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Is the 4th and 5th generation any good?

They're different. 4th gen has an emphasis on speed and flight, while 5th gen relies on using the environment to maneuver around.


>relies on using the environment to maneuver around.
what does that mean?

You have to bounce off buildings and cliffs to gain 5th gen.

that sounds dumb, does it actually work out or is it some sort of bizarre meta like f-zero gx where slamming into barriers makes you go faster.

For me it's Nexus

Atlas reporting.

Is Tittyflap 2 alive?

I just want ac6.

This but also a way to play them on something besides a PS2

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there a bunch of ac6s though

I want a REAL ac6. Not dxm


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Go dance with the angels

Yeah. I would even take a for answer remake for pc or ps4 at this point.

what the

I don't like 5th gen at all, the movement feels clunky and the triangle defense system is garbage.

kek, you son of a belkan

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>can emulate early ACs fine
>still want a physical copy
How so do I get over this autism

they're like less than $5 user just get them if you want

>been playing heavy gear 2 and mechwarrior 3/4 all day with a dual joystick setup

Maximum fucking comfy, I just wish Mechwarrior 5 wasn't so shit.

Also this is neat.

It's a free Gungriffon fan game made by an autistic nip and it's absolutely wild.

Still no AC6 news

you can also use it to jump around by bouncing off walls which is where gen V's . movement system really shines

Any good modern mecha games?

daemon x machina

You'd think with how well received the metal wolf port in steam would Give FS the clue that there is an audience for mech games.

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I said good

>how well received the metal wolf port in steam
metal wolf chaos is a shit game and 90% of the reason anyone pretends it isn't is because it's an EPIC meme game

Filtered by the controls eh, don't worry they become second nature

>oh no they didn't like my favorite bad videogame, the must have been filtered by the controls

So what filtered you? Controls? Mission objectives?

the fact that the game sucks ass

I like /m/ stuff but I haven't played many mecha games. I've played some Xenogears, AC1, I also tried Mechwarrior but simulations aren't for me. What are the best mecha games?

So the controls like I said
I guarantee you didn't even try


Armored Core, 3-Last Raven is fantastic

>no actual gameplay criticisms
It's obvious you didn't even finish the first level

>no actual gameplay praise
i doubt you've even played the game


Rengoku if into hack and slash.

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I'm thinking of emulating Front Mission. Should I start from the first game?

2 isn't really playable unless you want to read a translation while playing at the same time, I can recommend 4 & 5 as both amazing games. I prefer 4 a lot more though. Never played 1 or 3.

4 and 5 are total dogshit
4A and VD are the n the top 5 of the series bests

Man I wish left alive was good

4 is nice for what it lends to 4A's story

Not if you're American. The translation more or less dropped everything important about Joshua

The bars pretty low when you only have a handful of mech games that came out this year.

Atleast dxm has an active playerbase.

powered armor is not mecha.

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It's all /m/

More android ai than powered armor..

Theyre androids though. God i wish that thing got port

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>rengoku 1 sucks
>rengoku 2 has bloom up the ass

The first game is pretty good. I haven't finished it because I lost my save due to HDD problems but I was halfway through the game and I had a good time. Just be sure to look up a character guide because like all SRPGs half of the characters are useless and you don't want to waste the exp on them

Bros... Do we need the tankfags so our threads don't die

I still DoW III didn't fucking torpedo off the face of the earth because Imperial Knights nail my mecha sweetspot.

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Is there such thing as a mini or a biggy I guess it'd be called of the cathedral mech?

WHO /steiner/ HERE

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did no one like hard core mecha?

You fucking what mate. There's Emperor class Titans which are like giant walking battle cathedrals if that's what you're asking.

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Yeah but is there a model of them for the tabletop?

Fuck off, spherecuck. Yas Forums is a CLANNER board.

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What game is this?

Oh there is, but they will cost you an arm and a leg and your dick

Don't bother asking, it's already dead.

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clanscum go back to the middle of fucking nowhere

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Dead like Tribes Ascend or """"dead"""" like Starcraft 2?

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