You play games all day? Wow... that’s different haha...

You play games all day? Wow... that’s different haha. You must win tons of those Esports tournaments then! Since this is all you do..... Can you show me your achievements or trophy’s?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Il goblino...

Thats just a nigger bro

come on baby. give me some of that shit.

Attached: 1.jpg (717x962, 186.71K)

h-h-h-he actually thinks this is how a woman speaks!


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She took your tendies, user

u-uhm g-good you?

I'd be more embarrassed if she were white and attractive.

that is a great pair of tits though

Yeah, I'm pretty good at video games.

Attached: Untitled.png (1173x695, 672.39K)

Shoo thot. Engage in thottery elsewhere.

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loud ree noises.mp4

>You play games all day?
No, I work half the day, and then browse a swedish tin canning board while I watch 90's wrestling for the other half.

That's the nose and hair of a mutt

I only play single player games

fuck that's sound comfy as hell

that nose is perfection

*shrinks down to 1/1,000,000th size and dives into your cleavage*

Stop paying attention to other streamers user and enjoy my streams :^)

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You being arrested for kidnapping and rape even though she broke in?

well why don't you tell me about YOUR hobbies
>oh uh well I watch Netflix and um
oh really? wow that's real fucking special you know I've never met a woman as unique and interesting is you?
you think your "appealing personality" is why I'm talking to a pair of fat bags right now? you think any person in the fucking world thinks you are genuinely interesting or worth anything? do you think you deserve the right to vote or be treated as an equal human being with all that intelligence and experience you have?
didn't think so
*gets up*
enjoy paying for your own food and experiencing what having some responsibility and not being worshipped just for existing feels like for the first time in your fucking life
*exits the establishment*

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haven't read incel cringe like this in a looooong time

She's pure blood Italian, pure white genes going back to Ancient Roman patricians

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OK incel.

Of course he's posting a shitty JRPG for edgy kids picture.

Holy based
Other replies are seething simps

*thought bubble pops*
>so user what are your hobbies again?
y-you too...

Actually im a just for fun player

Kys with your retarddit meme.

absolute king

don't listen to the cuckcels

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65.13K)

t: simp

>9gag meme
go back please

I killed Aeris.

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Hah, yes - I work during the day and use most of my leftover time for gaming as a hobby. May I ask what you do for a living and what are your achievements?

>10 minutes later she is texting Cloud apologizing and begging for his dick
This user understands how women work.

>everything i don't like is reddit

Attached: 1582284658368.jpg (4096x4096, 671.23K)

no girl actually talks like this

Actually based.

"May I have a crumb of pussy" Women-are-Wonderful roast-apologetic normcels

Attached: twitter filename.jpg (1080x819, 202.67K)

Here you go babe. (Too lazy to post a picture of the real thing).
But yes someone who browses Yas Forums has placed in world's

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>he thinks not acting like an incel sperg towards women automatically puts you on the other end making you a white knight
how about just act like a normal friendly person to people and not like an autistic nigger?


>>he thinks not acting like an incel sperg towards women automatically puts you on the other end making you a white knight
>how about just act like a normal friendly person to people and not like an autistic n-word?

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Lol, normals always take this line of reasoning. "Acting like a normal friendly person" is just codewords for subtly enabling hypergamy. "Just be yourself around her bro" while subconsciously playing up to get your pussy crumbs. As soon as someone treats a girl the same way you would treat a guy if he said any of the cringe shit in OP the entire world ends. Sad!

Is that supposed to be cute? It's just triggering my autism.
>you may only enter the 2018 tournament once per year

Just throwing my two cents in there this chick looks like her entire goal is to be installed at a Target as a free to the public cum toilet from sunrise to sunset

>its beatdown!

always gets me

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kekked but cringed

How do you cope with being a virgin I cant fucking take it anymore

its easy

just have sex XD

>he's too much of a reality disconected sperg to be himself


Just Be Your Oversocialised Hypergamic Self Bro

Pretty much. It’s important to know the ways of women and pass these sorts of shit tests.

Yeah the card triggered me so I sold it. Give me attention Yas Forums

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just fuck a prostitute since trying to form emotional bonds with girls is futile

hey boss
I quit
you and everyone here can eat my green liquid shit with a straw

That's a great scene. Thank you for posting it.

babe check out this meme....he says hes a big guy...and i say for you!

cringe but based

remind yourself that at least you're not Anthony Burch

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>woman calls something you enjoy doing dumb or childish
>you take it under the guise of being a “normal guy”

That’s not what women find attractive user. It’s called being a shit test for a reason. Women want to be called out on their bullshit when they’re being cunts.

Post the edit. Been looking for it so long

>those Esports tournaments
it doesn't surprise me that you think people talk like that

>tfw wizard in less than 3 months
I want to die.

>tfw anthony burch has had sex and you haven't

I don't have to be any of those things when I pick up women most weekends, anyway bro I hope you learn how to have chats with people some day don't want you shooting up any public places as a cry for mental help my G.

My life didn't change much after having sex. For a few days I was like "wow I am finally like everyone else haha this is so cool!!!" and then you go back to thinking why your life is still the same.

Fuck a hooker if you care about losing your virginity so bad. You should be more depressed about being alone in general.

Holy shit that body language

Let me guess they have an “open relationship” where she brings home dudes on the regular while he talks about how open minded he is on twitter?

i realize that i'm holding out for an impossible standard on purpose.
it sucks but it honestly beats the alternative.

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just go get fit w/ decent abs and go visit your local pool or a body of water that people frequent. you'll get some roastie to show interest in you.

holy insecurity batman

Nowhere in the OP did it say she said it was dumb or childish, holy strawman batman!

Now pop them tiddies out.

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we'll cross the threshold together brother

>when I pick up women most weekends
oh, you have lots of short term relationships, aka hypergamy? woah, this is totally interesting and unique like all normals! just fuck prostitutes bro. or are you too poor so you have to play pretend to get your pussy crumbs?

Why don't most people have hobbies? What do they do on days off?

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Pretending to be black is cringe.

But at what cost? It's not worth being a cuck just to lose your virginity.

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You seem jealous? how come?

sex is fun but I regret wasting so much time caring about it.

God damn, imagine suckling at those plump brown milkers, and squishing your head between those heavy, swollen udders as she fills with milk, breasts and body slowly beginning to bloat
Imagine being trapped between her giant, sweaty tits, nipples and areolae bulging and spurting milk in a vain attempt to relieve the pressure, her blimped up body creaking and groaning as she struggles to contain the vast quantities of creamy goodness

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Fucking bunch of redditard faggots, it's an old pasta.

One of the cops will take her home and fuck her?

i "seem" something? you mean like the way you "seem" some way to a girl in order to pound her pussy as she makes her indefinite journey on the cock carousel? sorry bro, i only deal in reality, not how "things seem" to hypergamics.

You think that’s bad, try being an antisocial demisexual

wtf is this shit

>tfw no ebony gamer gf
it hurts brehs....

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Looks like a soap dispenser.


What kind of name is 'Jeudy Azzarelli'?

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I literally just typed it up myself

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I'm literally myself bro. Not my fault you're seething at home about it, constantly filling your mind that you can't have a regular conversation with a woman. Eh more fun for me I guess.

>not having a imaginary girlfriend
>falling for the metaphysic jew
sure my dad thinks i'm crazy but i dont care

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if it bothers you that much that you're not part of the cock carousel just get on it. Pretending to be superior because you are too autistic to fuck a whore is cringe

You have to green text everything now because Yas Forums is reddit now and you have to indicate everything.

holy fuck imagine trying this hard to fit in LMAO

Your life will be the same after sex.

go off king