Did you find navigation or fighting more difficult in Hollow Knight? Rate the Difficulty out of 10...

Did you find navigation or fighting more difficult in Hollow Knight? Rate the Difficulty out of 10. 11 being impossibly hard.

Navigation: 5
Fighting: 7

Attached: Laid back Hollow Knight.png (1874x799, 1006.68K)

couldn't the developers make some sloped surfaces or something? it really doesn't help with the low environmental variety.

Navigation: 3
Fighting: 8

Cool story bro. You have a rating?

who dis

Navigation: in the beginning not having a map felt awkward and I used compass a lot so maybe 5
Combat: I didn't do any of the pantheon stuff and I didn't fight Radiance so maybe 6.
I had more trouble with platforming bits if anything.

A Hollow Knight player

Attached: Laid Back Hollow Knight 5.png (413x290, 112.99K)

thanks bro!

You recognize her? Or did the internet really match her face?

Attached: Laid Back Hollow Knight 3.png (413x290, 107.75K)

By navigation, do you mean moving around the map or like platforming?
If you mean map navigation,
Navigation: 1
Fighting: 10
I beat the fifth pantheon. Likely the less far a player gets the less likely they are to rate with a great difference in these scores. Those that beat the pantheon will be 1/10, those that beat the game maybe like 3/8, and those that never beat the game maybe 5/7 or something like that.

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The navigation was just a pain in the ass. CONSTANT dead ends, unless you had whatever powerup you needed to get through. You run around for an hour, get a blue key and the game is like "Sorry faggot, you need the RED KEY here. Time to go backtrack all the way to the other corner of the map until you find something, and then do it all over again!"

I meant map navigation. Like taking the wrong turns. Being uncertain where to go next. Backtracking excessively. That kind of thing.

The game had an insane difficulty spike with the grimm troupe boss. The game was quite easy up to that point.

i fucking hate women

You: "FUCK I need the red key? Really? That's lame."
Me: "lol, I can't believe I got here without the red key. I must have gone pretty far off the path. This is fun"

Didn't think anyone would check immediately. I could have saved the image at any time.

Attached: Laid Back Hollow Knight 6.png (413x290, 115.45K)

Is navigation how easy it is to navigate the world and find the next thing to do? If so, then on a scale of 1 (Metroid Zero Mission) to 10 (La Mulana)

Navigation: 4
Combat: 5 on average. 8 if counting optional content.

Did you make this thread solely to advertise this girl or what?

>on a scale of 1 (Metroid Zero Mission) to 10 (La Mulana)
Fair scale. And yeah, that's what I meant.

No. I genuinely enjoy Hollow Knight, and so I just stumbled into her stream today, and thought she was cute. I'm not a follower or anything. The topic is something I've always thought about. Because a lot of people say the combat is hard, while easy to navigate. And a lot of people say navigation is hard, while easy to fight. This combat/navigation dynamic intrigues me.

You want to try that again without the e-whore?

Attached: Laid Back Hollow Knight 4.png (413x290, 104.17K)

Her voice is insufferable.
wellp boner dead.

Navigation: 2
Fighting: 4
Optional/DLC Fighting: 8

She can't help it, she's Australian.

Navigation: 4
Fighting: 7
But then I didn’t do any of that pantheon shit.
Also if not for Path of Spain navigation would be 2.

Fighting. Specifically, fighting off boredom. Hollow Knight sucks.

What’s so bad about it? Walking around only gets tedious toward the end really.

Some people have ADHD. It kind of fell out of fashion to mock these people. But it needs to be remembered that some people are just impatient twitchy faggots.

Navigation: 2
Fighting: 5

Grimm's DLC content so he's intended for people that beat the base game. Regular Grimm isn't as hard as the final boss but NKG is harder.

Radiant is harder than NKG. Anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded. NKG is not a hard fight if you're not braindead.

Navigation 4, Fighting 8
Navigation isn't difficult but the game makes it a chore to do because the game is paced terribly and the intermediate combat/platforming isn't very fun
Fighting is Hollow Knight's greatest strength, the bosses are all phenomenal and if the rest of the game was at that level it would've been a 10/10

Navigation: fucking annoying
Fighting: regular game: 7 dlc shit: 11

Navigation wasn't hard, just extremely tiresome with next to zero fast travel points around.
Navigation: 8 for boredom
Combat: 3 to 6 (main game only)


Yikes. I hope the Hollow Knight devs ignore fags like you. Because it was a fantastic experience getting lost in the world. Maybe you guys simply don't enjoy exploration. Maybe Mega Man is more your speed. Just point A to point B, with a boss at the end.

If you hate backtracking then set a Dreamgate in town or at any Stag Station and just warp back once you're done exploring.

Sorry that you have ADD.

some sections were practically impossible to memorize unless you ran through them a few times: Fungal Wastes, Kingdoms Edge, Forgotten Crossroads post-infection.

Navigation: 4
Platforming Challenges: 3 to 10
Early Fights: 5
Mid game Fights: 7
Late Game fights: 10

The game has a well-tuned difficulty curve

Seethe harder you retarded shills, I enjoyed the game overall and I didn't mind getting lost in it but point A to point B traversal is not fun in the game
The platforming mechanics are completely mediocre as the Knight doesn't feel fun to control and the combat is braindead nonsense without the elaborate design of the bosses as the Knight's combat moves are extremely limited
Hornet's game looks and likely will be infinitely superior

Dream Lost Kin is harder than NKG.

Navigation: 3
Fighting: 6.5 (10 with DLC)
How do I even rate the difficulty of the navigation? The only game I'd rate the navigation a 10 is La-Mulana. Rain World gets healthy 6.

The only fights I ever really struggled with were one of the warrior grave fights (you probably know the one) and the watcher knights

>tfw you've died more times to brooding mawlek than any other boss in the game

Broken Vessel is trivial if you have Shade Cloak.

the unpredictable bosses are the hardest. everyone else just takes time. Radiance only took me a few tries.

Probably, but I usually go for him right after killing lost kin so I dont have it yet.

Hard to say honestly.

If there's one thing about HK's success is that it has a very decent difficulty curve that appeals to both casuals and autists.

Nerrel’s video on Hollow Knight is the only honest take on the game that exists

Nerrel is retarded and that video was especially awful

>Nerrel: Money in this game is fucking worthless
>Also Nerrel: Death is too unfair in this game, you run a good chance of losing all your money

NKG is an incredible boss fight. It really evokes the feeling of a dance/performance that it aims at.

It's only slightly better than the review by the guy who never got out of the Forgotten Crossroads.

Refuse to play anything that looks like someone poured tar all over a Newgrounds Flash animation.

Sorry he dunked on your favorite low budget dark souls knockoff but that’s no reason to strawman him, friend

It really is. The music was incredible. Plus hitting grimm while he bows to you makes him rage out

>not bowing back
What a fucking monster.

Oh I only ever didn't bow back once, and it was the first fight. He's a very respectable creature. I bow to the other bosses too out of habit, now.
except for the Fake Knight, that fucking fraud

>quoting someone is strawmanning
At least you tried

>hated the Deepnest trap
Yeah nah. He's a complete mouthbreather.

The fact that he even rated Axiom Verge over HK let alone ESA speaks volumes about his taste.

It's as dishonest as it gets.
He literally rated the four games based on how much they copied Super Metroid.

>entire game is nothing but combat tunnels and twitch reflex bosses that give you money and items
>one area is devoid of any of this and gives you no rewards for going there early
>”no you just don’t get it, it’s about the EXPERIENCE, this game totally isn’t about combat challenges and item rewards :(“