Is there any reason NOT to time travel?

Is there any reason NOT to time travel?

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you're not actually time-traveling, but crossing worldlines

well if you're not a little cheater cheater pumpkin eater, for one

Unless you're trying something that would take over 20 years to accomplish, there's really no point other than being a compulsive farmer with no restraint.

It’s morally reprehensible to exercise that kind of absolute power over the lives of every other life form in the universe. You’re not just exercising your will, you’re actively and knowingly fucking with causality. By virtue of the butterfly effect, any action you take would essentially be murdering anyone who exists in only in the timelines you chose not to create. At which point it becomes a trolley problem where instead of people on the tracks, it’s entire universes with no quantifiable utilitarian value. The only way to not be morally accountable is to never get involved.

Im bored and stuck in my house


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>implying this is bad

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this. im tired of this timeline

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picked a pretty bad game for that, then. it really does want you to RELAX and just pop in now and then, not mine the place hollow in a couple weeks

I've had time travel break some flags or something so fossils never dropped in my town again so I decided to never do it again. Honestly there's no reason to in the game

Play/do something else. This is why Animal Crossing can be described as an “anti-game”. It’s not meant to be played in several-hour long sittings

not my fault they decided to delay it to release during a pandemic

>morally reprehensible

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In order for your time-travel to not unleash a series of time-travellers that attempt to change the universe and eventually face eachother and you in a battle of who erases the other from existance and who would rule the universe. There would always have to be a preordained counter to your time travelling, the simplest of which results in your death

If you want to have a philosophical discussion, post an actual philosopher, not a manchild who plugs his ears and goes lalala when presented with issues he doesn’t have answers to

I would time travel to win the lottery and live out the rest of my life in NEET comfort. No lives ruined, and only mine improved.

>an actual philosopher
Can I hear your arbitrary definition as to what that is?

I’d put the bar of intelligence at “monkey pissing in its own mouth” so you’ll have to do better than Stirner

It depends on how the timeline works, but if we're assuming it's all one timeline and time traveling doesn't create new timelines,
Just the smallest changes you make to history would cause gigantic repercussions, if just a single sperm is out of place in a caveman's ballsack then the children he will sire are all going to be completely different
If you go back in time you'll almost certainly expose people to diseases you carry, but have natural immunities to that they do not have any immunity to. If you go forward in time, you'll almost certainly become sick with diseases that the people of the future have natural immunities to, but you do not have. The further back or forward you go the more severe the reaction

Dumb wojak poster

>Buying this nongame in the first place

nothing. Yas Forums is just mad that you'll pay off your debts and complete the museum in a month rather than a year like them

considering they're planning holidays to now be timed-events, that might be the only thing you miss out on

i'm not really concerned about that. The holidays are usually pretty underwhelming

Turnips. They're the easiest way to make money in the game and they sell for shit unless the time has been consistent.

Time-travelling forwards is just speedrunning immortality.

I like the daily routine.

calm down schizokabe youre just a mad scientist

You can't time travel in NH. :)

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Why are you assuming that we are carrying a bunch of diseases?

Do it then retard

your sentence literally makes zero sense

It's a literal Fun-Remover.

How would they even stop it when you can just change the system clock?

get a job dude

>If you go back in time you'll almost certainly expose people to diseases you carry, but have natural immunities to that they do not have any immunity to
Besides things like Small Pox and Polio which have been eradicated so we don't vaccinate against them anymore

Dont time travel user I tried it once and now I'm my own uncle

As long as I could fix my mistakes and regrets I wouldn't care

If you jump forward 80 years, are you physically 80 years older? By near-agelessly jumping forward in time, you would be able to reach the end/reset of the universe. Thus speedrunning an immortal's lifespan.
It's not that difficult to understand if you just think for once.

Can I buy some pot from you?

Pot is bad for your physical and mental health, user.

I don't need drugs, isolation is enough.

Not him but it's actually possible to time travel forwards in time albeit very shortly
Putting that into theory of jumping further in time on a larger scale would you age or would the world around you be the only thing to age?

Yes you shouldn't time travel because it fucks with sending letters. At least I remember it fucking the letter system in wild world.

I literally never send letters. Since they removed sending away fossils to be identified there isnt any point

My two cents is that time travel is worth it if it means saving our waifus

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Small pox alone puts me off time travel

Never played AC but plan on getting new horizons.. what happens if you time travel back to the real date after you've gone ahead?

Time travel makes you gay.

Its boring and time consuming for no reward

Yeah but it's not like you would actually experience life. Comparing those two scenarios is pretty retarded, user.

I’ve always noticed that anybody who time travels stops playing the game very quickly. It’s because they’ve ruined the fun for themselves and have no reason to play anymore, they just don’t want to admit it though.

>Another white male with glasses

mmmm, Of course

You post on Yas Forums what do you know about a healthy lifestyle? get better bait, gramps.

Speedrunners don't experience the game, I don't see the difference.

It can be
Think about it simply, how many sperm in each load
Think about the odds that one reaching the ovary.
The second you jump timelines, historical figures will either have different features (similar enough lives) or not exist at all (If Alexander the Great was born a girl instead of a boy). Its a life knowing everything you knew was wrong and nobody knows what you're talking about

I don't understand what they're looking for, they bought the game tom..not play the game?

>yesterday the youtube cancer
>today time travel autists
you guys are losing the way.

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Damn you really fucked up bro.
Did you ever... you know... cuck your dad?

>he doesn't send shit posts to everyone in town
no wonder you guys aren't having any fun

t. timelet

I know from experience because I smoked a lot of it

Time travel is still more relevant to video games than youtubers.

Time travel kills your turnips. Also, you have to listen to Mr. Resetti.

Yeah. In NH, you CAN'T.

Yes you can. Unless it's an always online game, which it isnt because its portable.

I've been time travelling in the GC game and havent had to listen to resetti once. Is that only a thing in later games?

Holiday stuff is added in updates when the actual real date comes around.

um there is a fucking virus killing everyone turn on the news retard