoles. these faggots are just buttmad that other people get to play with their years old toys. no other reason, they just want to sell their arguments as if their really concerned about the welfare of a corporation, which makes less sense than being mad about a game half of these people probably didn't even play. exclusives hold no value to the consumer. I've seen no argument to date that refutes this.

Sony fanboys have been awfully quiet here, did they all move to twitter and resetera or something?

I only played for like 15 minutes but it was immediately clear that the priority was holding the players hand. Would have been much better if the game relied on environmental story telling.

GoW seems inevitable, there's no reason not to just take the easy money on a game that's practically dead in terms of sales. I can't remember the last GOTY that was fully exclusive. I'm sure there are some.

I remember the robo dino things looking kinda cool back when it was revealed and lost all interest when I saw it was PS exclusive. I'll probably check it out in a few years if it's a decent port.

Just platied this morning, it was alright, honestly mods would improve it, the environments are cool but almost everyone is fuck ugly.
More the merrier I say.

The game was beautiful, but got bored with the character, story and gameplay.

I know that one certain autist is still on Yas Forums, coping and telling himself PC is irrelevant.

I don’t suppose you tried turning all that shit off in the options?
Agreed tho, by default, too shit on screen.

>they're all black

The Wonderful 101 is already coming to PC user.

So nyggers

Octopath Traveler
Daemon X Machina
The Wonderful 101

Bintendo is bleeding as well.

I played Horizon for like an hour. It's like a committee of suits who don't like video games blindly pointed at the "new" Tomb Raider games and Bethesda RPGs and said, "Just glue that shit together." Who the fuck wants this in 2020?

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the first videogame existed before the first console did

why are sony marketing team and fake news CIA games journos colluding to try and make this into some kind of thing
HZD is below mediocre and no real gamer talks about it, remembers it or even considered buying it

It’s also not a main Nintendo property, now, is it? Do you see Nintendo fans going up in arms over Wonderful 101 going multiplat?

That explains why a lot of tryharding trash on PS4 GTA Online are niggers.

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It's funny to me that there's people on Yas Forums that will defend that snooze fest of a game. The setting is stupid to begin with, the idea that robots are going to get their shit pushed in by humans that run around in shitty armor made of scrap with the same weapons is already stupid to begin with. Then you have the Ray skywalker level writing of the main character who just walks around telling everyone else how they suck while using all the wisdom she's accrued in 18 years of living in bumfuck nowhere with little human interaction. And then the low effort armor choices that basically don't matter because they're all similar in
defensive stats. Anyways, why are there stupid animal robots?

Bayonetta will come next :^)

The banjo came before the guitar.

Wonderful 101 is getting re-released? Sick. It was the one Kamiya game I never played thanks to Wii-U being ridiculous.

yeah but that game is shit

Lot of melanin inbetween those ethnic lads.

Then why are "next gen" consoles running outdated pc specs

Its gonna sell like pancakes. Smart move

Don't think anyone should've been surprised by Octopath Traveler. S-E has been a member of the PCMR club for a long time now.

I'll get it eventually, when it's -75% or something, during a game drought