Yas Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Have fun

Booru: vidyart.booru.org/

NSFW Deliveries:
or catbox.moe/

Drawing Books and drawing programs:
/ic/ sticky:

Attached: 1584251075467.jpg (776x1268, 347.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: anchor.png (750x750, 97.67K)

I farted and it smelled good.

Requesting Wario getting his head smashed between 5-Volt and Mona's butt and boobs. Of course he's giving us a thumb up with a dumb grin on his face.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 238.87K)

Requesting Symbiote Juri and Symbiote Mileena (no lips classic teeth only) making out with their tongues passionately on a couch from sexual tension.

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" playing videogames and raging because she is losing, sitting on a sofa while holding a PS controller or sitting on a chair while playing with a keyboard on a desk, yelling the classic "YOU CHEAP ASS MOTHERFUCKER!" to the screen.

Alternatively, just playing videogames and enjoying it.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: MarielMaidOutfit.png (1268x788, 924.88K)

Requesting Palutena thinking deeply about dick

Attached: Palutena, the green haired shitposting thot.jpg (3332x1021, 649.13K)

Requesting grey fox smelling his fart and saying it fucking stinks.

Requesting Shygal with a lewd and long tongue, make it looks "inviting"
Examples: imgur.com/a/GOm5lL0

Attached: shygal cutegraphite.png (1000x1070, 293.42K)

Seconding this, but replace myself with Stinky Steve

Requesting Alexstrasza from World of Warcraft getting her enormous butt hugged.

Attached: alexstrasza___wow_by_sciamano240-dcmo2qd.jpg (600x800, 124.33K)

Requesting Melony playing a game on the Nintendo Switch with her kids please.

Attached: Melony's kids.jpg (2598x2379, 907.85K)

Requesting ponytail

Attached: kmc34.png (800x900, 810.29K)

Requesting Muffet from Undertale looking at a man covered in spiders saying or thinking something like "I love men that are good with kids"

Attached: Spider.png (1280x1557, 608.89K)

No, it’s gonna be you, and you’re gonna like it.

Requesting a redraw of this featuring Kid Dracula from the same series, instead of a gun he's holding a cross.

Attached: rh1aj31c0nf01.jpg (500x392, 68.81K)

Requesting Tharja and Dragon's Crown Amazon fusion firing a giant purple spiritual skull from her axe

Attached: Muscle Wizard of darkness.jpg (2389x876, 319.04K)

Requesting Malin drinking a huge bottle of vodka celebrating his 20th Anniversary as one of the obscure KoF waifus.

Attached: Malin.jpg (850x919, 120.18K)

Hope this is what you were looking for user

Attached: 47CF69BA-3FA4-41F3-8C33-442AEB4D23C5.png (2218x2275, 611.41K)

Requesting Scorpion as chef Gordan Ramsey
>Him doing his skull flame fatality on a steak with him shrieking "IT'S FUCKING RAW!

Attached: IMG_20200312_043857.jpg (1080x1080, 91.39K)

Requesting this Bea flashing her ass

Attached: EJ8sszCXUAY3fYn.jpg (486x651, 46.98K)

requesting parappa eating a burger

Attached: Parappa wants a burger.png (1544x1080, 1.21M)

Based and despairpilled.


God she's adorable.

This but she’s been working out everything but her glutes so everything else is toned but her butt is flabby.



Ah shit I reposted before checking the thread, this is pretty much exactly what I had in mind. Perfectly done, user. Couldn't have asked for a better take on it.

Requesting a crossover drawing of Painter Momopie and Adeleine painting together.

Attached: painter momopie reference.png (1395x1722, 2.66M)

Attached: EEEH SUGOI DESU NE.png (3000x2463, 1.31M)


Attached: f0fe1842b85dc61df5d1605f9cd5f7b5fc1367fb.jpg (960x720, 97.97K)

Requesting Enterprise from Azur Lane with short bob cut hair (keep her bangs the same) and looking cool and cute. No ship parts required.

Attached: Enterprise.png (1500x2040, 1.55M)


Requesting Jill from VA-11 HALL-A laying on top of a pile of beer cans in her apartment in a shirt that says Slut, panties and smoking a cigarette.

Attached: Jill_6.png (1275x713, 35.3K)

Thanks! I also made this symbiote version with fun brushes real quick because it seems like those are all the rage these days.

Attached: 9E7770E0-CB7C-4EEB-A4C7-346DBFB4E750.png (2218x2275, 1.33M)

>the rage
Literally most of it was 1 dude samefagging

YEAH! Good on you dude.

