Is Red Dead Redemption 2 the greatest looking game of all time?
Is Red Dead Redemption 2 the greatest looking game of all time?
I don't get what people see in it. Some of the backdrops look amazing but that's about it. The textures don't look that great, the models look awful, the grass looks shitty, the night sky is unimpressive with basically the same constellation in the sky every night...It's really not that impressive looking of a game other than in very few select areas, like the entrance to Braithwait Manor or Lake Isabella. There's a reason why the game makes such heavy use of that weird foggish lighting, to obscure the poor textures
That would be Wind Waker
No, Metro Exodus wins that title
It's volumetric lighting and atmospherics are top notch, as is it's LOD tech, but there's lots of really sloppy modelling and shitty low res textures as a result of a lot of the work being farmed out to Rockstars Indian sweatshop.
Damn shame really as it really does detract from the games quality.
i don't get it. a lot of PS4 games look better
Some of the textures are shit/blurry but the overall look of the game when just taking in the environments is better than anything I've ever seen.
Of course you will see shitty textures though if you're zooming in on everything, that's the case for all Rockstar's games.
The only game that rivals it would probably be Uncharted 4
>Literally only thing that looks really good are character models
>everything else is nothing huge
Graphics mean everything for my immersion and I'm tired of waiting for them to finally look good.
>the witcher 3 still unmatched
stylized high detail fantasy graphics > high detail realistic graphics
the game looks great but i just wish i could figure out how to make the game less blurry
>That's stylized high fantasy graphics to witcherfags
Sharpen it with the nvidia filters
don't i need geforce experience for that? idk wtf is wrong with my drivers but geforce experience won't install, has to do with something called " NVIDIA virtual audio ", i've tried every trick in the book and at this point i've just given up
What is it and zoomers obsession with realism? Fantasy landscapes with wide color palettes will always be infinitely better this than shit.
I agree with you and I don't get all the detractors. When I play Witcher 3 on PS4 in 4k, I find myself thinking it looks better than RDR2, everything just blends together better and the art style impresses me more. Like when I walk around Beauclair it just looks so much more beaiutiful than walking around Saint Denis
It is the best looking game for it's size, for sure. In terms of sheer graphic capabilities, I'd give it to Shadow of the Tomb Raider - but that game is very much confined to smaller areas so they could afford to do that.
>I don't get all the detractors
typical Yas Forums contrarians
unironically this.
Graphicfags are almost as bad as sonytrannies. Id you want realism so bad, go outside and take a picture? I don't get it.
Not even the best of its own year.
RDR2 looked crazy fucking good graphics-wise, but absolutely nothing will top TW3's artstyles, ever.
I've personally never played a game that looks as good as it does graphically. And doubt there's an open world that can compete, graphics-wise that is. The lighting engine is next-generation, i'm stunned they managed to make it fly on consoles.
Ironically, the best looking game of 2018 was a PS4 exclusive. Might have been a shit game that I unironically love but God of War 2018 is fucking gorgeous.
Looks gay as fuck. Give me realism with some thick atmosphere over queer shit like that any day
If you're implying that God of War is better looking, it's not.
Uncharted 2 doesn't even come close.
It might not be as graphically advanced but the art direction is stellar. As someone stated earlier, realism can go fuck itself. RDR2 is the brown & bloom era all over again.
>pic unrelated
that looks like dogshit. jap science fantasy shit always looks like shit.
It has the best lighting and weather systems ever put in a video game
>Uncharted 2
I know you meant 4 but 2 is the greatest game in the series, and one of my personal favorites of all time. And for 2009 it was mind-blowing how good it looked.
BUT on the topic of 4, it's still really fucking good looking- and for being released in 2016 it still holds up as one of the best looking games to this date.
TW2 has a better art style and better graphics than TW3.
TW2 doesn't have better graphics.
However the art style is MILES better.
That's a strange muscle memory there. But nah 4. It's got cutscene graphics settings so images like that one will be ahead of RDR2 but gameplay it's way below.
Graphics today still look like shit because you are all a bunch of broke niggers and just HAVE TO BUY shitty consoles. Crysis 2007 is pretty close to anything released today. I hope you all get deported for being brown and poor.
I was never blown away by anything in nuGoW until the very end of the game with Freya resurrecting the giant. The game looks good, it's just not that visually appealing when it comes to the landscapes due to it's weird ass level/open ended design.
With RDR2 almost every single second of the game looks like a damn painting
It unironically does. You might think TW3 has some fancy graphics being a sequel but it doesn't.
foolish gaijin's
And that's great if you like realism.
Ehh true I guess, but the gameplay is still damn good looking. Especially for having come out 2 years prior to RDR2
Realistic... AND colorful?
No. Impossible. I'm covering my eyes! I don't see it! It's not real! LALALALALALA
why is everyone so impressed with the lighting and weather. i dont even think it looks that good.
I do actually, because it looks way better than half-assed "art-style" directions in games like nuGoW
The density of foliage and draw distance btfos any other open world game I've seen
because it looks good.
lighting aside, RDR2's strongest suit IMO is the insane LOD. No game ever had this kind of LOD and draw distance. It's jaw dropping.
Nigger you don't have to like it but there is nothing half-assed about the art direction in nuGoW.
