April 13th, 2020, I am... forgotten

April 13th, 2020, I am... forgotten.

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Everyone's playing it.
Even if you binged the thing when it came out you would be in the later half of a the third region by now.

waiting for pc

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>Released a week before Animal Crossing and Doom Eternal
They literally sent it to die

Has the Princess Noh skin been confirmed yet?

I know if I buy it I'l get annoyed at some part because I suck at souls-style games and end up never finishing it like I did with Bloodborne and Sekiro.

I'm taking my time with Nioh 2, just about to go to the snake boss mission (I think its the 3rd main mission). I'm enjoying it a lot, but if I'm not done by the time Animal Crossing drops I probably won't touch it again for many months. Oh well.

>managed 1000 different stats, items, and numbers
>hack at generic monsters who dobt react to your attacks at all until they just die after you hack off enough points of hp
Nioh is a horribly boring series

they don't react in souls either, so eh its par the course for this "genre"

>mfw just entered second region after taking it slow with ~15-20 hours done

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Seconded. Would also like to know.

Doesn't help to that one of the first major recurring Yokai you fight is a spastic monkey with like a 12 hit combo attack, and a super long poke attack, that all feel like punishing you for trying to play safe.
Its probably me just being bad, but literally every other Yokai I fight I can deal with, except for this cock sucking monkey. Every time I see one, all I can think of is, "Well here goes 2 elixirs," everytime.

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just burst counter him, or dash under him as he jumps and does the spear throw

burst countering makes this game a lot easier than Nioh 1 imo. Personally I use switchglaive and just play the game like its Bloodborne

Yes, as we all know the overlap between the audience of AC and Nioh is indeed huge

i bought Nioh 2 and won't buy those other two. You mad, marketer?

i'm just waiting for pc port so i can complete it with cheats.

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i can't buy Nioh 2 because i'm getting Doom. But more important is that the majority of attention is directed towards Doom/AC

Burst Counter and high attacks to hit the horn, he is down with one counter + horn hit and a few more random hits to deplete the 10% Ki he has remaining. Once a yokai is out of Ki he should either be dead, or have like 20-30% hp left for you to finish him off

Well yeah, AC has some of the most universal appeal. It's not very niche at all.

There's been a thread every single day for the past week or so

High stance Kusarigama. You're welcome.

just summon or use blue graves

burst countering him with feral is really easy

Whose attention? Yours? You have a whole week to play this, with shitton of replay value afterwards same as Nioh 1
Other people's attention? Why must other people pay attention or like a game for you to enjoy it?
Media's attention? Why would anyone care about that?

how long did you spend on making your character? You didnt just pick a preset did you?

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Just tried again but with the Brute form Burst Counter and its so much easier.
I chose the bird spirit at the beginning because it felt right with the shuriken/kunai build I'm using right now, but holy fuck its BC is so hard to time right. Brute form BC trivializes his fight now for me, thanks for the advice anons.

Different counters are easier or more effective for different enemies, that is how it works. The blade-weasel was a nightmare for me with Brute, but the Phantom counter made is stupid easy

>First game is literally the Ken-sama simulator; feels fairly novel
>Second game is generic character creator
Bit disappointing

Anyone created Asuka yet?

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William was the absolute blandest piece of shit ever created.
The Protagonist in 2 already has more personality and character development to them and I'm only in the second area, not to mention the rest of the cast being stellar with cutscenes actually being good or funny, compared to the boring garbage of the first game

U mad all your Asian women can’t resist the BIC (BIG IRISH COCK) eh Kenshiro?

How's the game? Are the girls hot?
(Yes I am a shallow person, deal with it)

Enki are common because they are easy. Would you rather fight ippon datara and tengu

Good. And yes. If you liked Nioh then it’s pretty much more of the same with a few new elements. And the character creator makes some top notch waifus. There’s even subtle boob jiggle when not wearing armor.

Is there a Yoshitatsu side mission?

doubt shed be hard to make, though your gonna have to take creative liberties


Very nice, I'll put it on my list of things to do in the near future.

Princess Noh is so pretty and cute and perfect! Nobunaga is lucky.

What are some good skills for spear?

>when they joke about her being cold as ice

Unironically, yes. Their easy to me, but Enki just fuck my shit up

Why do you speak like a retard?

Same bro, been doing missions for like 4 hours each

an hour, I've been posting my characterfu and it kept being ignored tho

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The things I hear are

En enemy's are damage sponges
To many stats, stances, abilities, items, whatever

hmmm, not sure what to believe

Both true.

I just fit in here.

Yeah but how’s it look in-game?

Look good, but it seems kinda clean if you understand what im saying.

This. Give her some stubble!

Can I make a washboard in this game?

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Presets are for niggers

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She's got cute dumb fat cheeks that I really really like

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Is it just me or do most created characters look like they have a touch of the downs?

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Playing it in between work and other shit and enjoying virtually every moment of it. Hollow Castle has been a long ass level though and full of tons of shit. I feel like one of my few complaints and there might be gear to rectify this but fuck man kitties just don't stick around very long it feels like 1-2 minutes tops.

nice, like the resting angry expression.

Glad you can enjoy your waifu. I enjoy seeing what people come up with

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You didn't play the game. Any Yokai bigger then the hungry dudes attacks almost constantly with poise with maybe a second between each time. Human enemies are alittle retarded but still more competent then Souls ones in terms of attack intervals.
Comical. Opposed to what? Big Knight no.1029392239

Thanks, your waifu is cute too

there's a code system for skins in this game right?

why would you care abuot media attention for a single player game
you can only play something if it's popular?
jesus christ you're a loser piece of shit lmao

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Yes, I'll upload it if anyone else is interested

Once you know how to take down and burst counter a enemy they go pretty fast. Obviously longer then in other games of the genre/sub genre but you don't really notice after you get good at it since enemies in Nioh have bigger movesets and its fun to learn em.
I don't see how honestly besides a few points to use gear you basically just dumb into 2 stats for the weapons you wanna use and its fairly simple
Besides the bloated diablo loot portion of it i don't see how this isn't a red flag to ignore someone saying it user. It sounds like some people just hate the idea of depth and variety it scares them because they lack the focus to pick what they wanna use when its not narrowed down for them.

nice eye distance ayy lmao

You broke character immediately lmao

it took a while

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Waiting for the real version, also there is just a lot of vidya right now so I'm not in a huge rush, but its 100% on my list, quit being dramatic

Is there a photo mode?

nope just snagged some screenshots during cutscenes.

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