Sorry guys next time I'll just kill myself out of shame.
Cool looking, although the scratchy realistic paintbrush feels a bit weird on the symbiote since I'm used to it being more of an alien goo. Maybe it fits with Dangan Ronpa though, I'm unfamiliar with the series.

Attached: 1477158226541.jpg (460x241, 17.6K)

>like those are all the rage these days.
Sorry, but it just got proven that it's literally all just one guy samefagging.

Requesting something like this but any character you like.

Attached: 1542319888543.jpg (850x1133, 103.79K)

I would like to request the Persona 3 Protagonist and Orie from Undernight In-Birth swapping outfit since they are both blue haired swordsmen who can summon Thanatos~

Attached: Thanatosx2.jpg (1024x768, 100.46K)

Requesting a fusion of all 5 of these Neptunia CPUs or just Neptune and Vert Included their normal forms in the picture too

Attached: nepu fusion.png (3637x957, 2.6M)

May he Rest In Peace then
Yeah I agree, I need to practice my goos in the future. They’re definitely not quite as textured as that brush

But it wasn’t.

Jesus! I kinda wanna give it a try. But tomorrow, Imma sleepy now.

Attached: 810.jpg (680x345, 51.35K)

Android 21 Majin form please.

Nah it was Vergil who killed the mod
Fuck you Vergil

Taking Pepsi requests.
Sample: files.catbox.moe/wl11z4.jpeg

That's a cool design but without teeth this only counts as some sort of sexy harlequin. That's my opinion.

Not saying Harlequins suck or anything. They suck dick tho.

Requesting Undyne taking off her pants like the reference.

Attached: UT Undyne is a fish, Cop Undyne is a fiish.jpg (560x947, 304.5K)

Are you the Vergil guy? Then no thanks

Requesting reverse bunnysuit Katerina from Croixleur Sigma twitter.com/yujixxxxx/status/1236228157985804294?s=19
Also requesting

Attached: best genki collage 2.jpg (4020x2009, 1.06M)

Literally the same dude dumbass

This one has better coloring and shading. Why?

Requesting Wave the swallow naked but covered by strategically placed Flickies.

Attached: Why Sega, why did you kill the Riders series.jpg (775x983, 445.69K)

Requesting this with Doomguy and Isabelle.

Attached: Yiff in hell... Oh, Oh no.jpg (610x983, 521.08K)

I'm tired of these skinny bitches and their symbiote bullshit. Where's the big buff symbiote waifus like the great fairy from Hyrule Warriors.

Not the artist but he's using a realistic paint brush which has automatic texture to it and creates slightly darker layers just by painting over the first application which makes shading easier. You can basically go ham with it and it has a tendency to look nicer than a default flat brush even if you totally mangle it because it has that nice physical texture to it. Not to say that the artist did a bad job since I'm speaking from my own experience and I suck at colouring and have used the watercolour CSP options as a crutch. I think the first one looks better personally.

Requesting Leonie in a wedding dress

Attached: awa13bozvuq31.png (820x1200, 528.86K)

Requesting thisimgur.com/a/43JVmO8with Ulala, Roo, and Kie

Attached: 20th_3_09_.jpg (1280x1280, 243.53K)

>last thread
What the fuck.

Requesting Carnage symbiote Amazon

Attached: DC_-_Amazon.png (788x876, 1009.79K)

Suggesting the Amazon from dragons crown.

Fuck off retard

Stuff happened
I don't want to talk about it

requesting Dino Crisis related art again. This time Regina in her cavegirl alternate outfit being 'seduced/groped from behind by a caveman with a pissed off expression on her face. How graphic it is/how much nudity there is, up to the drawfriend. She’s been trapped in the prehistoric past with the cavemen for a while now.

Attached: 7A856EF4-DAB6-4666-8082-24FE87FC1A88.jpg (1024x1021, 159.03K)

Okay this was weird

Zelda doing the pose on the left with the clothes and bracelets as well.

Attached: Zelda.jpg (2775x3088, 1.21M)

Requesting Charlotte Corday from FGO inviting the viewer to a lap pillow while she blushes
bonus points if she is thinking in other lewd stuff like "hand holding", "hugs", "forehead kissing" and that kind of things

Attached: Charlotte lap pillow request.png (1078x1194, 1.47M)

I’m not going to be surprised if you are ban evading again

Tifa wearing Wonder Woman's clothes and doing the cross armed pose

Attached: WonderTifa.jpg (2178x1920, 432.25K)

I thought this was a cute anime version of that one Mario villain with the creepy mask

If they survive it means they are Vergil