Why did it fail?

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no heart

horrendous preformance and bugs at launch

Gamers are low iq
It has way more heart than cawwadoody, fifa, gta, etc. Basically more heart than most of the games you enjoy

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cause it didint

-shallow copy of the original down to almost every detail
-none of the unique plot or setting of the original
-what lore did exist was shoved into a dumpster and lit on fire

It was worse on every single count except combat.

yes but this was not the reason why the game failed. Most people wouldn't know about this. Also the game was not really woke apart from visible minorities being forced into the game

Filtered brainlets in a streamer world, where people want straight lines to the cutscene rather than exploration based game. Literally the same shit as Prey 2017 when people got sponsored to play like an hour or two

>setting of the original

The setting in 2 is way better than 1. It's actually one of the best parts of the game.

>go from silent badass rescuing his daughter from political intrigue and a zombie plague to a roasty playing out the same story with sunshine so she can get back to doing drugs in her clubhouse

2 was basically just a Madden style yearly update of the original though just made shallower and more woke to please critics.

>franchise now dead

like fuck it didn't

i play none of those games

>direct sequel to a game that didn't need one
>direct sequel that's literally a copy pasta of the first game's dlc
>has a standalone dlc that takes a fat, nutty, durian infused ogre shit all over the game's world and story
really makes you think

Immersive sims had a brief resurgence in 2011/2012 and then died again a few years later when they released sequels. Happened to Deus Ex and Dishonored. Prey also failed to meet sales expectations.

do you think when this woke shit finally passes that we will get to go back and save all the franchises they killed?

It is more Dishonored but with more sun. Emily has lame abilities. Corvo is excatly same as before. They fucked up launch.

Yeah sure it has flaws but it certainly wasn't a bad game.

Never played but from what kept me buying were the long loading screens and frame rate

>It is more Dishonored

That's basically every sequel. That doesn't really explain why it failed.

yes but whatever games you did play probably had less heart than this game

> at launch
Game is still a broken down piece of shit on PC.

Shitty marketing when it was around release time, same for prey. Horrible launch, not being good as first

Because based Raphaƫl Colantonio didn't work on it and the cuck that is Harvey Smith did. Fuck him, fuck Anita Sarkeesian and fuck nu-Arkane, Colantionio did well fucking off from there.
Fuck Dishonored 2
Fuck DotO
Fuck jannies

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>It's actually one of the best parts of the game.

Please the setting is so boring and forgettable in 2 it barely registers, there's a reason they had to add so many gimmick maps.

>Also the game was not really woke apart from visible minorities being forced into the game
>the Empire now employ women and it's not even explained in the lore which would've been easy as fuck as saying "Emily's a girl and as an Empress changed shit"
>Wyman not being given a gender so tumblr trannies can think Emily's a homo
>half of the key NPCs or more are gay
>a literal tranny in a universe with 1800s level of technology
>made Billie the DLC's protagonist and gave her unironic time travel powers
It'll never not be funny how they fucked the IP to Star Wars Sequels/EU levels as soon as the sequel.

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I think it failed because bugs. I playing it right now. I started with Emily but after first 2 missions i switched to Corvo. And it is same like previous game. What i don't like i sun. It just doesn't fit to Dishonored. But there is realy nothing wrong with Dishonored 2. They just realy didn't add anything new. Story is there and i don't care about it at all. Outsider is still interesting character.

>because bugs.

Last time I played as Emily, Corvo's voice files still played when you return to the court room, that was like 2+ years after launch. Yeah bugs are a problem but they didn't kill the game it was the lazy rehash + killing the lore.

i just installed it yesterday after buying an rtx 2070 super to see if it runs better than on my old 5 year old r9 fury.
it doesn't. it still runs like shit.

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Game should've been Emily focussed with Corvo as an NPC ally.

Emily has zero sex appeal and most gamers are coombrains

>half of the key NPCs or more are gay
Who? The only gay shit I can remember in either game is that gay romance book in the first one.

get woke go broke

Games coming out with bugs is just another aspect of the incompetent left ruining games

explain bethesda games

>he didn't use the Heart on people

If you release game full of bugs, it kills your game. Same games can survive it if they offer something else or devs fix it soon enough. It plays more or less fine on PS4 now. Except guards get stuck on same places but that is fine. What is not fine is how they failed to explore that universe.

That is why i play games on consoles. Except Fallout 2 and RTS. It just work.

Runs like shit, setting was a straight downgrade to 1s, designing levels to be doable without powers made it so there had to be a stack of conveniently placed boxes everywhere, Emily is boring, Corvo lost all of his charm and cool-factor the second he opened his mouth, story was a woke retread of the first game, the outsider's new voice actor sounds like a fucking 8 year old calling a sex line
it's honestly amazing just how much the second game manages to fuck up, its like the developers forgot everything they got right in 1

I did, guess it just wasn't something I paid much attention to.

>tfw you played the whole game without any powers
t-take that Anita!

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Daily reminder that Billy Lush voiced the Outsider in Dishonored 1, and it was one of the best and most memorable parts of that game.

When they decided to make Dishonored 2, they never even asked Billy Lush about returning as the Outsider. Instead, they got someone else who sounds like a fucking edgy coke addict.

Usually I don't care about dumb shit like this, but they did my boy Billy fucking dirty.

i hated it because it was just mindless waiting for the mindless AI to get tf out of the way. Thi4f had better AI and that's just sad joke.

It is same Outsider? I was thinking it is different dude. I think worse is giving voice to Corvo.

Wasn't it because his reddit username was trannydestroyer or something like that?

>he thinks Anita plays the games she talks about

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The same reason why Deus Ex Mankind Divided flopped.

The first game sold really well so they made a rushed cash grab made before consumers moved on to something different.

Yes. Yes it was.

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but she surely does her "hot takes" on them

The difference is Mankind Divided is pretty good even if it is half a game

I'm actually glad he's not in the dumpster fire that is anything D2 related. Makes it even easier to treat it as retarded fanfic unrelated to Dishonored 1.

Why was that considered derogative?

It could be that he loves trannys so hard he destroys their boy pussies

When the first one turned out to be nowhere near the stealth genre and just a magical ninja superhero game they lost the stealth fans. I mean, there's not a lot of them cause it's niche as fuck but when you market your game to a niche genre and then actually don't fit the genre you're going to take some lumps on the followup.

They were both rushed unfinished games that look pretty but had shit story and gameplay.

It was kind of cool they got Garrett's voice actor to play him.

Fucking madlad. Kek.

All I want is a prequel about Daud starring Michael Madsen.

That's it.

Is that too much to ask, world?

>During development, test players discovered methods of exploiting the available powers and abilities to achieve unexpected outcomes; instead of restricting these techniques, the designers attempted to redesign levels to accommodate them.

And this is why Dishonored is so kino.

For me, I played Dishonored 1 and didn't care for it. The stealth was weak compared to Thief.

You wouldn't want that under nu-Arkane, trust me.

It's almost as if the game isn't trying to be Thief. It's almost as if that's the very reason you're given powers to teleport or stop time.
Unless you're talking solely about the AI, because I'd agree it's retardedly stupid even when playing in Very Hard.

because the first one sucked and I didn't want anymore.

What ever happened to Anita anyway?
Last i heard that Feminist Frequency went bankrupt after she cucked Jonathan.

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