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god I want to fuck Shinji
>phone game
This but with Rei.
looks like ass desu
nevermind, its mobile shit. false alarm.
user this looks retarded
was hoping for battlefield 2142 but w/ animes but instead its some gay fighting gmaE???
Is this a common thing? The fuck is attractive about him?
can I romance with kaworu as shinji
What a clever way to channel the franchise's soul and strength into video game form
I will stick to my hose real thanks.
nice 3D models, the rebuild movies were trash though
>eva amiibos
if that shit works for nintendie manchildren, I don't see why it won't work for sperglords who still worship eva over two decades later
Why is Mari so prominent? Is she that popular?
Should I watch this anime
not unless you consistently pretend to have 1500 iq
thanks for outting yourself zoomer
typical Yas Forumsermin brainlet
The original show and End of Evangelion are good. The first rebuild movie is okay. The second and third rebuilds are shit.
it's literally obligatory to post on Yas Forums aside from being 18
Videogames are for young people. It would be more odd to play videogames at an older age.
It'll absolutely work in that it'll make a bunch of money. Still looks a shit game. WHY?!??!
>Anyone who hasn't watched what I like is a zoomer
You had your first time as well, my dude. No need to be arbitrarily elitist.
The Rebuilds are great.
Also how do I download Jap games for Android?
This post reeks of underage.
this post reeks of underaged zoomer newfaggotry
Man of culture I see
Evangelion is a gateway anime of the worst kind for teenagers who think they are depressed, watch Gundam instead.
this looks like garbage dude lol
yes but the show has no where near enough fight scenes and far too much SOL stuff
The monkey's paw curls.
Anno isn't even trying anymore is he?
Can I romance misato?
He’s a cute shy boy who would probably do anything you ask him to for your approval
Yeah man if you don't mind the whole monster of the week episode
Like jerking off to my sleeping body?
the monster of the week is the best part though
I'd want a 3rd person beat em up though
anno hasn't fucking tried since the end of evangelion
the rebuild movies were full on sell out mode trash
seriously hope people don't eat this shit up because it's branded with an anime they like
who am i kidding
A man of taste, as the first poster no less.
Maya is most underrated girl.
needs a city to give a sense of scale.
Literally who the fuck is the girl with the pink glasses?
>Series is fairly moody, yet still has a sense of levity until the 12th angel
>After Shinji defeats 12 the series goes full crazy.
So I think its safe to assume thats when the money ran out?
Mari Makinami.
Describe her character
crossover time
She is "I think another scientist from the time when EVAs were still new, she's seen in a photo with Shinji's mom, she was able to sync up with Unit 2 with no problems so something is up
Loves piloting the Eva. Like REALLY loves it. Thats about it. Also may or may not be connected to Yui.
looks like a shitty cashgrab, like everything related to nu-Eva.
oh cool I've been waiting for a eva game for a long ti...
I am so disappointed right now.
big tits girl who exists to sell figures and that's it.
has no character flaws.
fits into Eva about as well as you'd expect.
>disintegrating MP-Evas with that level of ease
they are meant to be literally the most deadly enemies faced in the entire fucking series, what is this shit?
I need to know. Are there really people that unironically enjoy the rebuilds? It's such a character assassination and the cgi has aged worse than the original.
I hope we get this in english
Shut up, Karl.
I'm honestly kinda amazed that Anno managed to perfectly embody the Millennial a decade and a half before they were even a thing with Misato.
I'm pretty sure they wanted to sucker in a younger audience with giant robot and alien fights then once the parents see "oh it's just some monster fighting show" then they turn up the heat
Can someone explain why Kaworu made this face for 15 minutes while Shinji was trying to not die?
Why didn't he help out, why was he thinking for 20 minutes?
All he had to do was imagine someone that never grew up emotionally after their mid-teens whilst taking on the responsibilities of an adult, which perfectly describes many millenials.
who's making it? If it's not bamco, they can fuck off. bamco is the only company I'd really trust with phone licenses because all their shit is pretty fair f2p.
>are there really people that unironically enjoy the rebuilds?
The same people who think the original NGE is boring or too old or "pretentious".
>He thinks the most normalfag anime of all time and the original "containment board" show has any hill to stand on
she's a time traveler, according to some theory (rumor?). all I know is that she's older than Shinji but younger than Yui. she knew Yui before she died.
But Shin Godzilla is his greatest work since Love & Pop, and both are better than Evangelion. Imagine how Shin Ultraman will be.
>EOP cucks coping for years on end
every fucking time
>most normie
mecha is normie repellent
There's literally a mountain of shit they'll never be able to understand because they're too simp to learn Japanese
Just do it
Shin Gojira was basically an extended Eva episode at points. Especially how they took Godzilla down.
Shin godzilla is getting a sequel right?
>Shin Getter Robo reveal in SRW Alpha
>Eva Unit 01 is going berserk
>Shin Getter Robo activates
>Unit 01 shuts the fuck up and calms down
a fuck ton of mecha was on toonami during the 2000's, its normie as fuck. and that's ok.
People know that there were like 50 shovelware Evangelion games released in Japan every year already until the HD era, right, including fucking Mahjong games