This is the funniest OC this board has ever created. Fuck you all for not having topped this.
This is the funniest OC this board has ever created. Fuck you all for not having topped this
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't top perfection
I can't disagree with you.
seriously what the fuck was she doing there? she was such a top tier babe.
Post the webm again
I've been to AGDQ. It's not all trannies and ugly NEETs, there are some 10/10s there, surprisingly. Who they're there with, I have no idea.
post the babe
5/10, not great but at least it's not a wojak or pepe.
I can't remember the last time I've seen new OC that wasn't wojak or pepe cancer
What are the best GDQ runs?
Some user posted this in an ESA thread: "
Post something better.
What babe?
>5/10, not great but at least it's not a wojak or pepe.
I honestly see more people complaining about wojak than actual wojaks posted the last few weeks. I have a feeling you're the type of person to spectate these things and talk shit but never actually create anything.
holy kek
The babe with the power
OC is dead because everyone is literally a phoneposter now.
OC is what got me into Souls, and damn was it great at the time! too bad no one does OC anymore...
how did we get this far into the thread and nobody has posted the webm yet
Smashfags are the reason this board is cancer.
>holy shit a talking skeleton
I love this joke a lot
anything is better than the wojak/pepe/pol spam that we get here for memes
I was in that thread, good shit.
True, also does that comic continue or that's the end?
Your post seems to imply that wojak/pepe shit is worthwhile merely for being created, since it's "content". I seriously hope you wouldn't think something so fucking retarded.
>T-That exoskeleton!
What an absolute legend. I bet he still faps to the memory of those ass particles.
Did this reallly happen? Come on
Artist who tho? I like the style.
where is it
What power?
I really miss lawl for kids.
>wojak and Pepe are the only OC we ever get now
The power of
Every fucking time I get to “HOLY SHIT A TALKING SKELETON” I laugh and I’ve seen this comic hundreds of times at this point.
The power of what?
Fuck I miss MSpaint OC
the fact that LoLcomics (and original beta and immediate post-beta LoL, for that matter) are dead saddens me to the core
How has this not been posted yet?
it was really bad for about a week
No I'm saying you came into a thread about OC to complain about something that hasn't even been posted. You just seem like an asshole in general judging by your posts, and I doubt you've ever contributed anything worthwhile to this site.
I feel like there was a point of no return when we were hit with the NPC meme and the Boomer meme back to back, for an entire month. I can remember what I had for lunch that day: bacon club with chipotle
Post the one where he catches the lizard in his ass cheeks
this is the funniest one right cheah
This one and Tryndamere's oversized chest end me every time
I was a HoN/DotA baby but the LoL comics always made me chort.
Man, early LoL comics were the real deal
I don't geddit.
I wish I would've saved more of these stop bullying comics. A lot of them were recreations of older comics, but they were still great.
Yas Forums (and the rest of Yas Forums) never has any OC drives anymore, and anytime OC is created, someone always starts shitposting in hopes of preventing it from catching on, leading to it either getting forced over and over again by a dedicated autist or being buried. It was especially bad on /tg/ where a few dozen bad actors ran off anyone who tried to make anything after a while, turning the board into a sterile, depressing circlejerk of hate.
Nothing will ever top this for me.
It's been all downhill for a long ass time.
this is because you are from reddit
Damn I had a good memory of him sniffing the seat but looking back he really was just grabbing his coke. Sad.
>t. seat sniffer
I have never played any ASSFAGGOTs.
If he didn't, he should have.
looks like a bit of a, a bit of b
This cant be real right. He was just picking something up... RIGHT?!
Even the replier gets in trouble.
It hurts these days it's just faggots shilling their Twitter like that Boomer orc guy. People are doing it for the clout these days that has an actual upvote/follower count tied to it
Holy shit, I've only ever seen the short, zoomed in webm, I had no idea he wasn't actually a seat sniffer.
He was reaching for the object under the seat. Poor guy, now he's probably gonna end up raping and killing someone some day because idiots on the internet wouldn't stop bullying him for it.