The Last of Us Part 2 Will "Redefine AAA" Says Director

>"The thing I really want people to understand about this game is that - as high as the expectation are for such a highly-regarded game, I think weʼre going beyond those expectations - from sound design to AI to the environments to the level design. The breadth of the level design."
>"Weʼre now doing wide and vertical environments. You can see from the trailer that the breadth of the places you go to, from the flooded cities to these forests to all these places - it really is far and away the most ambitious game weʼve ever made."

This is it, GOTD incoming.

Attached: WCCFthelastofuspart23.jpg (740x429, 119.58K)

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i mean, after seen the gameplay provided, whoever saying otherwise is simply blind or is blinded with anger, simply as

Can't wait to see it on youtube.

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I expect it to be complete shit
You telling me they are going above and beyond complete shit?

So what's the gameplay like?

>redefine AAA
ellie turns straight to consensually fuck a black nationalist. he’s also immune due to his “advanced genes” which they play totally seriously. screenshot this

Naughty Dog "ambition" is seeing how many cutscenes they can disguise as gameplay.

Attached: TLOU2.jpg (515x515, 26.57K)

OP is a faggot

>Wide and vertical environments

Wow you mean like Halo had in 2007 or Dark Souls in 2010? Wow so groundbreaking. Good one (((Neil druckman)))

>Ellie has that roastie crackle voice
BIG yikes.

Funny how PR hype speak in the vidya industry hasn't changed at all since its inception but people still fall for it.

>"Redefine AAA"
AAA is and was always just the amount of money it cost to make the game. If anything, Star citizen redefined AAA. Not that movie shit.

She's a hardcore dyke

Crash Bandicoot will always be the most ambitious game ND has made and there's nothing Neil Druckmann can say to change that.

it's so fucking funny seeing huge studios tear apart their anuses trying to polish their games on the piss4 and they still end up looklng like utter trash lmao. the only exception to this is detroit become human and RDR2.

Lmfao wow you can ride horses while 2 girls talk back and forth like it's the woman's restroom or some shit. Soooo cool.

Omg guys wow you can crawl on the ground guys! And use flash lights! Wow! Never seen before!

Face it faggots this game is (((over hyped))) and (((over marketed))) theres nothing special about it

keep coping tendie

Please God let this game tank

never seen so much coping, jealousy and resentfulness in one post

>"The Last of Us Part 2 Will "Redefine AAA"
I dunno if this speaks more about the state of AAA games currently or that he thinks a movie will redefine actual honest to god video-games produced by AAA companies.

Attached: eds laugh.png (800x510, 118.65K)

>sliding into grabs
>dogs teleporting off-camera to scare you
>enemies die to one arrow, characters takes 15 bullets

>from sound design to AI to the environments to the level design.

So, nothing about the actual gameplay, yeah? The actual gameplay is just the same console TPS wonk that every single AAA game for the last 10 years has copy-pasted? Bravo.

So what part of this is supposed to be impressive?
Aside from the graphical fidelity, it looks like your bog-standard monster shooting game.

You mean truth. This game is average but hyped and marketed like it's BOTW or something. Fuck off with your shit (((dyke western game)))

A true hack. This game will be the worst of all of Sony’s exclusives, guaranteed. He fucked up uncharted and now he will fuck up his Road rip off

The only ambitious thing about this game is the awfulness of the box art.

When you're not changing the gameplay at all, then it's really easy to spend all your money on graphics. The thing is, no one is impressed by graphics, graphics are a novelty that lasts a year or so as "amazing" or "impressive' before it just becomes normal and trite.

But console gamers literally don't care about gameplay.

>Redefine AAA
So what, they will spend a lot on marketing?

so much SEETHING in one thread

>(((dyke western game)))
pure incel tears

This. Box art is awful. Gotta have an angry woman on the front ooohhhh so intimidating guys le angry feminazi face

When you're older you'll understand this shit is lame as hell

>Lmfao wow you can ride horses while 2 girls talk back and forth like it's the woman's restroom or some shit. Soooo cool.
>Omg guys wow you can crawl on the ground guys! And use flash lights! Wow! Never seen before!
>Face it faggots this game is (((over hyped))) and (((over marketed))) theres nothing special about it

Attached: 1584124307413.png (224x246, 32.97K)

More like MOTD.

