You ready bros?

You ready bros?

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>tfw cancelled my pre-order for Doom Eternal because I bought an Oculus to play Alyx

at least I know I can play it in a couple of months for a fraction of the price

Absolutely baffled by your decision but I guess to each his own.

I was ready a month ago, I fucking need it

>Perhaps, in exchange for my*head gets cut off*
Fucking kek.

I don't care about Doom.

It was genuinely a bittersweet decision because I am still so incredibly excited for Doom Eternal but I just have to experience Alyx

>An example of what NOT to do
Thanks, user.

>tfw the mongolian dude killed himself

I hope I don't regret it because Eternal looks incredible, but I know that it will be sat waiting for me once the VR porn novelty wears off and it will be cheaper

enjoy eternal though

Experience it in a few years if VR doesn't suck by then and a better game exists anyways.

Man, VR is neat, but I'm confident you're about to really regret that choice user. That game is going to be mediocre as fuck and a total let down.

>waiting for a game to be a fraction of the price
>not waiting for the 1k VR headset to be a fraction of the price
>for one game

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Oculus rift is £399 though, I can't afford the Index haha and I've bought Alyx, Walking Dead and Beat Saber - the main reason I cancelled Eternal is I know I probably won't play it in the same week I pop my VR cherry so it would be a waste of money

Tried playing the first game and I liked it well enough but I can't say I like the "kill room" level design where most of the maps are arenas which trap you in. Someone rationalize this to me as a good gaming decision.

I did the VR thing. Even with a couple interesting games, that shit gets old fast. Lowkey regretted it not even a month after.
Sold it last year.

>Bethesda actually didn't want a metal soundtrack in 2016

>thread isnt shitted up yet
Yeah i dont think i remember being excited instead of cautiously optimistic about a game until now. I'm just kind of worried that we've seen all the game has to offer, it really was over-advertised. I'm also a little bummed that the Tyrant doesn't look all that difficult to fight.

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i'll wait 2 or 3 years or until its less than 15 bucks

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No thanks. I don't like console FPS.


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My dick can only get soooooo hard

I peo ordered the game after watching the second trailer about 10 times, but man, after watching many videos and the latest trailer my hype died down and i dont really care, i replayed doom 2016 and it sorta felt boring and repetitive near the end :/

what's up bethesda paid shills

2016 sorta felt boring and repetitive through it's entirety, as is the case with most console shooters

the upgrades throughout early to mid game made it feel exciting but when you have everything maxed out with all runes maxed on the last 2 levels it just feels too easy and repetitive


Hey mom, look, I posted it again!

>Not getting both

Do you work at McDonald's or something?

>am I ready


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>just finished first playthrough of ultraviolence
I don't remember it being piss easy. The bosses especially. Tips on Nightmare?

don't stop moving, literately it
those projectiles like 2 shot you

I'm waiting till I see the reviews. I they're good I might get it friday night

fuck seriously ?

It's the OG Doomguy from the 90's. Flashbacks tell he got involved with the Sentinels after they found him injured and then captured him (he was wearing the OG armor at this time). After they captured him, they forced him into a gladiator arena against other warriors and he of course won and proved himself worthy to be among them.

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>same guy who did the mongol singing in civ 6

This would have been a lot cooler to find out by yourself

this is too much story for doom, why should anybody care about this

user spoilers pls

>too many... word. hurt me small brain

Dude what the fuck.....
Thanks for spoiling.....

I might have to stay off Yas Forums for a week or next friday so I dont see these spoilers.

>unga bunga shoot the demons game has to have 5000 paragraphs of lore behind it
Yeah miss me with that gay shit dude, I'll go play some faggot RPG if I want a good story.

we kind of already knew that from the doom 2016 data logs though

Why would you even be attached to the story to the point where spoilers ruin it for you? I am willing to bet money you haven't read the Doom Bible or played every previous entry.

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I might actually buy this day 1. Haven't done that since 2013

Get off my nuts faggot. I'm not into to you. Go find someone else to blow. Stop reaching in pants hard.

I'm personally waiting till friday to check reviews just to be safe due to bethesda's recent BS. pretty exited though. the combat looks great I think the review embargo ends on Tuesday

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Doom Eternal finale. It confirms Doomslayer and Doomguy aren't the same person (Pic is the Doomslayer)

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That's probably a better idea. I have never been burned by a day 1 buy as I so rarely do it, no need to tempt fate now. Especially considering who have influence over it

crack when?

He also speaks in the flashback scene!

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Take your meds

It doesn't have to have that, though. It's all skippable, you snowflake faggot.

This is kinda gay.

>watching Woolie's LP of 2016
>he gets through the final wave of the second to last level fairly easily
>I died there like 6 times because I forgot that I had the BFG
>didn't realize the glowing green orbs were BFG ammo
Well fuck.

Jesus, that's sad.

Imagine the smell.

I dunno, I kinda like it. Now if the Slayer talks I'll be a little irked.

Doom 2016 is still fantastic

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