I think Souls fags are pretentious douche bags and the games are overrated, BUT I fucking loved Sekiro almost strictly for the style. Blows Dark Shit out of the water when it comes to visually interesting environments, without sacrificing level design. And it runs pretty good too
DS1 and 3 have incredible art direction, though. Bloodborne as well.
Not sure about demon's or 2, didn't play those.
There is because most levels are corridor caves, too fucking cramped. Best parts of the game were the lake sections and those lead into nothing but cramped caves lol.
Older God of Wars had crazy spectacles, like big city wars and crazy shit like Mt. OIympus, which was mind-blowingly good looking when 3 originally released. There's almost none of that in the new one
I dont understand why im supposed to be so impressed. I look at your screenshot and it looks no better to me than something like this
I get the old Smuggler's Run "holy shit I can ride way the fuck over there?" feeling from this game.
I only got to Scotland or whatever then I literally fell asleep and didn't bother with it anymore so maybe it picks up but the PS4 was pretty lame graphically from what I played.
Your pic looks pretty flat.
Witcher 3 looks better and came out in 2015
That's subjective I guess, I wasn't too impressed by them. Sekiro was impressive though.
funny joke
PS3 tier hair
PS3 tier NPC textures
dogshit looking fur
delet this
TLL did a much better job at impressive environments, but 4 was still damn good looking.
You should've continued past Scotland, the game got pretty good after that.
mirrors edge is a beautiful game with a unique color palette but still feels very realistic. amazing graphics for 2008
The constant praise for this game makes me feel like I live in another reality.
It really doesn't look that good.
The story sucks.
The music is very boring and sparse.
And yet we all have to pretend this is the best looking, best written and best sounding game ever made. It just boggles my mind.
Meanwhile he posts no picture because he knows he's wrong....
Lmao look at the foliage in OP's pic compared to that
I didn't even play 3, I think 2 games was enough.
Maybe you just have shit taste
Well you should, they're great games.
I still like the og trilogy more than 4 and TLL, but those games are still damn good.
>doesn't look that good
Agreed, I don't know what everyone is screaming about. Is it about the realistic faces? Uncharted 4 and GoW2018 did better. Is it about the environments? Realistic, but not particularly pretty. The lighting? Impressive, but it's just lighting and there's nothing outstanding about how it looks.
It's here and there. I think it's pretty good overall.
>music is boring and sparse
Less is more in a game like this. How engaging the music is is up to personal taste.
same except for its visuals. everything else about RDR2 was trash. I believe that's not really a minority opinion, alot of people didn't like it.
would've been alot better if they canned their C-tier trashcan story for a wild west RPG.
>The year is 2007
>Everyone on this board now wasn't even born
>The best graphics game comes out
>13 years later this thread is made and retarded faggots argue over which console port has le good graphics
My opinion is opposite of yours. I don't understand the critique at all. Great music, insane visuals, amazing real-time story. My only complaint was that there weren't enough side activities, like the amount of legendary hunts was lacking and the format was lame too.
The rewards sucked as well, RDR1 did that better.
Okay you wanna-be boomer.
Crysis looks like shit now, go install it and find out for yourself faggot
You can have that wild west RPG by playing Red Dead Online.
It's shit.
Crysis is still #1 in certain areas but some games have surpassed parts of it.
I built my first computer while your dad was fighting for trans rights and fucking niggers just to play crysis.
I think KCD has the best forests I've seen but RD2 is all round very good
>the lighting is so amazing
>look at all these screenshots with the same fog effects and whitish filter meant to cover up the shitty textures
One thing that REALLY misses the fucking mark about RDR2 is how people look when it rains.
>doesn't look like rain wetness, looks like they were dipped in wax
>everyone is soaked to the bone in an instant
>including models that are indoors when it starts raining and remain indoors the whole time
My dad actually despises trans and niggers, nice try you projecting fag-lord
t. never played crysis
t. only has ever seen crysis on a mobile telephone screen
The game looks like trash in screenshots honestly. You have to play it to understand what's amazing about the lighting.
Honestly looks like Fallout 4.
Yas Forums!
What are you gonna say now?
No go inside and talk to a shopkeep who hasn't left the building in days.
Thats why I dont understand these people saying "best lighting and weather of all time". The weather effects in this game are not impressive. It actually looks really shitty and static and same with the lighting. It's like as soon as the weather effect starts it immediately changes everything about the environment and its always a single state.
In screenshots it’s nice, in video it’s just ok due to frame rate, playing it sucks cause bad response time + frame rate issues
i wish there was a new just cause game with rdr2 tier graphics and the current patched performance. i absolutely love flinging myself and others around with grapple hooks
I wish all games had the NPC detail of RDR2. It's pretty crazy how unique many of them are.
>Never should have come here!
that you need eye surgery if you think this game looks bad
GTAV on Ultra unironically looks better.
Fuck that rock-skippin' ginger little shit, I told him to fuck off as Arthur, then told him to fuck off 8 years later as John
i really like this game's visuals
>The weather effects in this game are not impressive. It actually looks really shitty and static and same with the lighting.
You're gonna need eye surgery after I'm done with you, boy
it's blatantly made for last gen, even maxed out it doesn't have the same model and weather detail as rdr2. if it wasn't cucked by last gen it would've looked as good as rdr2