Tried to play the first one with a friend today.
We both tried extremely hard not the get bored and clutched through some really shitty parts and still couldn't make it very far. At least I don't think it's not far; we're about to push out the car with Bill.
I have no fucking clue what people see in this game.

please feel free to post five games with this level of raw animation, sound design and mechanic details, ill be waiting

>>please feel free to post five games with this level of raw animation, sound design and mechanic details

Animation doesn't make a game fun. Graphics are not a cover for boring or shitty gameplay.

Its Red Dead Feminism, wooow

Literally the other way around


you can't be serious
those animationsl ooke like fucking garbage. that backwards run looked like trash.

>it really is far and away the most ambitious game weʼve ever made.
That is not a tall order for a company that has only made the prequel and Crash Bandicoot. How the fuck are they so pretentious?

I actually dispise the Yas Forums hate-wagon, you guys are wrong most of the time, but I genuinely can't understand what people see so special in this game.

did last of us 1 even leave any lasting impact

>Played with a friend
Now we know you're lying

All that shit that isnt gameplay, nice.

>game of the decade
>already lost to RE3RE

>Game will have feminism and other left leaning garbage

>moving goalposts
youre running out of arguments arent you? im still waiting for the list of games that are better than part 2

RE2 remake
The Evil Within 1/2
Rise of the Tomb Raider

Wow that looks real exciting!

Great graphics and presentation. Gameplay is also incredibly underrated

Do you want a list of games that are better, or have better animations?

>mentioned two games that aren't nintendo
just kill yourself, your mind has been possessed by a plumber who rides a dinosaur, you are pathetic holy shit lol

It's not quite as boring as Uncharted 4, but it sure comes close.

Imagine destroying developers families and health with 80 hour weeks just so 35 year old Sony Ponies can walkthrough a made for TV movie quality cinematic snooze fest for people without reaction times

>Resident Evil 3
lmfao, dont make me laugh user... gameplay-wise, all you can do is walk, shoot, jog and dodge, it has unironically less gameplay than TLoU 1, a ps3 game
let that sink in

Reminder that a bunch of slavs made more entertaining and immersive post Apocalypse games with Stalker 10 years ago with 1 100th of the budget and development time( and with less embarrassing teenage girl diaglog of them saying "fuck")

none of these are better
>REmake 2
you cant even dodge enemies, all you can do is walk, jog and shoot
resident evil 4 rip-off, same as remake 2
an actual movie game
fair enough, i give you that
>Rise tomb raider
walmart uncharted, try again

Both graphics and game-play was extremely good in 2013, but incredibly mediocre today.
Story is still quite good tho, when the balls get rolling.

>100k man hours
>lives destroyed
>the entire game boils down to a ubisoft "hide in the grass and nobody can see you" cliche


don't care tbqh, you asked for games with better animations and graphics and i provided.
bite me.

I still think I'm buying it and playing it day 1, although I am getting this weird "Watch_Dogs levels of Hype" feeling.

>movie game
People literally complained about there not being enough cutscenes. Are you stupid?

Looks impressive desu, might preorder it.

Has to take away all your ability to move like a normal human being and make zombies take 10 headshots to make it tense, TLOU2 manages to be tense without that (on harder difficulties anyway).
>The Evil Within
Not even in that same universe in regards to polish and detail.
It's damn good, not as detailed as this though, plus it's too easy.
Sacrifices gameplay control for detail, this does both.
>Rise of the Tomb Raider
Not even half as detailed as UC4, ND's last game, 4 years ago.

Look at all the SEETHING by the PCJews at this post LMAO
Maybe you'll get a port or a working emulator in 10 years (:

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why do you retards keep beringing them up


so it's going to be mediocre or even worse than expected? whenever any dev bigs up their game this hard it's always mediocre to total shit
alright yeah it's going to be mediocre at best

because they popularized the 'stealth for dummies' gameplay.

>falling for J*son s*hreier


How are there people out there still impressed by movie games? Its been seven years since the first game and the gameplay is still garbage.

If you actually read the previews you'd know you aren't invisible in grass like in AC, it just takes slightly longer for them to become alerted depending on how high it is.