Why is there so little gay representation in video games?

Why is there so little gay representation in video games?

>inb4 WHO CARES?
Gay kids need good gay role models so they grow up into strong, healthy, masculine men. As it stands gays are depicted as womenlike clowns and faglets get it into their brain that that is what being gay is.

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Gays are gross.


the message of his arc is that sexual degenerates corrupt naive people with good intentions, he is probably becoming a villian now, and its all because that faggot and his sister.

Kids shouldn't have role models from videogames period, let alone faggots.

why did he become a gay?

Cause he fucked two twins, one of which was a boy.

it was basically rape, desu.


>not wanting to be a feminine man

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I wouldn't buy a game where it was even relevant whether the male characters liked cock up their ass or not. Any game with a story deep enough for that to come up should just be a movie instead.

Get the fuck out of here, trannie.

Alucard is...gay? I do not remember this lore.

>gay kids
Kids aren't sexual and can't be gay. Homosex isn't genetic.

t. retard

Gay kids can have straight or any orientation role models, can't they?

That being said, any one who couldn't tell the nigga dressed like Liberace was a pofter is straight up retarded

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Theres no role models for straight men anymore so why should you fags get them?

>Gay kids
Is that considered to be a thing now?

alu isn't gay and you can fuck off with your western trash

>Gay kids need good gay role models so they grow up into strong, healthy, masculine men. As it stands gays are depicted as womenlike clowns and faglets get it into their brain that that is what being gay is.
I was going to call you retarded, but you know what? You might be onto something. There are barely good gays characters

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What gay kids need is a good bully to make him either learn to conform or themselves, or become strong enough to be based like Aniki

When I was a kid I was jerking off to some big old titties.

Because liking dicks shouldn't be some badge you wear around. Save it for the pride parade.

but kids can fall i feel, just like in love with my teacher

*kill themselves

>kid get bullied
>kill himself
very smart user-kun

>kids need good role models so they grow up into good men
There, I've fixed it.

t. shackled thinker

because cishet apologists (90% of the population) can only write gay characters like dorian in dragon age where the only way you can show that they're gay is having their personality be "MY NAME IS COCKSUCK MCMUSTACHE AND I LOOOOOOVE SUCKING DICKS"

Good tier: gay characters that are obviously gay and make it work (DQ11)
Mediocre ier: MC-sexual characters that are effectively bi but only if you choose to romance them as same sex
Bad tier: obnoxious gay characters made for marketing purposes (Bioware)
Pseud tier: "gay" characters you have to complete multiple sidequests for and pass multiple dialogue checks for then to say they're gay (New Vegas)

have sex and then join the 41%

Alucard isn't a faggot. The shitty N*tflix cartoon was written by someone who never even heard of the games

The absolute state of America lmao

>Why is there so little gay representation in video games?
There are hardly any gays in real life, why do they need so much representation? LGBT fags whine about as much as black people do about not being represented now, but at least black people are numerous which sort of explains why there's so much of it.


>Gay kids need good gay role models so they grow up into strong, healthy, masculine men. As it stands gays are depicted as womenlike clowns and faglets get it into their brain that that is what being gay is.

Why should a kid be attracted to dick in the first place?

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>Why should a kid be attracted to dick in the first place?
I was, I've had strong same-sex feelings since I was at least in first grade. No one molested me.

People shouldn't be looking to video games for role models to begin with.


>Representationfags always go for women, gays, or some 0.1% group
Where's the demand for playable left handed characters? Link was the only leftie anybody knew, and even he hasn't been one outside of remakes of old games for 15 or so years now.

Let kids be kids.
Thank you.

Leftie here, I don't care. I found it cool that Link is.

I liked Bill from Last of Us. Obviously not role model-wise but he was actually a character outside of being gay and wasn't a walking stereotype. He was a mean, paranoid, cantankerous prick but ultimately does a lot for you and has balls of steel.

No it wasn't. The sex was consensual.

Why does Konami simply not care anymore?

Why shouldn't they

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>Bad tier: obnoxious gay characters made for marketing purposes (Bioware)

Dorian could have been cool but they just had to make him a limp-wristed quip machine to make extra sure everyone in a 10 mile radius was aware that he smoked pole.

Imagine letting identity politics consume you like this.

They lost 90% of their in-house game devs (not even referring to Kojima here, he was part of the problem while being one of Konami's VPs too) and make more money from their non-video game stuff.

The only people who perpetuate the "I don't mind gays, just don't be gay in my face" meme are those who closet themselves out of fear of being ostracized by society and can't relate to others trying to freely express themselves against the norm (e.g. Yas Forums users who after years of being told to "hide your power level" and hating on normalfags would rather die than tell others IRL they browse this place because they think they will be made out to be pedo creeps if others knew), and people who just straight-up dislike gays, but fool themselves into thinking they're not homophobic because they believe that in order to be homophobic you have to actively hate or fear gays instead of being merely apathetic.

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Did you want to take it up the ass in grade school? Serious question. I had incredible doubts about anyone who claimed to be gay in school because of this.

what does any of this have to do with video games

>Why is there so little gay representation in video games?
because gay men are a minority and western devs don't understand what gay men like
>put a gay bara in the game to cater to gay men
>character is unpopular and no talks about him because barashitter loves are a minority among gay males
gay men like crossdressing gay twinks, what Yas Forums calls traps

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I didn't want to take it up the ass or even to have sex, I was just really fascinated (and in retrospect, turned on by) "maleness", and I was especially curious about dicks. I got other kids to compare dicks with me, and kissed a few of them. I didn't start to notice male anatomy (abs, ass, muscles) until adolescence though.


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Flamboyant attention whores are annoying and I am an openly gay guy. If you put emphasis on your sexuality you're as obnoxious as you are boring and I don't want to be around you.
>they believe that in order to be homophobic you have to actively hate or fear gays instead of being merely apathetic.
lol what? I don't care about black people one way or another because they're just people but oops I guess that makes me a racist.

I'm a top by the way I don't like submitting to butt stuff.

>I like men
>But not manly men I want men who look like girls

What the fuck is the point

>I don't like submitting
terrible taste

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It just feels uncomfortable to me and I get nothing out of it.

Alucard isn't gay.

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But user don't you know what western woke writers who never played the games say he loves dick? He has to love dick then. Because they said so.

same with the movies, there are no too many gay movies, people Don't like gays

>people Don't like gays
but why ?

Oh. It's from the bad fake anime with Jackie Chan Adventures tier aesthetics? That fucking figures.