Attached: Layton3-13.png (256x384, 53.05K)

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It's C.


Attached: 1571764711878.png (256x384, 59.96K)

c but i already know whatever answer i guess is wrong

it's A you idiots

the tips are all intact so they all work as dip pens

Is this some bullshit where the blue caps aren't actually the same shade?

It's a game for children.

no, the blue caps are the same color. It's C

no, don't overthink it
but don't be this asshole either

It's C. D can't have a blue top and it can't have a white top.

it's none of them because you should have known, idiot, that in the British law of 1945 pens are fucking gay, this is basic fucking science
fuck you Layton

my pen is circumcised and works fine

Yeah, I got it. They should have said "directly left" instead though, otherwise it could be any of the 3.

White cap goes on C.
Instincts tell me that each pen has three unique colors but that can’t be possible; that’s already how things are for D and no change is possible since white cap is taken and green cap is a duplicate color, but blue must be wrong.
Speaking of which, D’s cap has to be green. Therefore, C.

Its either A or C, but there's nothing left to narrow it down between the two

read it again


Could you please do this and then post results?

If all the caps already on the pens are of the wrong color, and the white cap belongs on C, then what is the only remaining possible color for D’s cap?

No all the steps leave you with two solutions: you can either have it go blue-green-white-blue or like this
Post the answer and prove me wrong

C doesn't have white, and D can't be blue so it has to be green.

A is the answer

> All pens need a white section, so the white cap is confirmed to belong on C.
> This leaves two blue caps and one green cap in circulation. Since blue is confirmed to be the incorrect color to go on D, that means only the green cap can go on D.
> Therefore, the working pen is C.

Let me guess, you thought the question meant each SPECIFIC cap was wrong, not each COLOR?


>all four pens currently have the wrong-COLORED caps
therefore D can't have a blue cap and must have a green cap since C must have a white cap.

some stupid shit where he had the working pen in his pocket the whole time

Rule 2 means C must have a white cap
Rule 1 means that D must have a green cap since the white cap is taken and it cannot be blue, therefore because of rule 3, C is the working pen

It's C

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maybe d needs to have the other blue cap rather than the one on it right now

It’s obviously A

blue is the same color as blue retard


>Rule 2 means C must have a white cap
How does that follow? Why couldn't it need a white bottom or midsection instead?


i've already done this test and scored an 80%, solid b (which is the answer btw)

I thought the same, but this isn't a bullshit old adventure game.

How the actual fuck do you fuck up a childrens basicly bitch logic puzzle? What the fuck kind of room temp IQ retards are here these days god damn, this shit is worse than the fucking math threads

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We've been conditioned to expect the absolute worst from Layton puzzles.

>ur stupid
Explain to me why Pen C has to have the white cap. If it's not assembled correctly, it could need a white bottom or white midsection.

Alright I laughed, fuck you.

That's why I'm asking.

Attached: 1571061375437.gif (320x310, 2.34M)

> all pens need a white section
> pen missing white is C
Can you read?

You can’t reassemble the fucking pens, you can only change the caps. Ergo, C MUST have the white cap. The answer clearly expects you to figure this out. Ten year olds can do it user.

It's stated in the question that each pen is required to have a white section, since there's only one white pen, and there's one pen with no white mid/lower section, it has to go on it.
Now, see

since there's only one white pen lid*

The puzzle is impossible to solve that way

He's kind of right, though. These games are full of all kinds of bullshit, and you could logically swap out the outer parts of the pens. I wouldn't be surprised to see a question like this where the answer involves disassembling the pens and swapping the parts. The problem is that, if that's allowed, the question becomes unsolvable, so you should assume it's not allowed.

>Yas Forums
>solving logic puzzles

>all pens currently have the wrong colored caps
that means a and b have to have the blue caps - c and d cannot end up with a blue cap

>all four pens have one white section
from the previous step, only c and d can have the white cap. d already has a white part, so c must have the white cap, and d has the green cap

>the working pen is to the left of the one with the green cap
d has the green cap, so the one to the left of it is c. the correct answer is c.

>You can’t reassemble the fucking pens, you can only change the caps.
How am I supposed to take that as a given? Everything about the question (when assembled correctly) and the image implies that the pen sections are interchangeable. If all that matters is the cap, then the pens having multiple sections or having the ability to be disassembled and reassembled is extraneous, misleading information.

This puzzle is clearly from one of the first three games, which were, if you recall, NOT full of cryptic bullshit like that.
Also these threads don’t exactly thrive off of OPs who post deliberately bad puzzles.

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Just scribble on some paper to find out which works?

“When assembled correctly” means “when they have the correct caps”.
The fact that the pens have multiple sections is what lets the color based logic shine through.
Nowhere were the pens’ casing parts implied to be interchangeable.

Attached: _ ____ __ ____ _____ _____.jpg (580x1377, 130.05K)

So I was supposed to transport my brain to some magical dimension where a pen's cap determines whether it can write or not?
Nice fucking riddle you got there.


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No, retard. You were supposed to be in this dimension, where the cap is an indicator of which pen can write without actually affecting it.

The cap isn't what determines wether the pen can write or not, you dunce. Read the puzzle again.

where are you getting a white bottom or a white midsection?

100 because the little nig cheated

>having the ability to be disassembled and reassembled is extraneous, misleading information.
it's also information that isn't present in the question that you completely made up yourself

Holy fuck I'm losing brain cells reading this thread
It's C this is like the easiest Layton puzzle I've seen posted

Now the keyboard chocolate one FUCK that

Man, this one's tough. It's either 40 or 60.

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John got a 40