Any oldfags, neets, or otaku wanna talk about video games? What vidya did you play today...

Any oldfags, neets, or otaku wanna talk about video games? What vidya did you play today? How is Corona-Chan treating you?

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Please atleast make an attempt to talk about vidya and not ruin the thread for everyone. Whatd you play today user?

Newfag with a job here, I am FURIOUS FUCKING FUUUUUMING at my job being closed I want MONEY!!
I am also playing Shadow of the Colossus.

persona 4 golden

1 roll a day. Enjoy your colon cancer.

How are you liking it? I just beat Persona 3 and 4 for the first time recently and nothing has filled the void since.

I played Lost Planet 2 was just as good as I remember it being.

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I played Phoenix Point today. Its still only mediocre after the DLC and i dont think it will ever really be a good game.

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Waiting for my Index to arrive tomorrow so I can play that shit 24/7

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I just finished replaying the first Metal Gear Solid. Easily the best one in the entire series

>the average person uses 1 roll a day
sure you aren't talking about fucking Rhinos user?

im liking it a lot, played th e original back in 2013 and i pre-ordered royal also got a emulated vita yesterday, like couldnt be anymore awesome right now but the corona shit happened

besides Alyx and Boneworks what are you looking forward to playing on it?

For me, it's 2>4>3>1

Have you played 5 or is Royal the first time with it?

SMT fag here I have tried to play Persona a few times but none of them have been able to keep me entertained why do you guys like them so much?

The forest VR, H3VR, that TWD game, and Pavlov

>Have you played 5 or is Royal the first time with it?
i played p5 but only beat the first 2 dungeons, dropped it as soon as royal was announced, so the game is still vaguely fresh to me

i like the story and the combat isnt hard and the characters drive me in

I haven't played much because I haven't been feeling it and I'm stuck with a laptop though I did play some JSK games at like 4am before sleeping
I've been trying to think about what to play since I feel like I need to scratch that socialization itch, but I haven't come up with anything yet. I'm currently looking through a bunch of MMOs and even fucking Roblox games.
Still healthy but my job search just went from meme-tier to literally fucking impossible.
While I want people to die (specifically all those recruiters and hiring managers that aren't even trained properly; seriously who in the fuck believes in personality tests?), I'd like to be employable. If this gap gets much bigger then I'll probably be fucked for life tbqh

Based user crashing this thread with no survivors using the deadly "average person uses 1 roll per day" line.

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viral marketing is viiiiiiral

Fair enough. SMT combat can get a bit annoying especially on some of the optional bosses.

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Replaying some RE games on PS4 cause I don't have much money to get new ones right now. Life of a poor NEET I guess

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trying to get all of the endings of Clock Tower on my Vita, only 3 so far out of 9

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I like 3 for the overall theme and message and the interactions between characters. I like 4 for the music and environment. I like 5 for the style, dungeons, gameplay.

I have yet to try SMT but it's my next project I think.

obvious troll is obvious

the neet shall inherit the earth

I keep trying to get into BoTW, but I'm just not seeing what makes it everybody else's 10/10. It just looks like RDR2 to me.

If you want some serious recommendations i liked Nocturne and Strange Journey. They both have their flaws but are by far my favorites.

Today, I played Black Mesa and a difficulty mod for FF12 called Struggle for Freedom.
I'm at Xen in Black Mesa, and its getting a little long in the tooth, but at least it looks nice.
About to go play some more of FF12. I played the original on PS2 back when it came out, but I think this new mod should be pretty interesting to replay. All the optional sidequests and stuff should keep my mind off real life.
I'm not sick yet, but I live with my mom who's 60+ and I really don't want her to catch anything. I'm really worried. I went to the store today, which might have been a mistake, because there were a lot of people. My work closed down indefinitely, but I'm getting paid for the rest of the month at least so that's kinda nice.

BoTW doesn't seem particularly bad, the loop (get weapons kill guys for better weapons but both weapons break) is solid, but nothing is bowling me over particularly.

I bought a switch for myself and my sisters chiefly to play botw and was totally disappointed with it. Felt like a bunch of nintendo hardcores never played a ubisoft open world game before.

Im gonna try nocturne or digital devil saga eventually.

I'm also playing FF12, it hasn't entirely clicked yet but I love the gambit system.

Honestly jannies should just allow one corona gaming thread up, it's too big not to talk about and people will just keep making new threads.

what game(s)?

I'm a software developer so I can easily work from home. I'm also a hypochondriac so I'm way behind schedule because I spend all day reading up on Corona-chan.

I haven't really found any time to play vidya in weeks.

>What vidya did you play today?
I played some Minecraft and have been replaying some dystopian/apocalyptic type games like Killing Floor, it seemed appropriate.
>How is Corona-Chan treating you?
Just trying not to get sick. Everyone around me has been acting very nonchalant about the whole thing up until recently. I told fuckers what was coming down the pipe only to be gaffed off. Now there's a few cases where I live and people are starting to panic. I just want my college to shut their doors already. It would be a massive inconvenience to me and would set me back, but I'd rather not have to go anywhere for a good long while and just wait for all this shit to blow over, however long that my take.

