Social Credit Edition

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Recap of our last two threads

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Our little chinese boy is Li Huai-Yu.
We've got a couple older brothers, and our parents make a decent living for us. Aside from a brief case of measles, our early years were uneventful.
Now its time to pick our five leisure activities.
Do we live the NEET life? Gain honor for our family? Make way to Australia to steal state secrets and laugh at Joyce? Or do we make a series of bad decisions that lands us in the Congo as a father of 6.

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Every fucking time.

I'd say art, music, reading, and whatever else

Done, maybe we can end up as one of the "vastly superior" chinese artists or scientists

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is the 2007 version the best?

It appears our brother has brought shame to our family, Immediately after this his boyfriend was drafted into the Glorious People's Liberation Army and likely sent to fight in Jiangxi

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put us on the path to shaolin monkhood

Huai is finally able to start making more choices for himself. Do we seek a realtionship during our school years?

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remain pure

no thots for Huai, do we go for trade school?

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Trade school it is, no change in leisure so I stuck with the same picks.
Things are interesting now, do we question the party or fall in line?

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Be a good bugman of course. The party knows best.

Much like our brothers, we're kinda stupid, do we study more?

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Of course. China needs smarter loyal citizens.

>Academic Probation
Hopefully we dont lose social credit points for this

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Well shit.
What's our next move?

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Realize our dreams of supporting the party with our intellect have been destroyed and resign ourselves to inevitable death in a worker accident.

I'm starting to doubt China

Wait! We can still be of use to The Party!

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army it is for glorious china

Of course! We will become Chinese super soldier!

Army it is, Do we smoke? All the cool soldiers are doing it

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We get enough of that crap from the air refuse them

No Smokes
Ran into this girl, do we go for it? she's either living alone and doing well or poor as shit with her family

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something ive noticed is studying harder never seems to fix the problem in this game

We should only fuck thots who will give birth to better children for the party

Went for it due to her high stats, she rejected us.
Had to lower the money we were spending, and rejected the poorest woman in China.
Do we continue our military career or look for something else?

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We shall lay down our life for Winnie

How do I show the full capture bar?

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Of course, we must lay everything we have to protect our Country.

Fuck that, lets get into private contracting

Another two years of Military service. It also appears I was wrong, and THIS is the poorest woman in China
>17 yuan
She's not awful though. Do we pick her up and make more glorious citizens?

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>dumb as a brick and weak as a stick
You bring great shame in dating this weakling.

Of course not, we must remain pure for the Party.

So Military service is yearly from this point on it seems, not sure if there's a method of advancement. Do we stick with the PLA for the forseeable future?

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We don't need advancement, we're just proud to be doing our part

Can we infiltrate Taiwan for Chairman Xi?

We stuck with the military for a few more years, fighting erupted and we either weren't deployed or didn't get injured. To we celebrate our good fortune by taking a wife?

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she seems like good stock I say do it

>6 happiness
She's gonna kill herself


First post wins, We've dated our miserable GF for a few years now while remaining in the service.
Do we propose? or try to knock her up first. Also had to drop Huai's spending on Gacha Games

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Leave her, our heart belongs to glorious China.

Dump her and go back to 2D, FGO girls will be our wives.

>Quarter billion people affected by famine
>Not us
Praise the Party!

I dont know what we were thinking, all we need is our Anime jpgs and our portrait of Xi

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Checked the available jobs on a whim, Our loyalty to the regime may have paid off, do we try for that sweet sweet government gig?

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Of course, soon we'll be trading jobs to women for sexual favors just like all good party officials.

I made a mistake, we need an actual degree to be an official, so for now well stick with the military

I'm guessing there's no military academy we could breeze through

Well shit guys, has the party betrayed us? What do we do now?

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there must be some mistake, we never took any human rights actions, let them know this at once

is that Confession or no?

>Small scale
>13.414 of just our countrymen died
I guess when you have over a billion people your definition of small scale is different.

SHIT they were tracking our gacha use the whole time. Fuck that, we didndunuffin

oh i misread it we squealin

Nah we gotta confess to whatever they think we did. Start making up names,be as helpful as possible

We didn't say shit, and were released, obviously it was just a test, the Glorious Party was making sure we wouldnt make up lies to save our own skin

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and some of you actually doubted the party

Do we take a wife? Or wait for The Party to assign us one for our dignified service

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Fuck no, we should aim to be the fat old bastard from hentai doujins. We just keep getting promoted and soon we'll be able to do whatever we want.

No thots.

noted, Military service doesnt seem to have a promotion system, other than the chance for a raise. Its been almost ten years and we've only recieved one promotion. We can attempt to leverage our service and become a police officer

No image? Fuck it, be a cop.

Fuck it, police officer it is.