What's your favourite game in this genre?
What's your favourite game in this genre?
The Arkham franchise.
>bamham westshit
Not part of stylish action
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Sure, it is. They're all "push a button, something awesome happens" combat except the Arkham franchise also happens to offer a lot more than just that. It's vastly superior to any weebshit.
Stop shitposting
So you haven't played a single stylish action game
MGR just because I enjoy the futuristic settings. The idea behind bashing in some all powerful weird demons/angels things are cool but not really my cup of tea
>tfw literally 2 sci-fi stylish action games
Sci-fi bros always get the shafts
This minus the pleb tea comment
It's character action, you fucking retard
DMC 1s tagline is literally stylish action, but considering it came out before you were even born I don't blame you
Projection: The Post
How is stating facts projection
NGB > VJ1 > God Hand > DMC1 > Bayo 2 > NGII > Bayo 1 > VJ2 > NG:RE > DMC4 > MGR > DMC3 > all GoWs lol
Haven't played DMCV or TW101. I think this is everything relevant otherwise.
Does Darksiders count?
>muh stylish
>muh character action
i just call them fun.
Troll post
I consider them more related to Zelda, but I suppose there's no reason why they couldn't.
They wouldn't rank high on my list either way.
DMC1 barely counts as part of the genre, it doesn't have legit weapon switching, most of the style ranking is based around avoiding damage and knowing the level rather than any kind of serious style, and the movesets were weak as fuck for each weapon. DMC3 is where the genre started.
If VJ is Viewtiful Joe, then you have to include shit like Streets of Rage.
Are zoomers really this dumb? I guess all DMC3 cock suckers are zoomers though
I just want a stylish action with more /m/ robots rather than cyborgs. And no, i don't wanna play platinum transformers.
I just got done playing Bayonetta. So Bayonetta. Till I replay DMC 5.
VJ isn't hack and slash, but it's not a belt scroller either. It's closer to something like Shatterhand or old Ninja Gaiden if anything, but it has enough Kamiya influence for me to include it in these kinds of threads.
The soundtrack is fantastic.
MGR and what else? Vanquish?
MGR and Vanquish, maybe DMC 5 but not really
At least we're getting an Ultraman game
Astral Chain
Why wouldn't Batman count?
Honestly the closest capeshit game get into stylish action would be Spider-Man: Web of Shadow
I'm old as shit and have S ranked every DMC game, try again dipshit
Poll for Yas Forums: if somebody refers to these as:
Character action
Spectacle Fighter
Beat em Up
Hack n Slash
Stylish Action
Action game
which of the above triggers you? Actually, it's you guys, so I should say "which triggers you most".
>no proof
You haven't played this genre
Spectacle fighter because I know they watch that faggot and didn't drop him like I did
these days people who use spectacle fighter might also be referring to the steam tag. It's a steam tag for this game.
pip pop deerely doo cheers to me and cheers to you
I don't fucking care, I just want to talk about video games
Where do you think that tag came from
What's the objective of this post?
What proof do you want, screenshots? You'd just say I'd stole them.
>reddit spacing
>i-im totally hardcore guiz i just have no proof
Have you even played God Hand faggot
None of them trigger me but spectacle fighter sounds the stupidest. I wish we could decide on a term because these games are far above your average action game and have more depth than your average hack n slash and beat em up. I prefer either character or stylish action.
sure, obviously it came from ZP, I'm just saying that if they see it as a tag on steam they might not be aware of ZP at all
I'm trying to get stylish action going because it's what DMC called itself
That's irrelevant. The fact that it's a Steam tag provides another source of the term.
Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions for the DS
It's hard to compare them sometimes. Bayonetta, old God of War, and MGR are obviously easy to compare to DMC, but does Onimusha count? It might not be all that similar to DMC3 or DMC5 but it's quite similar in some respects to DMC1. Where does Shinobi PS2 fall? I'm not trying to be nitpicky, but there are often as many differences between these games as similarities.
I wouldn't say it counts, but I think there'd be a lot of crossover fans
Same with Onimusha, fans of stylish action should play it but not part of the genre
To me the genres key aspect is the ranking system
>crowdsource bullshit
Gonna make a Wikipedia page about your mom sucking 50 cocks too, is that a legit source?
Weapon switching and muh style meter aren't necessary components of the genre. God Hand is another example. The worst thing about your thinking is that the style scoring system is shit compared to something like Viewtiful Joe anyway.
>character action
>spectacle fighter
>stylish action
it's just "action", these genres you fags are trying to make are literally just "good action games" or "action games like dmc"
I understand people who would want to try to make the distinction between stuff like dmc and bayo and shit like arkham and the countless other shitty western action games, but I fucking hate the genre arguments so much, some people will say DmC doesn't count because it's shit but MGR does because it's good or that kingdom hearts doesn't count since it's an action rpg, or that DMC2 doesn't count because it's bad or if it does count they might say GoW doesn't count. what about the onimusha games? what about 2d games like VJ?
it's a fucking meaningless definition, yet we all know what it means, it's almost always just a way to refer to a specific group of action games
stylish action doesn't trigger me as much but character action and spectacle fighter are the fucking worst
Character action and spectacle fighter are unnecessary, but you need more distinction than just "action." That would include Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania, Dodonpachi, Ghouls n' Ghosts etc.
>someone on Yas Forums knows Dodonpachi
Yea it's what Capcom uses and I use it myself too
isn't that that bullet hell game?
it already has it's subgenre and that one actually makes sense
None, I dont play casual button mashers
proper grammar makes you suck dick now, fucking amazing
who the fuck is capcom
What manner of shitpost is this?
Astral Chain, DMC3, Bayo2
>And no, i don't wanna play platinum transformers.
I don't even really like Transformers and I love that game; you should give it a shot.
The data org are kino and better then anything by kamiya
Not him but the grinding RPG stuff really turns me off
Devil May Cry 5