ITT: Post a character and other anons describe their Smash Ultimate Spirit battle

ITT: Post a character and other anons describe their Smash Ultimate Spirit battle

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Can't wait to meet you

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>giant wolf
>avoids conflict
>timed battle
>item wave: milk

>black and grey Incineroar
>only food (bottled milk) appears
>Incineroar is attracted to them

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>Male Robin
>Stamina Battle
>Sudden Final Smash when in danger
>Starts with Nightmare Assist
>Battle takes place on Delfino Plaza

>Link and Sonic(?)
>Only items are projectiles (Ray Gun, Staff, Rage Blaster, Super Scope)
>Stage: New Pork City


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>Gamer stage
>Enemy becomes invisible at random
>Item wave: Food (Pizza only)

>Gamer stage
>Enemy favors dash attacks
>Enemy has increased speed

>Villager and Banjo
>Ballon Boy stage
>Enemy favors the up special attack
>Yuri Kozukata assist trophy

>Pikachu with bunny ears
>Luigi's Mansion stage
>Enemy becomes invisible at random
>Vince assist trophy

Can't come up with anything for Mangle, sorry

> Megaman
>Stage:Lylat Cruise
>Enemy has permanent Super Mushroom

>Wario (Blue Overalls)
>Legend, Support Shield
>Gamer (Omega)
>Food will constantly appear (Cola)

>Captain Falcon (light blue)
>has Bunny Hood
>never stops moving
>Stage: Onett
>Metro Cross Medley
Now if only there were a soda item.

>Wario (and Captain Falcon)
>Item wave: Food (Iced tea)
>Wario aviods conflict, Captain Falcon has increased speed

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Jill and Carrie

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Getting fucked in the ass by Banjo

I honestly cannot believe we didn't get a Captain N spirit

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White Marth
Power up
Defense Lowered
Gerudo Valley
Mii Gunner
Pit, Megaman, and Simon defend him
Mother Brain will spawn as an assist trophy
Duck Hunt Stage

I think DK would also fit Freddy if we don't count DLC fighters

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> Mii Brawler
> Does nothing but taunt
> You get an allied Banjo who shitrolls him

Specially with how easy it is
>Mii Gunner, Mega Man, Simon and Pit
>Mii Gunner starts with Super Scope
>Stage Morph with Gamer and Peach's Castle
>Mother Brain will appear at random

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>Blue Young Link
>Tortimer Island
>Invisible, because he's not in Smash lel

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Technically a vidya character

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>Blue/Pink Mario
>Find Mii Stage
>Ally:Banjo with gust bellow
>Party Rock playing in the background

Giant King K Rool, three stock. First stock is giant, second is invisible, and third summons multiple small King K Rools.

>Little Mac
>Pirate Ship
>Enemy favors punches
>Enemy gets stats up after eating
>Enemy gets Final Smash at random
>Item wave: Salad

>Tortimer Island stage
>Favors neutral special
>Has increased speed
>Item wave: apples and boxes
>Dr Willy shows up at random

>2 Captain falcon team battle
>Both renegerate health over time

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>Cartoon character
>Show never appeared in Japan
>Character isn't actually even owned by Nintendo
Not surprising

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Separate spirits or all together in one, both work

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Red Dark Samus
Curry filled
Enemy prefers side specials

>Mario and Luigi
>Mushroom Kingdom II
>Enemies trip constatly
>Enemies become more powerful after eating
>Item wave: Pizza and spaghetti

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Giant Red Isabelle
Stage:Omega Warioware
Prefers side specials
This enemy's side special has boosted attack power
Item Wave: Ice Cream.

>Giant Ridley appears after enemy is defeated

fuck it

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Should be Banjo and Kazooie but otherwise perfect.

>Mii Brawler
>Novice, Grab Primary
>Item constantly appears (Milk)
>The enemy is distracted by items

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Metal Captain Falcon
Enemy Heals over time
Stage ???

This one's easy

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Mushroomy Kingdom

>tier 3
>metal captain falcon with beam sword
>enemies prefer dash attacks
>enemies have increased speed
>stamina battle

Senator Armstrong
Shield Primary
Omega Form Bridge of Eldin
You Will Know Our Names

>The enemy turns metal after a while
>The enemy's physical attack power is increased
>300HP Stamina battle

>Brown K. Rool
>Legend, Shield Primary
>Army of reinforcements: Luigi (Dumb Donald), Captain Falcon (Rudy), Villager (Bill), Mr. Game & Watch (Mushmouth)


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I did , but yours is better if I'm being honest. Armstrong only had 200.0% HP though.

Metal Dedede with the Shield item and Beat Sword
Stamina Battle
Likes Taunting

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The one and only

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this, i like

>Has increased speed
>Loves to taunt
>Starts with Beastball/Home-run Bat

>Red Snake
>Favors side specials
>Has increased jump and loves to jump
>Aerials are more powerful

>Curry filled
>Favors neutral specials
>Acts randomly

>Red Snake
>Favors down and neutral specials
>Bob-omb rain

>Red K Rool
>Starts with Super Scope
>Becomes more powerful after eating
>Item wave: Food (Sandwich)

>Builder Mario and red R.O.B
>R.O.B has super armor
>Item: Hammer

>White Robin and red K Rool
>Both become invincible at random

>Mii Gunner
>Only uses charged shots
>Avoids close combat

>Joker (Snake if DLC isn't available)
>Becomes invisible at random

Character: ???
Summons Allies: Incineroar, Erdrick
Likes Taunting
Match starts with Banjo & Kazooie insta dying

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All together
>Mii Gunner team
>half of them start with items (bat for scout, fire flower for pyro, team heal for medic, etc)
>Shadow Moses?

>Favors egg attacks
>Loves to taunt

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I spat my drink when I saw Kaz nonchalantly floating there during that Nintendo Direct.

> King Dedede
> Brinstar Battlefield form
> The floor is poisonous
> The enemy is larger
> The enemy is heavier
> The enemy likes to taunt

>Mario (Mario Maker costume)
>Ray gun equipped
>ROB (Red) Assist
>The enemy (ROB) is giant after a little while

Shinji Ikari

>wario who spams down B
>Also likes to taunt
>Several yellow kirbys appear throughout the fight

Giant Wario on Spiral Mountain
Enemy favors down specials
The enemy has super armor and is hard to launch or make flinch
The floor is sticky

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