Try out a western game

>Try out a western game
>It was actually fun

What's her name?

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A big ass, I quite like that, haha

That ass was MADE for a black man

Why do you keep making this thread?

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Where's the spade?

Yeah, you call that euro and/or canadian a mutt. Americans are asleep, retard.

>A big ass, I quite like that, haha
>That ass was MADE for a black man
>Why do you keep making this thread?
>Where's the spade?
>Yeah, you call that euro and/or canadian a mutt. Americans are asleep, retard.

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Canadians and Americans share the same time zones. Most likely, he's an Aussie.

What kind of person only consumes Japanese media after being raised and living in the West?

Based. I wish I was her



This and I wish I would watch


dragon age inquisition

I love white girls with smooth plump asses



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it's not actually that big it's just the camera angle that makes it look that way


I quite liked Enter the Gungeon and the Power Rangers figther

i enjoyed it

Serious Sam

Based and photo angle pilled.

Super meat boy

do you really think yahweh would go and do that? make a big white tookus for a big black buck?

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That is a big butt.

Doom 2016

I like how they tell you were the secrets are on the map. I'm the type of player that wants to do everything in a game. I have tons of games I never finished because I get bored of them. It is so boring to try and find every type of some fucking bullshit flower in a game. I just never finish anything because of this. The only game I have ever gotten a platinum trophy for is Bloodborne because getting the achievements was fun. Getting everything was actually enjoyable and relatively fast. I played like the first 10 hours of Red Dead 2 and I have not touched it since. it is so fucking boring to do everything and that games has every type of bullshit in it. I think this is my problem and not the games fault because the game doesn't force you to get everything. I wish there was a mode in games that you could turn off and it would turn off every side quest, every achievement and all the bullshit that you get with modern games, I hate completion percentages because if its there I got to do it. I got to get everything and when I try, I get bored because its bullshit. Wish I could hide that shit.

TL:DR; i think I have a mental disorder


Terminator resistance

God, please, have Covid-19 kill all americans in their sleep.


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Unironically, Mass Effect Andromeda. I couldn't get past the first few main story missions when it first came out, but coming into it now with my expectations even lower than before it's kinda fun.
Also, videogames.

asians LOL

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Deep Rock Galactic I think is Western-made?

>Invisible Inc.
>Heroes of Annihilated Empires
>Starcraft 2
>Prince of Persia: Sands of Time trilogy
West is bretty gud actually.


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>all these anons getting flustered over butt
my my

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have it kill retarded Yas Forums posters too.

Don't turn this thread gay, you disgusting queer.

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Burnout 3

GOD i wish i had an ass like that bros,,,,

What's stopping you?

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That would require two people user.
Why? What would you do with it?

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nothing i just got back from working my ass off
though i dont think any amount of exercising would give me such a nice ass

>Why? What would you do with it?
sit on someones face

The west betrayed white people. I have no obligation to CONSOOOM anti-white anti straight pro immigrant propaganda just because I live in the west

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For what purpose?

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Think about videogames, user. Videogames and anime. Distance yourself from degeneracy for it is rotting your brain. You could start by watching the hit anime television show Rose of Versailles which aired in 1979 then move on to Oniisama e and Princess Tutu. How does that sound?

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That's not a trap though
It's a great fuckin doujin

>Only whites consume Japanese media


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Do you have any old anime suggestions? I've seen some pretty bad pre-90s ones, but they at least tried to tell a story and not just recycle anime tropes.

I consume japanese and spic media, not my fault amerifats can't make anything but shitty propaganda

he never said that nigger

Divinity 2

I'll keep that one on a list. I really want to get around to LotGH first.

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I don't care nigger ur ugly and stink go pluck a banana off a tree

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Mad whitey?

Rose of Versailles, Princess Tutu, Now and Then, Here and There, Oniisama e, Black Jack (OVAs)... the list goes on. I'd rather talk about it elsewhere, if you catch my drift.

No, user. You will watch Rose of Versailles first, okay? Then you will thank me later.

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cause i enjoy doing it

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A place for cute anime girls and boys!

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You make a compelling argument.

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Sorry but that ass belongs to the CHADea Master Ritsuka Fujimaru. Cope.

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LoGH is the better show avatarfag

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