I enjoy these threads Haruhi-user, thanks for making them

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I've been playing Mutazione, pretty comfy game

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
Is this a pasta now? Shut the fuck up

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I was itching for some musou game like Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate but its still fucking full-priced and best I can find on ebay is 45 bucks

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Sail the high seas and pirate a dynasty warriors game with all the dlc to get your fix.

Been playing Yakuza 3 Remaster alongside Fate/Extella this weekend. Love mindlessly beating the stuffing out of scrub ass enemies.

Also: vidya bun thread?

>allow one corona gaming thread up, it's too big not to talk about
Literally never heard about such a thing until now.

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Replaying Deux Ex, what else?

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Playing Granblue Fantasy Versus RPG Mode since I'm mostly a singleplayer gamer so fuck online. It's pretty comfy and the art in the glossary almost makes me want to play the gacha, though if anything it makes me want me hope Re:Link is not cancelled so we can at least get an actual RPG adventure going on in this classic FF feeling universe.

I've been feeling bad for the millions of devs who rushed for the VR market like '49ers. I bought a CV1 a few years ago and hop in about once every season and it seems pretty chill, but there's no "Ocarina of Time" yet.
Imagine the N64 being out in 2000AD without Ocarina of Time.

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I'm a consolefag, user...


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I think this it. They're usually okay with slightly off topic threads on weekends if they're still about vidya.

Worth it for the sp?

why is she wearing a bunny suit? and why does she look so upset? context please

>I went to the store today, which might have been a mistake, because there were a lot of people.
I went out for a few things today too. I really don't want to go back out for anything else. I got some fast food today and it was like I went into a hospital, which I guess is a good thing. Lot of places are closing earlier than usual too.
We had a guy come in through the airport today who tested positive and they say he didn't come in contact with anyone and went straight home but you know that's a load of bullshit.

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Im sorry to hear that but there are still options. If your black just steal it.

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she can feel and wear whatever she wants because shes a god

I played Ar Tonelico. I just got to hear Chronicle Key in the game for the first time.
What did you play?

i'm a neet
i've been here since 2008
i like anime and manga and jap shows and j-rock
I have never once had the urge or impulse to save a reaction image of an anime girl and post it on Yas Forums

what motivates you people?

>just want a good lewd pic of suz with a pouty face
>literally none exist

a sense of community

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>itt literal children scared of getting flu variant #3271
fucking hell, I catch the flu every year. often times twice, among other things (and I get vaccinated each year). so I'm sick and can't sleep for shit for a week or two and then everythings back to normal. wowee what a crisis. especially vexing seeing anti-vaxxer fuckers being paranoid over this shit, when you know that if a vaccine were available, they wouldn't take the damn shot.

Its fun to collect reaction images

I love phos

HDDs and SSDs getting cheaper and cheaper along with terabytes of space.

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Playing Dragon Quest 7, kind of a slow start up but has a lot of charm. I heard this game was notoriously lengthy though but I don't want to look up how long, it's been a simple but enjoyable ride so far. Corona virus made my workplace much busier if anything, lots of panic shoppers and our bakery supplies a local grocery chain too, more money but less vidya

/m/an here
Picked Nier Automata back up after three months, on Part C I think. Forgot how much I dig the robot and android designs.
No Corona yet, I hope everyone is staying safe out there
Been collecting manga for awhile, thinking about reading Linebarrels of Iron

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Started Langrisser 1 today. Got to chapter 5, but taking a break now. Before that I was playing .Hack//G.U. Recode. Beat the first volume earlier which is why I went to Langrisser. I love how Haseo acts. The right amount of edgy and selfish for me. It was great answering the emails and forums as a jerk.
I work in retail so I feel like I'm pretty much fucked. It's been slow though since it's a clothing store, so it's a nice break. Also found out today one of my coworkers that has a second job at a hospital has corona patients. She was tested negative, but it still freaks me out so I've been going crazy on sanitizer all day.

I use a bidet

shit sux

you'll find out why soon

based practical weeb

fellow mecha bro

I have been here for years and i dont post anime reaction images on Yas Forums. I only post snek tits that i have been collecting since Xcom 2 came out. They speak to me.

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how the fuck are there people on /m/?

why don't all the smaller boards get together and raid a board

/x/ reporting in

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Don't bother with linebarrels of laugh. Just use whatever manga of it you have\ of it as toilet paper.

Uninstalled Destiny 2. My God, this season was worse than I could imagine. The last things I did were bounties where I audibly asked myself, "What the fuck am I doing, I'm not even enjoying this" and then went to Crucible where out of boredom I made two teammates rage quit with a simple "no u" that ultimately made me disappointed because it took absolutely no effort to get such a result. Currently wondering if I should give BL2 a playthrough again or buy BL3.

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Home with a busted back so its been farming sim 19, random phone games, and retro games while healing. And Fuck the hoarders to, I work for Dollar General and they treated us like a $2 hooker on a weekday..

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