>a free store mount
>just for playing the game like you normally would
>this is somehow bad
>Chinese year of the rat
It all makes sense
>mount is tied to in store MTX
>its just a crappy rat
>you have to sub to this subpar dying game for 6 months wasting 98 dollars for a mount that should be in game for free
>mfw Blizzdrone neets see this as a good thing
Go back to classic.
>playing a game on an engine from last century
>paying every month to do so
>paying every month for rehashed soulless shit
>paying every month for rewritten and ridiculous lore
>paying to stand in major city to run random instance 5-20x a day to raid whatever raid 3 times a week
fucking end it already
>every single "expansion" cycle the players are given a whole bunch of bullshit hyped up content that over the course development is reduced to whack ass talent tree changes and barebones "features" that are never worked upon again
Every single time. I'm more disappointed in the people that buy this shit every time than Blizzard for making this trash.
Guys...let it die.
>15 years later
>still 14.99
>he thinks I'd pay for a current Blizz product
Haven't paid for one since 2012.
cant believe i just missed this mount. i was gonna stay subbed for 6 months anyway considering its the only vidya i play these days
>a neat mount for people who were going to sub anyway
not like you dont already have 500 mounts anyway. stay seething, fuckhead
>the absolute shit show of BfA made me finally unsub
>still can’t fully let go
I just want Warcraft to be good
I skipped BFA and it looks like I made the right decision considering how much of a shitshow everyone says it was.
So tell me, what's the catch with this one?
I thought BfA was alright. Raids were fun and M+ is always fun.
One thing I can't stand is this nigger talk everytime you fly over a thing DE LOA MON. hope they take a long ass break from trolls for a while
>"we thought azerite armor didnt offer enough choices in gearing"
>makes a worse system, first with essenses and then with corruption
what the FUCK is ion doing
he's clearly not mad, he's making fun of a shit game, what are you on about
Collecting paychecks, nobody expects WoW to actually survive or gain players. He is the company janitor.
Azerite was a solution to a problem that didn't exist, and they continue to make it worse.
It is a literal miracle that Legion worked out, but given Ion wasn't director till after everything was set in stone, maybe he's just a failure as a director.
I pay for my sub with gold by selling M+ carries. Takes like 2 hours of runs a month total. Anything past that is extra gold
Essences as a system were good. They should have just made them account-wide from the start
Are they going to actually add PvP gear with this expansion? WoD was unironically the last time i had fun with WoW
So you're the asshole spamming trade with that shit. Imagine paying real money for 475 bracers with the wrong stats
The catch up for alts this expansion is unreal. I guess theyre going to add another fucking currency to grind for so you can actually catch up on Tuesday
kill yoursel've
how is this not going to feel terrible?
You are going to loose like 130+ corruption worth of traits that boost your stats or damage by 100 percent or more.
>Man I loooooooooooove Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands! Sylvannas is such a good character and I can't wait for her to be revealed as the protagonist that she is!!! Yas queen slaaaaaaay
how many times are you gonna fall for this shit op?
Anyone else kinda glad that the shadowlands features are kinda minor?
Makes it seem like it’s being sold as a ‘fixing the core issues introduced in legion’ expansion. Proof will be in the beta though, I don’t know what to expect and I don’t think blizzard do either.
no one is buying the expansion here you stupid shill
Legion was good. Alternating between good and bad has been the trend for a while
>Legion was good.
the last good expansion was wrath and only the first half of it. everything after was absolute shit.
Early cataclysm was good
ToT and Firelands are unironically better raids then anything in vanilla or TBC
MoP was great, WoD was good
it wasn't. when the game shit the bed can actually be pinpointed and that is with trial of the crusader during wrath of the lich king
I dont play WoW for minigames
Legion was only fun for the first month because there were lots of new gameplay systems and everyone was going crazy. Then it sunk in how shitty everything was and how much fucking daily and weekly chores there are nonstop, and timegating and fucking rng.
>WoD was good
Whoa, nigga
wrong. if you do not know why wow started to become shit as soon as mid wrath then you have shit taste
you have shit taste
>plays wow
>doesn't raid
Autism Speaks.
>Broke the economy forever
This. Everything leading up to Ulduar and Ulduar included was pure kino. ToT was a fucking tragedy.
>great raids
>the classes I played were fun
>pvp was still fun compared to legion/bfa
>no needless chores; can just focus on raiding and doing BGs with the guys
yeah WoD was amazing compared to what we have now
>pretending WoD was bad because some youtuber said so
>there are people ITT right now, this very second, that are praising WoD
holy shit
>Abitrarty contrarian pseudonostfag opinion has moved forward from BT to 'mid Wrath'
Clearly you didn't play the game. WoD was so bad, I quit within the first couple months. Same with MoP.
WoW died with Arthas. End of discussion.
Your "home" is a collect 10 boar asshole themepark MMO where no one socializes and everyone does the same shitty scripted content? lol at your life
kek this expansion is gonna crash and burn
The one good raid WoD had and it being the last time you could raid log does are actual arguments
They don't outweigh all the other massive issues with WoD
can't wait until blizzard announces that WoW is going to be playable on your mobile devices
>monkeybrain can't look at the big picture and can only think of good and bad
im sorry you just have shit taste, user.
WoD singlehandedly managed to break my addiction forever
Im glad wh*te people are dying off
Kill yourself kike
user you know stating you play wow but don't raid makes you the retard right?
I'm sorry but I have to disagree.
Late WotLK was a shit show but early cataclysm was great, my only pet peeve would be the reduced talent trees but the content was great, challenging and entertaining 5 players dungeons, great and challenging raids, cool looking armor, a decent leveling experience, not too much daily busy work.
technically it already happened with the Legion class hall/companion app
HAHAHAHAHAHA, my fucking sides!
The guy is just parroting the contrarian Yas Forums opinion for epoints he probably isn't even old enough to have played wrath or cata.
The WoD garrison table was the worst thing to happen to the game and they keep doubling down with it adding more and more shit and multiplying similar concepts.
What a bunch of retards.
Trolled le epic style!