The Talos Principle. Do people who like this game have Higher IQ?

Games with hard puzzles that require logical reasoning. Do people who like these games tend to have higher IQs? From taking online tests over my life I've consistently scored btw 120-130 IQ (whether these tests are reliable or not). Love all kinds of puzzle games including Portal, Braid, The Witness, TTP, etc. What u think? Puzzle games master race?

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>including Portal,
stopped reading

portal is easy but it is a gateway to puzzle games for a lot of people

>puzzle games master race?
stopped reading

>including Portal, Braid, The Witness
>all babby puzzle games
get the fuck out


personally I think that if you spend a lot of time solving puzzles in a videogame you are pretty fuckin stupid

Please don't drag the talos principle into your trolling.

alright then what puzzle games do u play einstein

>gives up cause he cant beat the puzzle
>makes fun of people who enjoy these games
ok brainlet

you had me going with talos but then you lumped in casual shit
go play space chem then come back

congrats you read the whole post

What good is your high IQ if all you use it on is playing video games?

maybe i will thanks for the recommendation it seems to have good reviews

its really great, no story though. Just hardcore puzzles

I'm criticizing you for wasting your life playing a videogame, not mad because I can't figure out how to play them. dumbass.

who cares? you can do whatever the hell you like, despite people telling you that if you aren't "productive" then you fail; in society's eyes. Fuck society

your in a video game forum for people who enjoy spending their time with video games and you are criticizing people for wasting their time playing video games? Well i'm criticizing your for being a moralizing loser who wastes his time telling other people how they should spend their time. Worry about yourself.

that's ok. comparing it to talos in terms of diffuculty, is it more difficult, less or on par?

congrats you explained the joke

>online tests

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about on par with the star puzzles

The Witness is worth playing for the ending challenge alone. It's genuinely difficult (as long as you dont pick up on one hint at the beginning) and is the perfect mix of RNG and skill

Another good games for fellow intellectuals: Factorio, Oxygen Not Included, Antichamber.

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I got bored after the umpteenth line puzzle and pretentious as fuck story
might give it another go since people keep praising it nowadays

agreed. This game is a real challenge and really makes you think. Most people who say "it's casual" or "it's easy" probably looked at walkthroughs/hints for 90% of puzzles.

The puzzles are very repetitive but I enjoyed them so I didn't mind there being a lot of them with each area doing something different. If it wasn't for the time attack the game would be fairly forgettable though. It combines everything well

Witness not about lines, its about interpreting symbols and rotating hypotheses, about implicit learning and knowledge. Also, there is no story in classic sense. The game is trying to explan you what dao is through gaming medium.

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I enjoyed the star puzzles. I solved all the ones that were visible. Not gonna lie I had to look up some of the more "scavenger hunt" ones... because to me that's not really a brain challenge more of a grind.

I never got that at all
the game tries to be something deeper by saying obscenely surface level shit and never saying anything new or interesting. Its whole premise was entirely pretentious and just cringey
and the puzzles continually felt repetitive outside of the perspective tricks but even those got old fast

it is pretentious in terms of story, but the level design was great, and the puzzles to me were satisfying.

where did this brainlet go?

I'm fucking stuck on it right now for 4 hours and counting. I guess I'm a brainlet? Ooga booga?

you're only a brainlet if you give up and then proceed to tell other people the game sucks cause you couldn't figure it out

It gets a lot easier when you figure some things out, and if you're like me, you'll be assblasted that you never saw it until now

I played this and Yakuza back to back and I'm stuck on the post game challenge sections for both. I am a lot worse at combat stuff than puzzle stuff, yet the fucking maze in the Witness is seriously making me question if I actually enjoyed the game and not just taking in by the pretty colors, whereas I am stuck on all that karaoke and climax battle in Yakuza, but I am still having fun each time I fail

I hope so because I don't want to give up, but at a certain point I'm just wasting my time when I can move on to something else, like Talos Principle coincidentally

Just stick with it user, you'll figure it out, and it'll be worth it. Just remember that the puzzles that seem like total bullshit RNG time wasters aren't actually so random

I'll take your word for it user, because I am this close to delete Yakuza and leave it to my backlog, and I'd hate to have to leave two games uncompleted back to back

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When the FUCK are we getting Talos Principle 2? I'm starved for a god tier puzzle game.

then who cares about iq?

yeah I play puzzle games from time to time

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Talos Principle is one of my favourite games, but I wouldn't consider myself especially smart.


Puzzle games are designed to be beaten, you can brute force through them. There is nothing high IQ about em. Just give amount of coping from low is shits who think too much about themselves

Play Quern and/or Obduction

I enjoyed Quern, but after unlocking the other worlds in Obduction I lost all interest.

IQ means nothing, especially the online tests that boost your score so that you can feel good about yourself.

are there any games you can't brute force your way through?

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Name more good puzzles games, finished everything in this thread already.

Turing test

stupid people

in descending order of quality
La Mulana, Ether One, Eyes of Ara, Goetia
I've heard Haven Moon is decent but something was terribly wrong with the camera and it made me not want to play it

I like opus magnum

I tried getting into Talos Principle. The puzzles seemed fun but reading some weird computer terminal for ages wasn't fun at all..

Baba Is You, though you've probably already played it.
Snakebird, Stephen's Sausage Roll, Full Bore are all ones I've enjoyed too.

I played the game and loved it when I played, but this post might be just enough to make me hate the game.

predictable answer. Good game, but Space Chem's wall is more learning how everything works initially.

At least name a thread about Zachtronics or Factorio or something, ffs.

>braid is easy
huh? did I get fuckign filtered or something? That shit was mondo hard.

talos not only is good but also has a great soundtrack

I guess any game where you are given a limited amount of tries before banning you from ever playing the game again.

Google zachtronics
You're welcome

>Games with
stiooed reading

I'm usually pretty good at logic and reasonning stuff, but Stephen sausage roll and snakebird make me feel like an absolute brainlet. I can play infinifactory. spacechems, baba for hours but these two make my brain fry in less than 10 minutes

I enjoyed the scavenger ones a lot. The levels are small and it tells you exactly how many stars are in each area, so I entered with the mindset "Okay there are 2 stars somewhere in this area" and had a look around until I found them.
I only looked up one star, and that was the one in the overworld which you had to fall to get.