Literally perfection

Literally perfection

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Eh FFVII had better girls. She didn't really do anything for me.

A dead girl
A bar winch
A underage ninja

She's not even the best girl in her own game.

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Most based scene in the entire franchise. No sane, alpha male should ever endure a pathetic woman like Quistis.

oops wrong pic

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>Sane alpha male
He's the definition of a SIMP

Quistis is amazing. Squall is a retard

Quisti's was beautiful. Rinoa was fucking garbage. She and Squall felt forced as fuck.

I bet you're some faggot who thinks fuuckboy Cloud is some kind of chad

She should have kept wearing that school uniform. Her other outfit is terrible.

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Fucking this. Rinoa is absolute shit. Remember how other party members had to remind Squall to rescue her? Even he didn't like her stupid, obnoxious ass.


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A simp would've listened to everything Quistis said and replied back with beta shit like "I'd never do that to you" and similar. I bet most of you would do that instead of telling her to fuck off with her deserved, petty problems.

Stop with these tranny pronouns

They all look good in it

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She's hot as fuck. Squall was retarded going for ugly annoying chink girl.

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Ugly used goods.

have you spent time with teenagers since you were one?

No one in this game looks or acts they're age since they're being trained as solders.

Rinoa acts her age and that's why everyone hates her

Aerith and Jessie are in their 20's and act like her too. I think they're just sluts user.

Irving acts his age, only a teenager can be a trained sniper incapable of taking the shot.

Go blow your mom's head off

Irving flubs due to the outrageously unlikely situation of being asked to blow his foster mother's head open by his old foster family who all act like they've never met him, her or each other

I'd like to smell her boots. The ones she wears with her SeeD outfit, not the loafers she wears with pants in her default outfit.

And he still tries after his hesitation

Agreed Selphie is best and I want to smell her boots most of all

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Quistis is gorgeous and kind, even playful, but she's also incompetent.

Also she has just killed the fucking President in front of a cheering crowd and what I can only assume is national television coverage. All in all, not a good day for Irving

Irvine is okay

>All in all, not a good day for Irving
he got to see some cool minotaurs though

Those minotaurs were probably gay

I want Quistis to whip me while telling me
I’m a bad SeeD candidate.

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I want Quistis to kick you in the balls while telling you your seed has been rejected

Rule 63 Squall is best girl

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They were brothers and very child like

The most generic animey girl in the game.
Made for faggots like you.

That's an excellent point, shame the game itself didn't bother to explore or even bring this up in the entire fucking game. Maybe it came up in some optional throwaway dialogue? Who knows, who cares this game is such a train wreck. Like the game just lost all of it's momentum after Galbadi Garden. You'd think that Rinoa going into a coma would have done just the opposite.

thank you user

Nah. Just ignore the orphanage scene and the game improves by miles.

You're all wrong, best girl in FFVIII is Ultimecia.

Quistis was perfection. Selphie could be cute but she was mostly kind of a dumbass. Rinoa was the fucking worst girl.

But she's literally mentally retarded.
Which makes it better

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that oddly look like leon no way fag pic.

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Selphie is the competent one; it is Quistis who is a dumbass. She's a failure as a teacher and also bungles her mission to assassinate the sorceress. Selphie meanwhile runs her own website and successfully destroys the missile base.

>uglier Terra
>bar wench with no personality outside of "muh Craudo"
>annoying underage nip girl only liked by contrarians who don't want to pick between those two above
>"muh Craudo" 2.0 that dies at start
Which girl again you were referring to?

Her feet are weird

>The most generic animey girl in the game.
First off, that's Rinoa. Second of all, literally all the girls are anime tropes. Quistis is literally the standard MILF looking teacher. Except they make her 17 years old to try and be slighty different. She might as well be in Onegai Sensei.

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what is her fucking problem?
from the wait up she's is a turbo qt3.14
but she she wears some shitty man pants under her skirt

Selphie is a slut

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I mean the way she acts and trips over shit, not what she's doing behind the scenes. She's acts almost Mihoshi levels of retarded on a day to day bases. I don't hate her but they could have toned some of that shit down.

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I wonder if the Japanese take on the 'whatever' quote as well.
Same goes for Zell and his love for 'hot dogs'.

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Her face could be more perfect. Like having a stronger jaw so she doesn't look deformed.

Whatever is better in every instance.

FFVIII had one the best, arguably the best, Disc 1 of any the FFs or whatever the equivalent would be today or during the Nintendo days. Episodes? Part X?
Point is, it started out strong. It initially nailed the setting, selling the fantasy of being a student in a magic military school, it ruled. Disc 2, while starting out strong as well, started to shake under the weight of expectation and an increasingly cancerous romance plot. Disc 3 is when everything just crashed and burned.
Even if you removed the Orphanage scene, there still remains a reviled romance, a completely jumbled plot, and party characters whose arcs are at best an afterthought.

>I mean the way she acts and trips over shit
What does she ever trip over? I think she has one line where she says "Peace and love!!" but I can't think of any others. She is a spaz on the train, but I think she's fine after that.

A rock. In her introductory FMV no less.
Her destroying the missile base consists of randomly pressing buttons. She makes Zell look like a brain trust.