Lines for Animal Crossing

What the actual fuck is wrong with Nintendo fans. THERE IS A VIRUS. CAN YOU STOP BING BING WAHOO FOR 5 SECONDS

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can you go five minutes without throwing shit at someone?

>throw shit at nintendo fans
>they somehow still smell the same

>not even a mario game
the absolute state of snoyboys

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keep SEETHING it’s all the same kiddie shit. I don’t have a soi box either.

why would anyone wait in line for a game in the age of digital downloads and near instant amazon deliveries? even without a highly infectious virus on the loose I can't see the point

what's the fucking appeal of this furry shit anyway?

They know what is truly important.


Town designer game with some collectathon on the side that's time gated to avoid you burning through all the content in one sitting. You can see other peoples towns if you go online so there's also the community aspect.

Japan is severely autistic.

this is korea

Reminder that unless you have a specific type of surgical mask, those masks won't do jackshit.

Nobody besides emergency hospitals, few government agencies have these masks as they're all made in China and the chinks hoarded them for the party

ok but why people but this for 60$, seriously it's nothing special

it damn shame it not white men waiting on the line. japs are allowed to do this type of shit.

is for the console, game comes out next week

This isn’t for the 60 dollar game though. This is for the special Animal Crossing branded Switch

Only for Boomers though.

Based nintenCHADS

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Reminder that researchers actually say that literally anything covering your face is better than nothing so long as you practice proper procedures for removing the covering.

It's more that it's completely overkill for civilians and that we currently are experiencing in a worldwide shortage so disposable masks are better off being reserved for high risk individuals.

I had the virus for about a week. Shit really wasn't all that bad, just felt like a bad respiratory infection. I'm perfectly fine now. Niggas be overreacting.

there's been people going around taking masks from hospitals and other medical places, shit's fucking sad
I didn't have much faith in humanity before but this whole thing set the bar so much lower

stop trying to fit in

Imagine having such a boring life that you have to play a shitty life simulator for furries


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Cope niggerelite

Imagine having such a boring life you go into threads on games you don't like to complain about people having fun.

no no no a soi box is a boner box a snoy gay station is what he's referring too user

Only reason why people are panicking is because the virus is a potent boomer remover.


>literally anything covering your face is better than nothing
nuffin personal whit boy

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are you implying smashers socialize?

we get that you have school off due to this niggervirus but for the love of god stop shitting up this board

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3 layers of handkerchiefs would probably be more effective than a proper facemask

>game aimed at children and women
>lines full of 30+ year old men

Maybe the basedtendo memes were real

I don't get how Yas Forums get pissed at gacha games when they endorse shit like Nintendo selling overpriced kiddie games to adults.

These people are having fun at the expense of the lives of others. There's already people infected because some faggot with the virus just couldn't miss out on a Smash tournament. This isn't about console wars, no game made by any company is worth this. Just stay fucking home, we are so privileged with this age of online and digital download and yet people don't take advantage of it.

It can bring to the knees your country's sanitary system, that's not a good thing. If everything has to be quarantined and shut down well, your economy is fucked too

Neither are all the AAA GOTYs of the weekend that comes out every month.

I like to have physical copies of the games I own

I want to fuck Flicks cute round ass. Anyone not getting AC digital is an idiot. I'm a hardcore physicalfag. Yet AC will get so much play time and takes up so little space I won't have to swap carts often to Smash or whatever.

Bros I'm scared to death why can't this virus just end and go away.

I understand you're a furfag but what's the appeal of the game

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god i love being black. no one can pool off the gangsta asthetic like us. not even those fucking beaners

Why do boomers do this?

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>bad respiratory infection
Like a normal cold where you're coughing or what???

People trying to get home before travel bans come into effect and Trump supporters who insist that "life must go on". How do I convince my boomer dad to not travel pls help.

I don't get why people take vacations.

think cabin fever but for where you live

natural selection. Looks like your pops has a death wish.

this. People going physical are just hoarders, the game is like 6gb and you're only going to play it for 20-minute intervals at a time after the honeymoon phase.

boomers have literally no hobbies, they have no idea what to do after retiring since the only thing they have ever done is work

I'm buying physical on the hopes that it supports Japanese. NA eShop for some reason only mentioned support for three languages while everywhere else has full support.

Why are they even waiting in line the game doesn't come out until friday

Why are they waiting in line? Can't they buy it online?

What's up with Singapore?
They were the potential high risk area, and now everybody else have much higher numbers than them.
Why is nobody doing what Singapore did?

Singapore is a borderline national socialist state that flogs people for chewing gum. You can't compare any response of theirs to western countries.

There's also a lot less area to cover. It's basically a large city in size and population, but with the power of a federal government to prevent the movement of people and goods.

you can still get corona from fart particles entering you eyes and ears

Because thats really not the line for Animal Crossing
OP is just a shitposter, as usual

A lot of asian countries were on the ball, and seemed to have
successfully mitigated the spread despite being at high risk being in close proximity to China. Western world thought it was just a flu and did nothing until now, so they suffer.

>Saw Animal crossing on nintendo ds when it came out
>Looked casual,boring,and for pussies
>Got Mario Kart, MK64,Castlevania POR and DOS instead like a boss

If you play AC as an adult you have autism

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